Lag Ba'omer is a holiday celebrated on 33 days (hence the name ל"ג - Lag) the counting of the Omer, the Hebrew date of 18 Iyar
Just as three weeks, the Omer was originally a joyful period between the feast Passover and that of Shavuot.
However, the Talmud teaches that at the time of Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students died of a mysterious plague of divine origin, "because they do not respect each other." Jews celebrate Lag Ba'omer as the day when the plague ceased.
Some believe that this wound was the Roman army, and that the first generation of students of Rabbi Akiva died during the Bar Kokhba revolt, in which Rabbi Akiva was a major figure. Perhaps he considered that the defeat of Bar Kokhba is rooted in misunderstanding of his students, "because they do not respect each other."
This day is also the anniversary of the death (Hiloula) of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, the great Sage which is assigned the Zohar, or at least its core.
Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai part of the second generation of students of Rabbi Akiva, and as he had rebelled against the Roman power to the point of having to live in hiding.
This interpretation would also account for the custom of lighting bonfires on the night of Lag Ba'omer, because these lights were used at the time of the events described, as signals in wartime.
Origin Fete
Chassidut ACCOUNT THEORY Meron CABALE CHABAD VIDEO JUDAICA 'Rabbi Akiva had twelve thousand pairs of disciples, and this in Guivath to Antifras (read: "north and south of Eretz Yisrael "), and they all died in the same period, the reason being that they themselves honored not one another. This is why the world has been devastated (Rashi: "The Torah was entirely forgotten), and until that Rabbi Akiva goes to the" masters of the South "and teaches [the Torah] to Rabbi Meir , to Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yossi to, to Rabbi Shimon [bar Yochai] and Rabbi ben El'azar Chamou'a. And it is they who restored the Torah [to Israel] at that time. And they taught in a barayethaqu'ils all died of askari ("diphtheria") ... "(Yevamoth62b).
The greatness of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
The great day of Lag B'Omer. During those twenty four hours, we will ask D. receive great blessings. This day is also marked by Rabbi Shimon Hilloula Bar Yochai. To better understand the magnitude of the Tana, rediscover what we are taught Talmud, Shabbat 33b:
Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yossi and Rabbi Shimon was sitting not far from Judah, a son of proselytes. Rabbi Yehuda began the discussion by observing: "What a refinement in the works of this people (the Romans)! They built roads, bridges. They have erected baths. Rabbi Yossi
remained silent. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai said: "Everything they did, they did so for their own benefit. They built markets and have placed prostitutes, baths, rejuvenate them, the bridges raise tolls for them. " Yehuda, the son of proselytes went to report their conversation and the remarks came to the ears of government. They decreed: "Yehuda, who has leased property to be leased. Yossi who remained silent will be exiled to Sepphoris. Shimon who criticized us will be executed. " Rabbi Shimon
, accompanied by his son, went into hiding in the schoolroom. His wife brought them bread and a jug of water and they dined. When the threats became more severe, they went into hiding in a cave. A miracle occurred and a carob tree and a source of living water were created for them. They took their clothes and sat down, buried in sand up to his neck. They studied all day. When it came time to pray, they wore, prayed and took off their clothes again so they do not wear out. They stayed twelve years in the cave.
And then came the Prophet Elijah. He stood at the entrance of the cave and exclaimed: "Who will inform the son of Yochai that the emperor is dead and that the order is canceled?". Thus they could emerge from the cave. They saw a man plowing and sowing. They cried: "They have abandoned the eternal life and engaged in life time!". And everything upon which they cast their eyes immediately took fire.
An echo came down from heaven, who announced: "Are you out to destroy my world? Return to your cave! "They returned and lived another twelve months, saying:" The punishment for the wicked to Guéhinom (hell) is limited to twelve months. "
A heavenly echo was heard saying: "Get out of your basement! And now, everything that Rabbi Eleazar destroyed (with his eyes), Rabbi Shimon the repaired. Rabbi Shimon said to his son: "My son! You and I are sufficient for the world. "
the eve of Sabbath before sunset they saw an old man holding his hands two bunches of myrtle and running. "What is that?" They asked? "This serves to honor the Shabbat," replied the old man. "But one bouquet you enough?" They asked? "One is for" Remember the Sabbath Day "and the other to" keep Shabbat "replied the old man. Rabbi Shimon said to his son, "Look how precious are the mitzvot of the people of Israel." And thus regained their minds calm.
That D. grant that our love of mitzvot gives us deserves to live today the Messianic time with the revelation of Moshiach our fair, like it so it will be already with us on Lag B'Omer. Deriving
duTalmud, Shabbat 33b