Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trichomoniasis Last How Long

it only happens once! Do not steal bikes

is now two weeks since we celebrated the tenth day of the tenth month of the tenth year of the third millennium. for the occasion, we offered a ride not far from Angers, on the banks of the Louet. rendez-vous/check up a gear was scheduled at 10 am (of course!) kiosk in the garden of the mall and off for a picnic after two hours on a small beach side Louet right. .. rillettes, organic wine, tomatoes and large loaves accompanied shipbuilding, swimming and exploring trees. torpedoes and sieve. then it was time to move, to head back for some, to continue for others. the most valiant will be about two kilometers more to file their little asses so hard muscled by the sofas boarding. piautre and always facing the sun sifted Louet (left side this time).
short, a great day champestre, bike, booze and friends. to reiterate.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Saint Barnard/ New Fenlind Dog

a bike polo with which you can ride on a flying ... more seriously a long time ago that I wanted to test this assembly, wheel and tire mtb slick front, top and hanger bracket raised to compensate the smallness of the frame and the bar end placed at the center of the hanger ... good feelings that
barspin ;-)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday Dentist Austin

bro '

Bike Thief vs. Street Justice from triple we Vimeo

I announce, the first to touch my runway without authorization duly signed by me personally, it is the same Rate!

Lucas (back soon)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can You Catch Toxoplasmosis From A Dog

Obviously the Nobel Prize for development has yet to be invented. A little recognition would certainly be rewarded because only a handful of leaders could rely. Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva is the only political leader of the early second millennium that should really be an undisputed winner. Few politicians of this century, and even the last century, have so marked the history, both in their respective countries and internationally. Became president of Brazil, promising to tackle to poverty and development of his country, even though he never attended university, Lula could certainly give lessons to many recipients of the Nobel Prize in Economics. No one knew where in Brazil attempts at change the new president would lead the country. Now then Lula, armed with his passion for his country alone and aware he was not entitled to error, was far from amateurish see that everyone believed in him. Coming himself from a fringe of the population most deprived, he set a goal of the radical break with the past. His past, but also that of Brazil. He needed a "before and after Lula! This union-metallurgist (as the old Polish Lech Vales ) has confused more than a skeptic, especially the rich in his country. Since all now know what change means. Not that continuity, but change, in that it starts with a radical break with the status quo ante to lead the revival. A revolution, in short. It is that China, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping , to claim such a transformation in the background. But Deng, "Little People's father" was a dictator acting authority to correct totalitarian and murderous excesses had brought about "Cultural Revolution" of Mao Zedong . In other words Deng Xiaoping before him had no opposition, no mechanism of power-cons. Sole master on board, opening a forced march towards a market economy has enabled China to begin the giant leap that we know. Without the standard of living of the poorest Chinese actually be found! The gap between rich and poor, characteristic of economic liberalism, has since continued to widen. China is rich, yes, but not the Chinese ...
Conversely Lula in a democratic system where his election was surrounded by suspicion by the right hitherto all-powerful, can boast of being able to power by the overwhelming vote of the poorest. So even the rich gold lease its action today. Simply because they are richer than they were before him, and that policies "socialist" from the President have never been made for worry. To have enabled 20% of poor access to purchasing power is quite good for the dynamism of the economy, so for business. With "the scholarship of Lula," a sacrament of between 50 and $ 100 monthly, the President with one stone two birds left out of the past now have a fixed income. Provided to educate their children ... Having himself been introduced to some scholarship, no university degree, the former shoeshine illiterate until the age of ten years from today in the legend of his living alone and before Nelson Mandela .
At the end of his second and final term, the balance of Lula is so impressive that Obama himself popular among the popular, does not hesitate to say his counterpart that he [Lula] is the most popular man of the earth ...
With Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil, which was only known for soccer and with the masterful Pele is so far recognized as a major economic power and world politics .... Placed eighth, it will soon be the fifth largest economy just after France! Lula had previously pushed to the front of the Brasilia international scene with a brilliant action, almost a crime of lese-majeste: In Santiago, Chile, during the 12th summit of the Asia-Pacific It counteracts the pretensions of George Bush to control the economic-political zone of the APEC . To focus instead on free trade Southern Common Market (Mercosur ) (1). Lula then foment a real cabal to isolate the president of the United States he did not smell of sanctity. And history does not stop in so good way, he proposed and obtained the privileges of a G8 Almighty be transferred to a G20 extended to "big emerging powers." On the heels and sides of another "great becoming" Turkey, Brazil agree to Tehran to enrich its uranium in Brasilia and Ankara. To save face for the irascible Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and thus unblock the impasse bogging down the issue of Iranian uranium. A breakthrough that the international community has failed to obtain. The United States, to please Israel, unfortunately reject the agreement. On his accession
Lula decreed, is often forgotten, the cessation of debt payments to his country International Monetary Fund (IMF ). But the president has insisted that no one could ignore that Brazil has just lent $ 10 billion in IMF-and therefore the international community, through the purchase of good bond. Time will only failed to Lula in his ambition to get his country a permanent seat on the Security Council of UN. But the stage is set, and it now belongs to his successor, Dilma Rousseff , propelled in its tracks by the stature of Lula, to reach there to sit the "big" to deal on equal terms .
Luiz Inacio "Lula" da Silva can now already entered the pantheon of the most illustrious rulers of the earth. But during his lifetime as Mandela and Obama. While Lula
Santo subito ?
(1) Source Wikipedia. The Southern Common Market - Mercosur for Hispanics, for Lusophone-Mercosul is the fourth commercial space in the world (behind Europe, North America and South East Asia) and represents a potential market of some 200 million consumers. It was established March 26, 1991 by the Asuncion Treaty between Brazil, Argentina (both been linked since 1985), Paraguay and Uruguay. Its objectives: the free movement of goods, services and factors of production, establishment of a common external tariff, the coordination of macroeconomic and sectoral policies and laws of the Member States.
Free trade is imposed on 85% of 9000 products within the terms of the agreement, 15% - capital equipment, chemistry, computer science - subject to a transitional arrangement until 2006 at the request Brazil, who wishes to prepare the areas subject to free competition. Since the area is of interest: Chile and Bolivia signed a free trade agreement with Mercosur In July 1996, Venezuela and Colombia have applied for membership and Peru has also expressed ...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Best Of Penthouse Tiffany


Contrary to the principles enshrined in the UN and that its members subscribe virtuously, international justice to sacrifice more prosaic motives and generally few questions on the Right. In this regard, states often sin by action or omission. A series of factors taken individually or in combination with each other to explain, even when they simply can not justify the positions of countries on the international scene: the interests point, the traditional ties, public opinion, pressure groups, the proximity of elections, opinion polls ...

The Security Council of the UN is the place par excellence where "the spirit of the law" is constantly subverted, perverted and trampled to Loved vets! All members of this gathering to do it with ease, apparently without qualms, and often all sense of shame as the support they show sometimes insult to intelligence. When they do not hit the "universal morality" meant dictate international relations! Or so we expect those who sit on the Security Council as they provide evidence of equity because their decisions affect all peoples of the earth. There is something unhealthy to have one of its permanent members refuse stubbornly only condemn wrongdoing-for example, a massacre perpetrated by a third country against another people. This is the case of the United States and Israel. The successive U.S. administrations, Democratic and Republican, resolutely prevent the other members of the Security Council to blame, by veto interposed, all too many abuses Tel-Aviv chapter of human rights in Palestine. There, in the twenty-first century, Israel demonstrates a barbarity found only in the pages of the bloodiest in human history. Difficult to understand for a country born of compassion and international solidarity. And this, we can not hide it, to the detriment of the Palestinian people that oppresses today blithely turn! The founding documents of the UN explicitly define the behavior (especially bonds) of the occupier vis-à-vis the occupied ... even if the occupation and the war permits, are prohibited. Because the united nations was created precisely for that, the promotion of peace and the banishment of war in the world. But since we do not live in a perfect world ... It is also not that the United States to compromise himself in the odious. Each of the major powers includes the benefit of "his" crimes they virulently denounced the case of others. We reached the grotesque when a man, but only one pass through the goodwill of those powers, the status of an angel than demon, and that we want to involve the whole international community in the transfer of feelings of love -hatred. Friends and enemies change frequently place in this dangerous game of musical chairs where alternate alliances and interests of the moment that set these unions often hidden. When they do not simply merge. Many dictators have experienced and their dependent, falling, at the height of glory in disgrace signifying the end of the interest which formerly bestowed the West. Often after "good and loyal service" rendered to their constituents that time ... Yesterday the Shah of Iran, Bokassa, Idi Dada Min and Mobutu, but also Noriega and Marcos ... More recently his fallen angels, glorified leviathans have names for Saddam Hussein and Muammar (which has its wings back on ... with more or less successfully). The list, with the erection of International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY), will probably go on growing. Some of which the United States, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia and North Korea (amazing promiscuity) have not joined the institution of this body of international justice will not change anything.

elevator, opportunism, guilt or simply "political realism", the reality of justice map and found two speed helped create monsters. Both the side of those who usually benefit from that among the rebels too many of a world acting in a biased open. Protected and untouchable form a "club" and closed with small sesame remains historically-but-tragic drama! In other words: Being a victim of genocide is now, paradoxically, after a shameful exploitation, an enviable status. To recognize the fact the international community deploys more energy than preventing-and-above all prevent its commission ... Or so those who have hitherto been recognized as victims of genocide, many will claim but few are "chosen" - the same time receive a carte blanche, a blank check authorizing their actions more reprehensible and their various crimes resulting in a total impunity. How surprising therefore that in such a context of laxity, the victims of yesterday have been tempted to become the executioners of today? Assuredly is what is Israel to the Palestinians for too many decades already. The contempt for human life as evidenced by the state Hebrew in the occupied territories would bring him, with international opprobrium, the official condemnations and sanctions more stringent than those outstanding amounts Iran of the mullahs. Its blockade as wild as its colonization, its indiscriminate and repeated raids on the civilian population of Gaza: What power a plea of crimes against humanity and other provisions of international justice. But nothing ever comes. Result, a monstrous creature satiated insensitivity, cruelty, selfishness and arrogance with impunity defy the international community, Israel! Only the Nazis, the executioner of the past of the Jewish people had thus been able to do before them. History stutters tragically ...

1994: The Tutsi are affected by a massacre organized nature. The murders are perpetrated by the Hutu regime loyal to then. In total nearly one million people were massacred, among whom are listed a few so-called moderate Hutus, before the UN does not recognize the crime of genocide to describe the events that unfold before the horrified gaze of the entire international community . It is then, during as thousands of men, women and children were massacred and the United States in particular were reluctant to award the "good report" from victims of genocide only to other Jews. Since this is a status that has only rights and calls for no obligation! Yet today we know so much evidence and have continued to support the facts-that the men of General Paul Kagame, now Rwanda's president, had perpetrated the bombing that claimed the life of President Hutu Juvenal Habyarimana . Several dissidents Rwandan Patriotic Forces (RPF) who accompanied Kagame in Kigali on his victorious march testified to that effect, in support of the findings of a French parliamentary commission. A famous Parisian judge went so far as to indict some caciques RPF for the attack considered as the trigger for the massacres. The France of Sarkozy has been yet intrepid fallen miserably, all sense of shame, facing the wrath of Kagame. But that may well fear this small portion of Paris that is Rwanda? Is that realpolitik has been through it, this concept with blurred that allows the dwarf to threaten the giant. Otherwise why Ban Ki-Moon hasten it, unprecedented for a secretary-general of the UN, to go before the General Kagame to assure him of his support, that is to say that the international community it represents, for a mea culpa which incidentally should hire him. And this just before the publication of a report by its own experts damning the Tutsi regime in Rwanda of genocide in the Hutu refugee camps in eastern DRC neighbor! It was unusual for the approach of the Secretary-General of the UN manifesto, is it necessary, through an international policy prostitute, subservient to Realpolitik. Maintain it pays, but also loses. Many credibilities have failed so dramatically on its banks, trying to ride the wave of the "here and now! Low vision voluntary temporary needy or just intellectual vision shortcuts and immersed in the immediacy, Ban Ki-Moon could not hardly get out unscathed. Clearly the Secretary-General of the UN must pledge in order to forget his unwelcome Rwandan getaway on a collective amnesia of the international community. Carpe diem therefore, History nobody holds anything. Since memory men is a faculty that forgets . The memory of the victors, not the losers ... And history as a memory of humanity holds in her stubborn plustard to disclose all the traits that humans carve the court of his parchment. From this story it will be understood that the characterization of genocide is certainly not a matter of justice, but barely! Injustice, or only the bias is often simply a matter of perception. Or so the idea that people do it-especially to those who rightly or wrongly believe do not benefit from it-is sometimes tougher than the given factual Item producer of meaning. Whether one believes in identifying the attitudes of 'major players' international ambitions of convenience is enough to conclude that justice perverted, serving against each other ... Also the spectacular twists which fans are the "powerful" incite suspicion about their loyalty. It may take less for the minds and radicalize the guns thundered. In terms of international justice law, for what it too often aligns Realpolitik-erasing gains made along the way in pain-similar to the policy of "scorched earth". It is the policy of the firefighter-arsonist!