Monday, May 18, 2009

Lack Of Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy


In the twenty-first century, sometimes at the very heart of the "democracies" - In Europe, America and Australia, certain ethnic minorities living on the margins of society.
is seeking by every means to dismiss the distance like a bone stuck in the craw. In the old continent Gypsies bother. Proliferating and swarming like flies which one would be tempted to slow the progression, or spread. Australia, Canada and United States (unlike the rest of America where death squads often rife with impunity against indigenous), the feeling towards the "Indians" is fortunately less forbidding, far from it. Even if it's not for lack of trying: the attempts to exterminate the indigenous conquistadors from Europe remain vivid in the memories of descendants of victims!
Now therefore Europe: Soil of "international racism?
Even when the gypsies 'European' increase in number, also First Nations Canadian, U.S. and Australian Aborigines are actually threatened with extinction. Preceded into oblivion by the virtual disintegration of their cultures. Notwithstanding the fact that the laws dictated by concern for the preservation of relics, it's good for tourism, trying somehow to restore the foundation. So we are trying to put in her jar of spilled oil.
link between all its peculiarities: the one and the other moving at the periphery of social swarming; stored in reserves, formed into bands, divided into hordes, or in packs.
accepted, tolerated and supported often ostracized ...

Roma, Gypsies, Gypsies, Travellers ... Some names with accents of exotic flamenco, rhythm which incidentally are those credited to the account of which, most of the time it is brought marauding, plundering , robberies, and murders recently.
Although European citizens in their own right, they are all undesirable. They are even in their own countries where they fish, however, by not integrating. Nomadic, the Roma have never been able or willing to take roots. Exonerate the territorial connection they feel at home everywhere. However they are all foreign!
Now therefore the main guidelines of the Lisbon Treaty (1) enshrines the movement of people ...
Travellers-illiterate, the majority have realized that they could now happily travel throughout Europe. And install their caravans where they wanted them well. That is to say nowhere! Gypsies are so hated by the people of the countries they defile that governments are trying, in defiance of the Treaty of Lisbon, to discard every way. Some adopt local rules specifically designed to control Roma stay home. The prize goes obviously to Italy's Silvio Berlusconi. His interior minister has designed a neo-fascist law that would envy him the "Duce" Mussolini himself. The Signor Roberto Maroni longer than we wanted to talk about a law that we prélevât fingerprints of Roma residing in Italy ... Criminals before the crime!
To which the European Parliament objected, pointing strongly to moderation Rome: Europe is and remains keen on a set of human rights.
France, she is subtle. Minister Brice Hortefeux (it has the of Immigration, social integration, and co-development) has thought of a stratagem everything Sarkozian more to counter the establishment of Gypsies on French soil. These are now considered as tourists ... or relegated to the rank of "undocumented". In the first case they are allowed, and for all tourists to remain in France for a period of three months less a day. After this period the law requires evidence of Supply
... A big joke when we know that unemployment among Roma reached the staggering 90%, where they are. And since French law denying them the right to work, they inevitably end up being rolled over the border, or "guests" at the start against a meager savings. Between these two alternatives Gypsies know more than their share of the expulsion manu militari land where they bivouacked. Especially since these lands, after a hocus-pocus of municipal authorities, diligently find a new vocation: they are intended for emergency starts! Shortly
also rare: cases of molestation by the people, otherwise than by the police!
Rroma are safe anywhere. They sometimes have the hello in the "relocation" one prefecture to another flight, refugee status, moreover, rarely granted. Except in cases of extreme violence. All these measures
Credence desire openly expressed by Prime Minister of Russian Federation, that a good Rroma Rroma is dead ...

"The Wild Wild West"
One of the attractions for tourists, Europe and Asia in particular, visiting Canada, and to a lesser extent the United States is able to see the Indians lolling lazily in front of their tepees and clouds of smoke by calling to intermediaries. Or so the huts skin have long since given way to prefabricated housing. Sioux, Apaches and other Cree n'enfourchent little more thoroughbred geldings, even if the Inuit (2), the polar winter comes, still moving sled dogs. Each other and usually use motorized machines like everyone else, the phone and laptop shoulder. But all stereotypes remain strong. They only have "evolved", as part of the zeitgeist. Technology has prevailed there too. However all is not lost for the tourist disillusioned. Now the "First Nations" or "Aboriginal" went from a wild to another. They are now relegated to the reserves; living on the margins of mainstream society. For reasons of cultural preservation and this threatened species ... . The apple of the eyes of the Canadian government, in fact. Or only the crown jewels. And like all of the gems it is locked. Hidden. Often shown ... but-still-finger. To hate or raptures, depending on whether you are Canadian or tourist. Because the resolutions of the caring public authorities do not always join the feelings of the people: Canadians white felt, in their majority, that First Nations have some kind of positive discrimination which is not to say his name. The real-Aboriginal but also all other ethnic minorities (people of color, in terms more politically correct) - are expected on the terms of employment in the public service, be preferred over whites. At equal competence. Question of representation for a proactive policy of achieving COTAS. Who, it must be emphasized, are do not. But that nobody knows.
Nothing else brings the other aboriginal minorities. The first live in the host population. While First Nations are explicitly encouraged to remain in their reserves. By dint of incentives some more pernicious than others: the public financial assistance for those who remain in the reserve or: all manufactured goods sold on Indian reservations are exempt from taxes. The rest of the Canadian population accepts evil, she is awash in one of the heavier taxation of the Western world. Needless to say, such a "privilege" undoubtedly produced perverse effects, including smuggling is not the slightest. Cigarettes-guns etc. but also pass .- border-porous-between Canada and the United States. Because a sense of the most irredentist-through-another Indian on both sides of the border consider themselves members of a single whole. Exit nationalities. And therefore loyalties to the homeland. And rules that govern it. In the first chapter, the law: the latter is, in some reserves, only customary and generally told by a "meeting of wise men" broken in one exercise habits and traditions. Inuit justice is downright quarterly
... A judge went there for one day, transported by plane! In Meanwhile the country remains a lawless area neglected in the hands of warlords (3); they are there rain or shine and once the wizard and the Grand Sachem.
The federal and provincial policies have virtually no place on Aboriginal reserves; no intervening in cases of extreme gravity. That is to say almost never. Of "peacekeepers", local security guards, struggling to keep the peace.
Another exception is acquired by Aboriginal people, alcohol. It flows freely at home. But not dry. Is that in these true islets of permissiveness that the reserves no regulations limiting access to alcohol. Even whites to leave their bars closed early, it will eventually watered evenings indefinitely from their "fellow indigenous" delighting the taste of grass nearby! About
grass-or toxicant there any appearance-it is there as abundant for the sake of all consumers. Whites such as Aboriginal. Rampant drug dramatically among First Nations, decimating populations, especially youth, far more effectively than before the muskets of the conquistadors. Even when the drug is cheap reserves, however it is there beyond the reach of all budgets. Young people were quick to find alternatives sucking fumes are highly toxic, tar! Even death. When they do not commit suicide before (4).
Some indigenous peoples live in sanitary conditions around the third world: without running water or electricity. In Canada, the twenty-first century ...

one American to another
At some controversy about the rights of First Nations in Canada and the United States are real and guaranteed. Coded texts law. Elsewhere in America the situation of indigenous peoples is poor, their rights openly flouted. Mexico-Chiapas-the magazine in Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, through Ecuador, all Indians are relegated to the status of second class citizens at best, in the worst case they are treated as "sub -men. " With a marked preference for the second category. Cultures
millennia now relegated to the rank of mere tradition, ingenuity and other mythical Aztec Inca civilizations no longer mobilized for survival: Claims territorial follow those of the enjoyment of natural resources, status politico-legal, sociocultural and educational. In short, recognition of citizenship as promulgated by the City ...
Governments of countries of Central America-Mexico-evoke with them, not give the slightest bit of autonomy in their "native", the fear fragmentation of the state! And to make a forced assimilation of Indian communities. In the barely concealed goal of harmonization that resembles nothing so much as a blind uniformity of culture. Making a two things: Preserving the unity of the country and eliminate any claim that could force the government to loosen purse compensatory damages to the securities of all wrongdoing, from generation to generation, on indigenous peoples. And that it benefited the Canadian First Nations. But then
in Central America it is to deny the Indians any aboriginal rights in the territories of their ancestors. Canada's policy is borrowed reserves. Here the "beneficiaries" the overwhelmingly reject. Because in Canada these enclaves, enjoying living in a large autonomy are necessarily built on the ancestral lands of indigenous people. Which is to restore culture. But the Indians of Mexico and elsewhere in Central America are systematically expropriated on behalf of a brutal industrialization seems to know no bounds. Conversely Canadian Indians demand and get as much as possible, as natural resources exploitation in their territories, by the government or the multinational-benefit their people. On behalf of aboriginal rights, exactly!
Destruction of socio-cultural fabric of a hand. Preservation of these values on the other. A whole world separates Natives of Canada and the United States, those of Central America. The former enjoy a "special" status maligned by their own white counterparts. However, that the indigenous Guatemalans live a quasi-apartheid. Worse in all cases that forced assimilation advocated by Mexico.
In such contexts, extreme, are conducive to the emergence of radical resistance. But, especially in these two countries, these movements for the emancipation of the indigenous cause are brutally repressed. The "dirty work" is often left in the hands of paramilitary networks of acquaintances who proved with the army, and receiving direct orders and technical resources to senior military hierarchy. The underlying ideology is openly declared racial or even racist. But racism exacerbated, reached the climax of the denial of another. The means: killing of indigenous people, rape, looting ... ethnic cleansing, perpetrated in other lands, or only on other people-would be recognized as genocide!

Revolution map cons
Despite overall refusal to pay a few skirmishes in the directory of litigation-after all light-pending, in Canada than elsewhere, whites and Aboriginals have finally smoked the peace pipe. Stored muskets, buried the hatchet. Support First Nations in Canada has had the effect of sleep warmongering that animated the "Elders" tempering the aggressiveness of many new generations. Now you go up to the plate for causes carefully targeted. We protested in each case. It claims the card after all.
Great Chefs of bands and some masterpieces and other democratically elected, are the only ones who take the language with public authorities. These "Great Sachems" of modern times are generally scholars versed in the practice of law or public administration.
While indigenous leaders from Latin America are in the majority, from the ranks of the resistance. And reached their height, because of the acuity of their struggle-the plight of their eventually sensitize the international community-a reputation beyond the local. Rigoberta Menchu's Guatemalan Nobel Peace was the defeated candidate in the presidential elections in his country. In Peru
Evo Morales had better fortune. Against all odds he was elected president. Against the will of whites. No wonder it just to preserve the unity of the country undermined by some of the richest provinces, the bastion of whites. These provinces have suddenly discovered the virtues of autonomy. It's just that the pill is still not digested by the caste of privileged people who conceived of as a supreme insult to be headed by a native: the Indian, this "thing" long relegated to the dustbin of history; and that it appears necessary for anthropological reasons, and that exhibits fossils. Or just to impress the tourists. Camped
force, and in turn the roles of objects / subjects of antiquity; or artists, the Aztec, Inca ... the Indian, can not exist otherwise. But
artists, as everyone knows, it is to entertain. But just for that.

(1) Treaty signed in Lisbon December 13, 2007 by 27 members comprising the European Union.
(2) Inuit: Aboriginal People-10.000-Quebec members in the far northern Canada on a vast hunting and fishing designated under the name of Nunavik.
(3) designation does nothing derogatory. The gang leaders are democratically elected indigenous leaders by their own, and whose legitimacy is duly recognized by the Canadian federal government.
(4) According to a report in 2007 on behalf of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, the suicide rate is three times higher among indigenous than non-Aboriginal population.
See also the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (February 1995)