Walter Spitzer
14 Adar, Adar
15 in Jerusalem and all ancient cities provided fora
Esther Ahasuerus :
"O God, confound the audacity and deceit.
These Jews, you want to deliver the kind
Whether you believe Lord, the refuse of human
In a rich country formerly sovereign
While they worshiped the God of their fathers, bless
Saw the course of their destinies prosperous.
This God, the absolute master of earth and heaven Is
point where the error appears in your eyes.
The LORD is his name. The world is his work;
He hears the sighs of the humble that contempt, Judge
all mortals with equal laws,
And from his high throne queries kings. "
" Yes! I will rise against them, saith the Lord of Hosts, and I will destroy Babylon, the name and trace the descendants and the descendants. "Esther and Mordecai
Babylon had been a powerful empire. At its head, the emperor Nebuchadnezzar thought he was a god. In his pride he had lowered the Temple Israel and reduced to ashes.
The Prophet Isaiah had anticipated the rise and fall of the tyrant fall in the size of the greatness of Babylon.
The Talmud on Purim is the definitive end of empire:
"Rabbi Yochanan explained in the following verse:
name is writing
track is language
son, c '
is the offspring of royalty, the queen Vashti .
S. Botschko
by Aert de Gelder
Aman arrived and then the king asked him: "What should be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor?" Aman and say to himself: "What other than the king would take me to honor it?" Aman replied to the king: "For a man the king wishes to honor, take a garment worn the king's royal, and a horse that the king came up and on whose head it will put a crown" . And the king said to Haman: "Go quickly and take the apparel and the horse which you spoke, and act like you have said to Mordecai the Jew who sits at the gate of the palace, especially omits no detail of everything you mentioned!
Aman then took the clothing and the horse was dressed Mordecai and ride the horse the main street of the city before him, exclaiming: "This is how we act towards the man whom the king wishes to honor."
Book of Esther
Queen Esther interceded A'hachevéroch to the king that he agrees to cancel the order made by his minister Haman. Through this plan maccabre Haman planned to destroy all the Jewish people to come on 13 Adar. Queen Esther battled with all his forces to defeat the dangerous plans of Haman. To have invested heavily in this battle to save his people from this threat, it had the merit to see the Megillah bear his name: Megillah Esther.
However, why fasting that precedes Purim 13 Adar is called there, too: The Fast of Esther? Indeed
where at the request of Mordechai, Queen Esther had to appear before the king to overturn the decree, she decided to fast for three days and asked all the Jews to follow Suze his example. This spiritual preparation before his appearance in the throne room of 14 to 16 Nissan. Therefore three days before 14 Nissan does not bring us back to 13 to 11 nissan but adar!
So why his name is associated with fasting, 13 Adar? On 13 Adar
correpond to another date. This was the day of battle. In fact, this date was originally set by Haman to undermine the existence of the Jewish people. Finally it was the day when our people fought battle anyone who tried to attack us at that time. That day, every child of Israel should have both fast and fight. Fasting to bring upon him divine help increase and fight to eradicate the enemies of Israel physically. However, the only one that could fast that day was Queen Esther. Only she was staying at the palace was threatened by any enemy. She did not need to keep his forces for battle. She could not fast. By
against the rest of the people could not follow his example, to devote all his energy to fight. They had to postpone the fasting at a later date.
is why Esther was the only fast on 13 Adar. For this reason this event also bears his name.
What do
D ... Purim as well as our people have had the upper hand over all his enemies, thus D ... still gives us the strength to finally have the upper hand on the exile and make us live D ... great marriage with his people through the revelation of Moshiach our fair.
after a speech the Lubavitcher Rebbe
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