Sunday, December 20, 2009
Pokemon Soul Silver Trade Emulator
The expectations for Barack Obama were so high that he could not disappoint them ... after a little less than a year in business! Unless one considers that "in the circumstances," the U.S. president is far more than we could humanly expect from someone other than himself! All citizens of the earth-elected since all the hoped-for miracles that Obama obviously could not come. And for good reason ...
Few people in America or elsewhere-were to question the political record of George W. Bush after his first year as president. Except of course for his Democratic opponents, so that was the role. As is conceded to a slightly retarded child, and which one expects the worst, all other turpitude President W. Bush were the lesser evil. And even at the end of his first term ordinary mortals would have failed to impute any evaluation (positive or negative) to the action of the 43rd U.S. president, as the latter was almost nonexistent. Bush distinguished himself when, in making war than al-Qaeda inspired him appropriately. Otherwise man would probably have remained an obscure dilettante which nobody would have dreamed of grant-useless-and disastrous second term.
Things are different for his successor, Barack Obama. From him the whole world, and especially everyone waiting he could settle his personal problems in the days that followed his entry into the White House.
What have we been surprised to hear young Chinese during passage of the U.S. president in their country, "it has done nothing ...." But what was he supposed to do so for them?
words, the man remains a central concern of his contemporaries throughout the world. Barack Obama continues to raise excessive expectations, disappointment for some, a profession of faith confessed by the most devout. Everywhere the man seems as though the messiah that boded nothing Only a year before he remportât presidential election! The fact, because qu'inusité contributes precisely to confer an aura almost mystical: it was this, it could just ...
The "mission" that Barack Obama has accepted is to manage the daily, which is well understood that it can wait quietly, and correcting the errors of his predecessor. It goes without saying that the heavy legacy liabilities in the form of poisoned gift-hampers the progress of the new administration. Never mind the perverse policy of GW Bush are so at all harmful than the current president is forced to act quickly, otherwise than in precipitation.
From the earliest days of his presidency Barack Obama was faced with the bankruptcy of an economy devastated by punitive expeditions initiated by the previous administration, as well as the financial crisis in which a tradition of laissez-faire ( sacrosanct dogma emulate supposed individuality) precipitated the American banks. The new president has diligently taken steps criticized in their time as they were unpopular: to go to the rescue and institutions financial subsidizing them with billions of dollars can be seen, even in America, as a preferential treatment in respect of the wealthy! Especially since it is unwise and mercenary manipulation of these "spoiled children" that led to the mechanical gripper and lead them into the fall. And the whole world with them!
While the vigorous intervention of Barack Obama helped identify the financial crisis and save the bankrupt banks in his country. But the concomitant adverse effects had meanwhile spread like a metastasis on the "real economy". Which found itself dropped by the financial system as a too heavy load. Throughout the unemployment rate continues to peak at the same pace as job losses due to "restructuring", if not outright closures as companies asphyxiated by an unbearable debt. Again the grumbling is heard in the U.S. population. The opponents of the president have beautiful game then spread this profession in bad faith, and the newly unemployed are susceptible-the president's actions have been for nothing!
Health and ideology
Seen from afar, we remain puzzled by the cohort of protesters opposed to the U.S. draft coverage health care for all! The average American, even those who pay exorbitant prices for her medical insurance does not cover these "socialistic tendencies," when it comes to health, yet no one condemns the state subsidizes tower arm rich farmers agricultural aviation companies, and today the big banks and carmakers. This paradox is not yet an enigma: In their relentless quest for lower heroic figure, and that it is a high-flying crook does not change anything, Americans feel toward an end to rich- achieve, "American Dream" requires-an indulgence that is also prepared to poor! Thus the free-and those who claim benefit, attracting suspicion. The wealthy, they are Bill Gates and Bernard Madoff, serve as models. While the payroll of the "tax payers" borders on infamy! Because these are practices that fall of communism and even fascism, willingly confess those watching knew little epithets. Adolph Hitler and Stalin to Obama, shortcuts have been widely borrowed without it really did not know why. But then Barack Obama
inherited of virtually all of everything that today dispute the United States. Well, and we could forget, the thorny issue of health insurance is provided courtesy of the Clinton administration. No Bill, but his wife Hillary, now secretary of state to Obama. She was once charged by her president husband was told also that she appropriated it again-proposing the project in both houses of the famous attempt of a smoker and health insurance extends to all Americans . With the result that we know. Hillary Clinton is
imposed to Obama that the project was a priority in his first term. Negotiating the peace, she demanded to advance the acceptance of new functions that were proposed. With the result that we do not know yet ...
We only know that the U.S. president is determined to complete this trial. And though it claimed and then some, in truth, no doubt he will succeed. Although after significant concessions to opponents who really have no choice but to endorse the president's wishes!
"Pax Obama" Barack
Accession Obama in the White House has had the effect of releasing some tension between America and the world. It is true that the war policy and Manichean-of-its predecessor had considerably "poisoned" international relations. And even if the world, far from it, do not always know peace, a certain calm presides implications once entrenched camps! Now therefore 'Stretched' U.S. President to Muslims worldwide, especially in Iran, some saw it as weakness, while for others it was acting in a gesture of Opening loaded with symbolism. Especially in these troubled times when Satan is one, and "the great devil" the other!
With a president who treats all his counterparts in equal-and equal-arrogance does not seem to be the other name of the United States. After less than a year in power Obama has managed the feat of humanizing the image of "Uncle George" the other George the "W" - had helped to demonize. Is it coincidence that the U.S. president is more popular than all its ... equal in their respective countries? Except perhaps (and paradoxically) in Israel, "the friend and ally" of Israel forever ... And
precisely: the legislative election that brought Benjamin Netanyahu to power had the perverse effect of attracting the entire political class to the right. During the campaign all candidates happily surfing the wave carrying the "all safe". In the bidding, which was to embody the best posture is the most aggressive and most cruel to the Palestinians. Especially those in Gaza guilty of allegiance to the government, however democratically elected Hamas!
result, Israel is left over. All barred "all right! "Political calculation. But by conviction. For, conversely, Tel Aviv can not claim membership in peace with the Palestinians and the outside world. Now therefore fear of disappointing the inner-and thus lose the election-is stronger than the image we present on the international level. As all observers of international politics had to be seen, there is currently no leader in Israel in scope: a strong personality and able to risk the challenge of peace without fear of a negative vote of the people! Like Yitzhak Rabin and Ariel Sharon even, perhaps sensing his approaching end, had turned into a follower imperturbable peace with the Palestinians. Kadima, the new center-left party that began on foot was designed to thwart acquaintances that the "Labor", to which he belonged, marched with the right. After the "case" Helmud Olmer, Kadima is now headed by Tzipi Livni, a muse and power-hungry ... Palestinian blood! Golda Meir in a sum, but without the excuse of a previously uncertain context, Israel is currently a State and heavily armed with nuclear weapons. Moreover, the most powerful army in the world-the United States-is an unconditional ally of Israel. Faced with the Palestinians who lack even a single battle tank!
Now therefore the other side of the "Wall": Palestinians into two entities that occur in lapdog. Hamas violently indignant that his victory gained democratically through the ballot was disqualified by the quasi-totality of the international community ... As for Fatah's leader and President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, for s' be registered to fake his now "enemy brother" Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas, appears as the natural ally of Israel! Abbas offers today the disastrous image of the "traitor to the common cause!
The Palestinian president is not far from it, Yasser Arafat. "Abu Amar" had known, and one after him, the different Palestinian factions crystallized around the only issue that mattered most: the resistance to "the occupier and oppressor" of Israel!
one side or the other of the separation wall we find the same archetype of leadership: politicians! Each other and are inhabited by the lust for power. For the sake of exercise. And that President Mahmoud Abbas asserted that there is more give admission of failure. The theatricality of his scandal part of a strategy, a kind of blackmail-not-outrageous still on the international community to Tel Aviv forced to stop his trial from wild colonization of Palestinian territories. Now therefore the current state of things (Israel no longer has long been the target of terrorist attacks on its territory) only the Palestinians have an interest in the peace process be revived. Thus Binyamin Netanyahu is doing everything he can to be spoken without peace than ever we succeeded. By building new settlements stand it draws so many obstacles to the resumption of the "roadmap". The president of the Palestinian Authority, was also weakens it, which may not be tantamount to political suicide-yield on Chapter of settlements.
With friends like the U.S. president does not need enemies!
Abbas and Netanyahu are clearly not valid interlocutors for Barack Obama in seeking a just peace in the Middle East. Even fewer partners.
The Nobel controversy
It is undeniable that Barack Obama enjoys a reputation as huge and internationally. This popularity has its opposite: a neurotic suspicion. Since expects everything from him, we do not concede him the least "that can not be anything less! "Says the adage.
So all recipients of the Nobel peace that President Bush would be the least deserving. Worse, they whisper aloud that the awarding of this recognition is "a political maneuver." Now, therefore, all Nobel, the peace prize is a highly political! And it is not enough to have established-for-peace be awarded the prestigious award. They are even rare ones, like Nelson Mandela, who received the Nobel Peace after having done it! Just look: we can reasonably say that Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin have never succeeded peace between Palestinians and Israelis. What significance should we then grant the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to them in 1994? And before them (1978) Egyptian Anwar el-Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin. Burma has not changed under the action activist Aung San Suu Kyi, however it is to share the greatest Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. The following year the Guatemalan activist for indigenous rights, Rigoberta Menchú, wins the prestigious prize for his fight for his people-the Indians-without the position of the latter has since been significantly improved. Neither the late South Korean President Kim Dae-Jung (Nobel 2000), neither the Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi (2003) have changed the course of events in their respective countries. And the list goes on.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee to sacrifice peace of course certain criteria to reward " personality with [during the previous year] the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction standing armies, at the meeting and the spread of progress for peace . Since the statement does not mention the preposition " and " but the conjunction "or ", we understand that it must have been one thing or another ... So for
Obama's detractors, since all like to see win the prize, the American president would enter not already in either of the categories!
Obviously, having faith does not forbid that one is in bad faith!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Famous Sayings With 'canoe' In It
This is true for the process of logical reasoning: The name is not the thing named .
There is nothing in the name "father" who évoquât paternity. If the cat is a cat, he could just as easily been called "CMBS" - the reverse-n'affectât without the least capacity to chase mice. And what about the presidential "president"?
Except for fathers, cats and presidents, human connotations attached property, qualification, generic names which he dressed up men things and entities, and even only ideational.
Especially when that man is political and he talks about things that are not less.
... In the same logic-political-speak for some others. And others. For never to speak well. Now then speak ill of others, speak well of you. In any case suggest that one is better than being talked about. That, indirectly, assume the starring role. Hence
categorizations: they define and identify. It is also their subject. They camped and run the articles. Rarely, if ever, for those thus- they indicate conclusively not challenge what is said about them. Nor do they intend n'interrogent and legitimacy of that says. De facto acceptance that betrays a certain intellectual lassitude. Or simple resignation over the fact accomplishes. "Who says nothing agrees, pose-t-on, the speaker is right" . To do!
Who ever wondered what a real government? A Council or a body of ministers, a cabinet?
The two terms, and government minister, convene one or the other. Everywhere in the world.
Unless the United States where one finds no minister in the government, but only the Secretaries of State! Like Libya, and that's the most curious, even if a word by: Its General People's Committee, the Government is only composed of secretaries ...!
For all, except someone ephemeris assigned to Ubu-kings of this world, it is that the Vatican to the vagueness of which he is smitten. So the ministers of His Holiness Pope are somehow appointed secretaries, governors and other assessors who also boasted of being raised to such dignity. From there to sanctify themselves there is only small step past the Commissioners of State, ministers of the former Zaire, had rashly taken. As they deified their only principal, "the President-Founder" itself already "Father of the Nation"!
supreme executive power or parliamentary system, the government is the locus of political power, and refers to all those who hold it. Except for Ubu-kings who, fortunately, increasingly rare in this world.
One can only wonder, but the oddities are the prerogative of the political system-that often prefix parliament (parliamentary) also should designate a totalitarian government, absolute
... This form of government is usually attributed to Africa. And North Korea: Pyongyang's regime pays often chronic. Sometimes also that of Havana. But the Beijing government probably does not do enough to deserve the epithet "odious regime!
was believed to know everything about the junta , it blurred the pounding of boots, and that the term does attaches itself to a military government. Now then Oxford defines it as a Council meeting administrative policy in Spain, Portugal and Latin America . And add essentially military junta. Suggesting that the junta is not necessarily military. The definition can be seen, may be suitable for many institutions all that is more democratic! Apart from the territories to which it owes (Spain, Portugal and Latin America), the junta, as an assembly Administrative done in public affairs. Who knew?
So since the government of the United States is a administration, it could just as well be synonymous with junta! As well as all administrative meetings, yet so they were democratic or not does not, at this stage, no problem. Nowhere it is mentioned. Democracy is not a requirement here is a condition sine qua non. Here now
military governments in an advantageous relationship.
The Palestinian government, this strange building is called Authority. The specimen is unique in itself, presumably because it is tailored to none worldwide. This is what happens when you let others speak for or against, itself. Oxford dictionary is ever-ready to divert to "Authority" superiority of merit or seduction requires obedience without coercion, respect, trust . Fatah? Hamas? But still: bodies of power. But why not "government" at all? Especially as the representatives of that government entity (West Bank and Gaza Strip) is an assembly elected by universal suffrage, with a font (and no army), and representatives in several countries. Why this characterization? Sovereignty? There are governments in exile, government-ghosts. Even the Western Sahara Moroccan-represented by the Polisario Front claims a government. And the government of Northern Ireland, which has also that a degree of autonomy, is not regarded as an authority ...
tossed it then a transitional status? Why then these Western Balkan countries such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo were they have in their paths towards sovereignty, governments?
No other political entity in its progress towards peace-with-or without the occupant, never saw his government be "treated" Authority. Because the term is not devoid of connotation, far from it.
Authority, always Robert, call it whatever yad'autoritarisme: Right control, power (recognized or not) to enforce obedience . And everything is made of the authority is "not tolerate discussion, without consulting anyone ..."
The late and first president of the Palestinian National Authority, Yasser Arafat, took it all literally. Because it believed the words of Bill Clinton. For it is the U.S. president that is this strange fancy language after the conclusion of the "Oslo Accords of 1993. By which man is caught between wanting to in history.
This terminology, Authority, is only the result of consuming personal ambition. It did not exist before those agreements, and one can bet that no government in the future, will not allow himself to take a picture wearing such accoutrements.
Or even that, less cramped, Directoire, another name for government ... National Authority Palestienienne.
This is true for the process of logical reasoning: The name is not the thing named .
There is nothing in the name "father" who évoquât paternity. If the cat is a cat, he could just as easily been called "CMBS" - the reverse-n'affectât without the least capacity to chase mice. And what about the presidential "president"?
Except for fathers, cats and presidents, human connotations attached property, qualification, generic names which he dressed up men things and entities, and even only ideational.
Especially when that man is political and he talks about things that are not less.
... In the same logic-political-speak for some others. And others. For never to speak well. Now then speak ill of others, speak well of you. In any case suggest that one is better than being talked about. That, indirectly, assume the starring role. Hence
categorizations: they define and identify. It is also their subject. They camped and run the articles. Rarely, if ever, for those thus- they indicate conclusively not challenge what is said about them. Nor do they intend n'interrogent and legitimacy of that says. De facto acceptance that betrays a certain intellectual lassitude. Or simple resignation over the fact accomplishes. "Who says nothing agrees, pose-t-on, the speaker is right" . To do!
Who ever wondered what a real government? A Council or a body of ministers, a cabinet?
The two terms, and government minister, convene one or the other. Everywhere in the world.
Unless the United States where one finds no minister in the government, but only the Secretaries of State! Like Libya, and that's the most curious, even if a word by: Its General People's Committee, the Government is only composed of secretaries ...!
For all, except someone ephemeris assigned to Ubu-kings of this world, it is that the Vatican to the vagueness of which he is smitten. So the ministers of His Holiness Pope are somehow appointed secretaries, governors and other assessors who also boasted of being raised to such dignity. From there to sanctify themselves there is only small step past the Commissioners of State, ministers of the former Zaire, had rashly taken. As they deified their only principal, "the President-Founder" itself already "Father of the Nation"!
supreme executive power or parliamentary system, the government is the locus of political power, and refers to all those who hold it. Except for Ubu-kings who, fortunately, increasingly rare in this world.
One can only wonder, but the oddities are the prerogative of the political system-that often prefix parliament (parliamentary) also should designate a totalitarian government, absolute
... This form of government is usually attributed to Africa. And North Korea: Pyongyang's regime pays often chronic. Sometimes also that of Havana. But the Beijing government probably does not do enough to deserve the epithet "odious regime!
was believed to know everything about the junta , it blurred the pounding of boots, and that the term does attaches itself to a military government. Now then Oxford defines it as a Council meeting administrative policy in Spain, Portugal and Latin America . And add essentially military junta. Suggesting that the junta is not necessarily military. The definition can be seen, may be suitable for many institutions all that is more democratic! Apart from the territories to which it owes (Spain, Portugal and Latin America), the junta, as an assembly Administrative done in public affairs. Who knew?
So since the government of the United States is a administration, it could just as well be synonymous with junta! As well as all administrative meetings, yet so they were democratic or not does not, at this stage, no problem. Nowhere it is mentioned. Democracy is not a requirement here is a condition sine qua non. Here now
military governments in an advantageous relationship.
The Palestinian government, this strange building is called Authority. The specimen is unique in itself, presumably because it is tailored to none worldwide. This is what happens when you let others speak for or against, itself. Oxford dictionary is ever-ready to divert to "Authority" superiority of merit or seduction requires obedience without coercion, respect, trust . Fatah? Hamas? But still: bodies of power. But why not "government" at all? Especially as the representatives of that government entity (West Bank and Gaza Strip) is an assembly elected by universal suffrage, with a font (and no army), and representatives in several countries. Why this characterization? Sovereignty? There are governments in exile, government-ghosts. Even the Western Sahara Moroccan-represented by the Polisario Front claims a government. And the government of Northern Ireland, which has also that a degree of autonomy, is not regarded as an authority ...
tossed it then a transitional status? Why then these Western Balkan countries such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo were they have in their paths towards sovereignty, governments?
No other political entity in its progress towards peace-with-or without the occupant, never saw his government be "treated" Authority. Because the term is not devoid of connotation, far from it.
Authority, always Robert, call it whatever yad'autoritarisme: Right control, power (recognized or not) to enforce obedience . And everything is made of the authority is "not tolerate discussion, without consulting anyone ..."
The late and first president of the Palestinian National Authority, Yasser Arafat, took it all literally. Because it believed the words of Bill Clinton. For it is the U.S. president that is this strange fancy language after the conclusion of the "Oslo Accords of 1993. By which man is caught between wanting to in history.
This terminology, Authority, is only the result of consuming personal ambition. It did not exist before those agreements, and one can bet that no government in the future, will not allow himself to take a picture wearing such accoutrements.
Or even that, less cramped, Directoire, another name for government ... National Authority Palestienienne.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Can Goiter Effect The Vocal Chords?
It is said that organized crime continues to enjoy a head start on those supposed to repress. In this chapter, the help of technology, the prize goes to cybercrime. Or so the imagination of some political leaders in Latin America and Africa, when it comes to wanting to stay in power, so defies the understanding that no longer hesitate to call it a virtual one. As it tends to distance itself from the usual rules that organize the City. To forge, sometimes with forceps, and diagrams of prevarication Born to a blurring of the most artistic.
In this game of cat and mouse "Speedy", the international community just to follow its legal and policy sets are found obsolete almost always face a reality that she flees. The tools to define this new form of political delinquency yet to be invented. For authors
coups (coups, manipulation of the Constitution, electoral fraud ...), and for everyone the next day like the day before in the sense that the power remains in the hands of those who appropriated it. "Man fort "of the moment almost always requires the status quo. Neither the imprecations of the international community nor its threats of any kind, nothing can dampen the determination of these" off-the-law "new genre. As for the opposition, She did not renew his modus operandi, it calls for a boycott of the poll and then practice the policy of the "empty chair" to prevent forfeiture, after which nothing is as it seeks to challenge the results in claiming fraud. In vain, the fact is doing. And the felony consumed, drunk to the dregs. But no one ever really comes to the status quo ante , that is to say the exact situation that existed just before. Or so it is a before and an after-there's always something in the meantime, the new situation, or rather the new context is of course to the benefit of the person who has fomented. Determinism in which the most fanatical of these clowns do not hesitate to proclaim divine right. Since it is the people who wanted ! Providential men, some even "eternal" in all cases all claim to drag on well beyond the deadline they had set themselves solemnly, or because the Act, which they subscribed as they had simply inspired, their limits.
coup, presidents-incoming-outgoing, "presidents-referendum" ... all end one day re-enlist. And almost always succeed in doing so. By the round back to criticism from all quarters. They are aware that time is more about their ally in the inevitable showdown thus doing they engage with the international community dealing with the margin of local public opinion. But then
wear these gravediggers of democracy get to eventually succeed. Since they are eventually recognized by all for what they are: heads of state!
Dangerous precedents
Impotence and requirements of the realpolitik, the weak response of the international community encourages the repetition of these coups. Their authors are virtually assured of impunity like those that preceded them in the bravado. Or so (too) few examples lead offenders to exercise restraint and to refrain from otherwise perpetrate own to bring down the scaffolding of the often fragile democracies. The hazardous
American adventure in Iraq last First, there was the restoration, although two years after he was ousted by a military junta of President-elect of Haiti, Aristide, to believe a new order that has lived that the time to stimulate a forlorn hope. Désenchanteurs for tomorrow!
At the point where things are in Africa and Latin America, and as can be seen the future, all the lights are flashing dangerously in the red. The situation is moving inexorably towards a resurgence of political instability due to coups. Or so a vicious cycle (... election coups-puppet-amendment of the Constitution or illegal referendum-coups ...) was permanently installed by political leaders determined to not cede power under any pretext. The international community is helpless, while the UN sanctions protocol suffers from a glaring inefficiency. What to do? Where to begin? Especially since the members of the "union of heads of state" stand together so that none of their had to answer before the International Justice.
latest case: Sudanese President Omar Bashir under a warrant issued by the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY). Almost all of its African peers as well as the African Union (AU) of Colonel Gaddafi, stubbornly refuse to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal. Hoping perhaps a lift back if necessary. And since in all likelihood each of them is likely to find themselves at one time or another in the predicament of the bloody Darfur ...
Meanwhile time is running and playing to the benefit of those living outside the law. They were at the head of their country is for them to gain invaluable as they controlled the instruments of power which they use extensively elsewhere. They simply means of their politics!
means of retaliation and coercion packages commensurate with the crimes, thus remain to imagine for the UN and the international community. An adequate answer, in short. With diligence and efficiency.
Because he is talking about the unscrupulous criminals whose victims are entire populations hostage megalomania. And ambition.
It is said that organized crime continues to enjoy a head start on those supposed to repress. In this chapter, the help of technology, the prize goes to cybercrime. Or so the imagination of some political leaders in Latin America and Africa, when it comes to wanting to stay in power, so defies the understanding that no longer hesitate to call it a virtual one. As it tends to distance itself from the usual rules that organize the City. To forge, sometimes with forceps, and diagrams of prevarication Born to a blurring of the most artistic.
In this game of cat and mouse "Speedy", the international community just to follow its legal and policy sets are found obsolete almost always face a reality that she flees. The tools to define this new form of political delinquency yet to be invented. For authors
coups (coups, manipulation of the Constitution, electoral fraud ...), and for everyone the next day like the day before in the sense that the power remains in the hands of those who appropriated it. "Man fort "of the moment almost always requires the status quo. Neither the imprecations of the international community nor its threats of any kind, nothing can dampen the determination of these" off-the-law "new genre. As for the opposition, She did not renew his modus operandi, it calls for a boycott of the poll and then practice the policy of the "empty chair" to prevent forfeiture, after which nothing is as it seeks to challenge the results in claiming fraud. In vain, the fact is doing. And the felony consumed, drunk to the dregs. But no one ever really comes to the status quo ante , that is to say the exact situation that existed just before. Or so it is a before and an after-there's always something in the meantime, the new situation, or rather the new context is of course to the benefit of the person who has fomented. Determinism in which the most fanatical of these clowns do not hesitate to proclaim divine right. Since it is the people who wanted ! Providential men, some even "eternal" in all cases all claim to drag on well beyond the deadline they had set themselves solemnly, or because the Act, which they subscribed as they had simply inspired, their limits.
coup, presidents-incoming-outgoing, "presidents-referendum" ... all end one day re-enlist. And almost always succeed in doing so. By the round back to criticism from all quarters. They are aware that time is more about their ally in the inevitable showdown thus doing they engage with the international community dealing with the margin of local public opinion. But then
wear these gravediggers of democracy get to eventually succeed. Since they are eventually recognized by all for what they are: heads of state!
Dangerous precedents
Impotence and requirements of the realpolitik, the weak response of the international community encourages the repetition of these coups. Their authors are virtually assured of impunity like those that preceded them in the bravado. Or so (too) few examples lead offenders to exercise restraint and to refrain from otherwise perpetrate own to bring down the scaffolding of the often fragile democracies. The hazardous
American adventure in Iraq last First, there was the restoration, although two years after he was ousted by a military junta of President-elect of Haiti, Aristide, to believe a new order that has lived that the time to stimulate a forlorn hope. Désenchanteurs for tomorrow!
At the point where things are in Africa and Latin America, and as can be seen the future, all the lights are flashing dangerously in the red. The situation is moving inexorably towards a resurgence of political instability due to coups. Or so a vicious cycle (... election coups-puppet-amendment of the Constitution or illegal referendum-coups ...) was permanently installed by political leaders determined to not cede power under any pretext. The international community is helpless, while the UN sanctions protocol suffers from a glaring inefficiency. What to do? Where to begin? Especially since the members of the "union of heads of state" stand together so that none of their had to answer before the International Justice.
latest case: Sudanese President Omar Bashir under a warrant issued by the International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY). Almost all of its African peers as well as the African Union (AU) of Colonel Gaddafi, stubbornly refuse to cooperate with the Hague Tribunal. Hoping perhaps a lift back if necessary. And since in all likelihood each of them is likely to find themselves at one time or another in the predicament of the bloody Darfur ...
Meanwhile time is running and playing to the benefit of those living outside the law. They were at the head of their country is for them to gain invaluable as they controlled the instruments of power which they use extensively elsewhere. They simply means of their politics!
means of retaliation and coercion packages commensurate with the crimes, thus remain to imagine for the UN and the international community. An adequate answer, in short. With diligence and efficiency.
Because he is talking about the unscrupulous criminals whose victims are entire populations hostage megalomania. And ambition.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
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Africa and ...
They are wrong who argue that Africans have little respect for the Constitution. It disregards the ties of these peoples to consolidations; they were written or not. Custodians of traditions and cultures, sometimes centuries, Africans are steeped in "law and order." They are, so to speak, fallen into being small. For out of the womb as the child sucks the habits and customs that will regulate all its future existence. Symbolic representation and it will take place after frame founder of social life. It is therefore reassuring that base, which reduces anxiety, and cancels a proliferation of messages, the West knows something, carries the seeds of paranoia, schizophrenia, close to the man involved with others; interpreter and constantly adjusts its position with others. Now then for foreign life in Africa is a real obstacle course, binding and countless signs of marked trails. The African, he, it moves easily as a fish in water. For in the apparent chaos surrounding a common code organizes performances and play roles.
From the point of modernity in Africa-is Colonization! - The native was quickly informed that the Constitution was a instrument that looked strangely, if we collect all of them, scattered in profusion of orality. And it therefore had the power to crystallize, fixing them physically, so lasting, laws, rights and obligations. You could also insert the provisions cultural-traditional-customary law! All at a great gain information that oral tradition could not provide. As, by its nature, the "word of mouth" is characterized by an inevitable and considerable loss of information. Now then - the words fly away, but writings remain - the oral transmission of messages has never rested on that memory is notoriously unreliable recognition, and automatic repetition of manners whose time often erodes the wealth. When it does not simply misrepresents the message.
Since Africans have with the Constitution a passionate relationship. As if their lives depended on it. In fact the blood of the brave son of the Continent, and even more of the less illustrious, was poured on the altar of legalism. Since the political powers of independence to the present day and forty years for the majority of African countries, have always manipulated the Framework Act for purposes of continuity. For the time they believed, wanted, and sometimes said that they could last. For he was now extinct, to proclaim the eternal faith of a constitution tailored. And the people who believed in the Constitution-to lend credence to, or pretend to believe. It was the era of the "founding fathers". And Africa, false tears, just witnessed the disappearance of one of the last of these dinosaurs. After forty years of reign! The ultimate specimen of these monsters unjustly deemed sacred, always runs the woods of power, determined to give the lie to the fatal and fatal destiny of a species decimated. Gold Thus the only determinant of powerful men want: power know is filled, always !
The Founding Fathers were, for some, fought for independence. Others just waited patiently, or appropriately-that power should fall into their laps. Inadvertently, or by a show of force, far more effective.
constitutions "turnkey" nailed their seats on the base of power. Became "legally" they forgot the immovable estate. This omission constitutes a major cause of political instability in Africa!
The wind of democratization of the years ninety aeration some African constitutions. Exit the "Party-State", unique in its time for the "multiparty" umbrella term for a "reengineering" of national environmental policy. In truth, a conversion front: the opposition, paid from the budget of the President assured it that the legitimacy conferred an election "democratic" puisqu'ouverte all. But for the benefit of one, the outgoing president ... and soon returning! All this, of course, in strict compliance with the Constitution because people attach great importance to the Constitution; not his respect ...
Things, thankfully, have changed considerably these days: no more think to ignore the prescriptions and proscriptions of the Principal Act. The international community must ensure the scrupulous implementation of the latter, exposing offenders to multiple sanctions which only the Security Council (UN) has the secret. Small malignant
in Africa (but also in Latin America) were quick to find the relentless parade: to the idiot. Respect the Constitution, everyone knows, is to observe what is written. Period. Now therefore there is no mention we must do more than that. Thus our apprentice sorcerers have found a way to blow the lock of the controversial multiple presidential terms generally limited to two consecutive. Nothing to impress the new geniuses of politics. This is to amend the law when it has a parliamentary majority. Easy, it was not enough to think of it. The Act prohibited? No problem, we go to referendum, the people decide ! And like this, strangely, "decides" always in the direction of the one who comes out whole and must go ... But if none of these constraints is not enough, even if the action the referendum in this case is proscribed by the Constitution, the president uses his "presidential prerogatives". He dissolved the Constitutional Court. To reconstruct a new better disposed towards him. Voila, voila, the law is respected. As for his "spirit" ... But what spirit do we talk then? It is politics. Not religion!
Nothing can stop the democratic progress in Africa. Too bad for Westerners who obviously lack of ingenuity. Their political leaders have much to learn from their African counterparts, which have known, as large, remove all the springs of the Constitution. In the second millennium few African presidents at the end of term have resisted the temptation of "loyalty" to exploit the Constitution, to reopen his texts to amend them, pervert them, make them say, not the other way (they are these Africans not crazy!), but "about" what they meant. But then
constitution does not speak. He told. Preferably with the assistance of the people. Whatever perjury, when I have never vowed not to perjure himself. Unless the fact is explicitly written in the Constitution. And even
... If there are things that follow in Africa the Constitution is. We love him more than his neighbor, we respect his texts strictly speaking, they're made to order a new one once in power, we end by asking him forever!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Does An Up Converter Work On A 720 Tv
Half a century separates us can hardly be the time when the voice from the radio was considered mythical, if not mystical. In African villages, and in large urban cities, are suspecting some strangeness-the dreaded white man's witchcraft to voices , talking to people within that small box. Car-and the logic was irrefutable-and those who chatted easily in transistor should always be there!
My grandfather always argued with certainty who is in the secrets of the gods, that what he said he had heard on the radio. Period. His comments could therefore suffer the least because of their focus from almost occult. Or so the radio was a medium (literally and figuratively) that drew on its own, the outlines of a new paradigm of communication then. These were the things then such are they now: the same credo is used for the Internet, new Deus Ex Machina, and where everyone thinks they get the truth. The tool-"The Web", "Web" - today, unlike the radio yesterday, distills an unlimited amount of information which, alas, are strictly held to be true. Why? But because they are on the Internet! C'mon ...
The credibility of the sprawling canvas is well established, the Internet has nothing to justify, it is justified de facto tautological thinking. But with such panache that it obscures the minds less practiced in the analysis. Or so the diktat
Internet is so powerful that all of our lifestyles today are changed, modulated, reconfigured in the light of this new panacea. Because everything can turn a simple click; from home. Hence our apprehension of the surrounding world and our relation to otherness are now considered virtual. Or simply cyber real !
Such evolution / revolution of our psychological ecology there is no more paradigmatic Internet! - Could not be done without collateral damage .... Those who do not have the "peripheral vision" necessary, essential general knowledge, become entangled in the web, stuck in a fatal naivete. Because Internet astray, trap, kill the collective imagination and creativity in favor of a single thought that dare not speak its name.
Religion without spirituality, pagan and secular deity, totem and institution bastard demiurge of confusion, meaning often insignificant territory of digital and symbolic evil pretender to the Internet promotes a culture that encourages orphan and leads to the cult of ignorance ; poaching passing even the spirits of ordinary alerts but betrayed by a inconsequential distraction. Car Internet won, when it does not simply depraved manners obligingly willing to sacrifice. And ease. We know the temptation to appeal at all baked on the profuse prodigality of the Web. In favor of a botched know, borrowed, cheated, stolen
... Even though they all are, everyone believes there incognito in his dark and shameful quest for knowledge. Solely for the purpose of bluffing! The painting is full of pearls that shine in public. Or shape the public man. Or so the plagiarism is not always far from it, the preserve of the ignorant. As he takes a dose of knowledge to know what and where to borrow; as the fisherman who knows exactly where to cast his nets! These fishermen
there yet sinners, are with those whose web is really a working tool, a tiny minority. These mostly surf the web, but neither seen nor known, in the vicinity of opaque borsa pirates of all, the illiterate, the followers of You-Tube, the choirboys and other gurus, fortune tellers , all in a joyous and indiscriminate promiscuity. Fortunately, if some people do it would make little fear of amalgam ...
Internet remains a formidable tool for unlimited applications. It enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor in spirit. It can only get better without risk of ever being exceeded. Like elsewhere in the radio. Now then what is found on one and the other said that remain, it is feared, sacred. As the golden calf certain that once worshiped. My people perish for lack of knowledge ...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Steam Mop Clean Walls
Internet Mecca of the uncultured, illiterate where a drink will know that they have failed to acquire the difficult path of learning, which seek the intellect. On the web it does not reflect the brain is stuck in a beatification created by other idiots. It does everything: pirates, landlubbers, and all intellectual cripples, all sailing extensively in the mire of stupidity, thrice infected by viral letter, the w , research a treasure disclosed indecently exposed by conservatives of stupidity. Sprawling canvas cap, trying to hide it, a gallery of folly where the works of artists of the inconsistency is to combine all time, alongside the true false, in indescribable promiscuity, the anthology of a rabble now set up shop, browsing the Internet, not to learn, but to get dirty thought, for s'abêtir merrily!
Internet Mecca of the uncultured, illiterate where a drink will know that they have failed to acquire the difficult path of learning, which seek the intellect. On the web it does not reflect the brain is stuck in a beatification created by other idiots. It does everything: pirates, landlubbers, and all intellectual cripples, all sailing extensively in the mire of stupidity, thrice infected by viral letter, the w , research a treasure disclosed indecently exposed by conservatives of stupidity. Sprawling canvas cap, trying to hide it, a gallery of folly where the works of artists of the inconsistency is to combine all time, alongside the true false, in indescribable promiscuity, the anthology of a rabble now set up shop, browsing the Internet, not to learn, but to get dirty thought, for s'abêtir merrily!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Winchester Coca Cola 94
"Wade Back! Someone stops him before it's too late ... . It's this way now than in Dakar, in Wolof, exorcise it. Both President Wade seems to have sold his soul to some malicious marabout.
Failing to get rid of many Senegalese are now tempted by this formula if they ensured efficiency, carpet and Abdoulaye Wade.
In a country where spirituality was on edge-95% of the Senegalese population is Muslim, the devious political maneuvering of President Wade confine, for some, the devil. And continue to irritate the man Muslim of the street.
After the first term of Abdoulaye Wade, Senegal's general elections have been more transparent than what Wade sees himself. And recently - unless it was hatched a long time he sees his country as a kingdom. The alternation of power is the transmission of it from father to son.
Who knew? In less than a decade Senegal has fallen woefully out of its democracy. And this, by the will, or the cunning of a single man. Emptied, the slogan "Sopi" change in Wolof, who once packed up the enthusiasm of the population, is now what he has in fact never ceased to be: just a slogan!
Since then, forty Senegalese President - eighty three years ... attorneys - the multiple machinations to keep his job. Com me to pay her once too long relegated to the opposition. Gruesome and rehabilitating the reputation of whoever he wants. And especially when he wants. That is to say according to his calculations politicians.
And so, even if it is now little, Senegal has not yet become the most vulgar of the republics banana. Wade now printing without sacrificing the democratic exercise in order to save face. But in politics appearances are worth, unfortunately, the facts ... so if
Whatever the turnout in the presidential election is the lowest that has never known the country, or even if the coalition of opposition parties boycotted the poll. This is going to elections and get elected there. By all means.
is now one of the winning formulas for the outgoing African presidents and the other consisting modus operandi to rummage in the Constitution to ensure multiple mandates. Nothing, at this stage does not yield Abdoulaye there. Except perhaps by Handicap too old. But the twist Senegalese president has already scheduled the parade for the sustainability of its name and thus thinks he may be, remain alive in the memory of his countrymen. Even if the image over time, turned up to meet the hideous. The important thing is to last. Dead or alive!
Hence the dynastic transfer of power now ...
The names of the fathers to son
It must be said that this area Abdoulaye Wade did not invent anything, far from it. While elsewhere in southwest Asia for example (India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka), the major political families spend the witness as the most democratic of African presidents have a horror of embarrassing scruples. So in that one turn of the century we saw Joseph Kabila (DRC) inherit a power which he was clearly not intended. As Laurent-Désiré, father, thought to make old bones to a post he occupied for a few years.
Faure Gnassingbe, Eyadema's son, had him was prepared to occupy the presidential office in the event of a vacancy in the latter. The general-dictator, knowing ill, was expertly organized estate. Precaution has not prevented her male offspring to compete in a fratricidal struggle. The
Gabon's Omar Bongo, the oldest of the African heads of state in office, already quite worn out by too long use of power-Yes, It is even possible in Africa! - And visibly affected by the recent death of her wife Dr. Edith-Lucie Bongo, consider very seriously if we are to believe a persistent rumor palaces, to finally retire. Some in Libreville, and elsewhere, believes undeserved. Whatever, Ali Bongo, the son of the patriarch is increasingly tipped to succeed his father.
Unexpectedly, all the "son papa" African, Seif el-Islam Gadhafi is probably the one who did most brands to power. He has to his credit solving several difficult issues-Lockerbie to nuclear weapons, through the support of terrorism, Tripoli in Libya that had been on the bench of the international community. It is through Seif el-Islam so that Tripoli was able to buy a new virginity International, and its leader again creep. All these "great deeds" give the son of Colonel whimsical real stature as a statesman whom no one could challenge him. It just does not like him in Africa where children are kings-dolphins-appointed regents. Seif el-Islam is the only one who has worked to become one. He earned acclaim ... if you can say.
And what about the offspring of the Egyptian dictator fearless? Nothing!
Nobody knows what it does or does not the son of Hosni Mubarak. We think that the historians of the plan must activate furiously to find him illustrate what his advantage dull journey. Meanwhile, the heir of the Rats is already tops the list of pretenders to the throne. In truth there is only one. Since it is sufficient other merit than that of being the son of his father. Now therefore Hosni Mubarak has long-since the beginning of his long reign, took all sorts of liberties with democracy. Even if, for strategic reasons, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been there-it all roll out the red carpet at home. And shoving at the door.
link between all these "dynastic republics"? None of them can seriously qualify as democratic country. Conversely Senegal is regarded worldwide as a breeding ground for good governance in Francophone Africa. For nothing? It is this stature erected by his predecessor, Abdou Diouf, now it takes recklessly undermined Abdoulaye Wade. Why? Will survive as the others? The end does justify the means also in Wolof?
What about the heir Meïssa Karim Wade? The Quarantine
son of Senegalese President has previously made his debut as a man as president of Public Agency for the Organization of the Islamic Conference (ANOC). But what can we honestly perform significantly to the head of this organization? Can we deduce some advanced-incidentally absolutely invisible to the naked eye, for the Muslim world? Or so it is in this space that people suffer as much harassment, women in particular.
The "beggar thy neighbor" is now established as a rule of conduct against the enemy-once-common is Israel. Palestinians still hold a bitter taste after the last and deadliest of the IDF offensive on civilians in Gaza. No outrage never came on the side Muslim leaders. Apart from the Iranian Amadinejab including admonition, wrongly or rightly, is a way to exist. For others, no untimely exit equal to the crime. Otherwise than the street. Nothing to worry about Tel Aviv. As for the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), she simply placed conspicuously absent. Or so the blame for the situation has, oddly, angry that Latin American presidents. The Bolivian Evo Morales and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, one after the other, broke diplomatic relations with Israel in their respective countries!
Karim Wade then director, and even today ... ANOCI
In the absence of political activism which is entitled to expect from this organization, the Senegalese president's son was shown in organization of the major projects of the ANOCI in Dakar. Or so the political partition is played on a range above the soft music that was previously used Karim. The Senegalese, mostly from Dakar, were quick to remind him-and especially her amnesiac father that Senegal is not a country African like any other. They served the son of Abdoulaye Wade a scathing failed in its attempt to run for mayor of Dakar, the capital. Karin has therefore been able to roost on that hill supposed to propel the big leagues. Never mind, there is accessed by a side road. Because his father, as a reward for the disallowance of Dakar, was appointed Minister of State in charge of International Cooperation, Planning, aviation and infrastructure! It goes without saying that "crumbling" under such a burden the new super minister will necessarily encroach on areas of choice of his colleagues. Because at its own excellence Karim Wade represents roughly a third of the government of his father! There are ways less subject to consequences to console a grieving son. Now then for the president and the master of the game where he was acting to push her offspring a box closer to the presidency which it does-almost-over mystery of wanting to leave. In-use? - Wade lawyer knows that anything the "letter" of the Act is met. Even if the spirit is joyously perverted. Whatever, the appearances are saved. That's all that ultimately account. But this latest contortion
policy does not pass. The Senegalese are sick to be fooled by the posturing of its president. This time the cup has been drunk to the dregs, the trust seems irretrievably broken. It is now openly accuses of nepotism. The next general election ahead, at best, a happy rat race, at worst shameless-another plebiscite! - For want of opponents. Both the opposition (grouped within the platform the "Front Siggil") is determined to thwart the dynastic claims of Abdoulaye Wade.
Karim, he seems scrupulously observe what Dad said. It will
although the Senegalese know what he thinks. Of himself.
If he really wants to be president. Or not!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lack Of Cervical Mucus Early Pregnancy
In the twenty-first century, sometimes at the very heart of the "democracies" - In Europe, America and Australia, certain ethnic minorities living on the margins of society.
is seeking by every means to dismiss the distance like a bone stuck in the craw. In the old continent Gypsies bother. Proliferating and swarming like flies which one would be tempted to slow the progression, or spread. Australia, Canada and United States (unlike the rest of America where death squads often rife with impunity against indigenous), the feeling towards the "Indians" is fortunately less forbidding, far from it. Even if it's not for lack of trying: the attempts to exterminate the indigenous conquistadors from Europe remain vivid in the memories of descendants of victims!
Now therefore Europe: Soil of "international racism?
Even when the gypsies 'European' increase in number, also First Nations Canadian, U.S. and Australian Aborigines are actually threatened with extinction. Preceded into oblivion by the virtual disintegration of their cultures. Notwithstanding the fact that the laws dictated by concern for the preservation of relics, it's good for tourism, trying somehow to restore the foundation. So we are trying to put in her jar of spilled oil.
link between all its peculiarities: the one and the other moving at the periphery of social swarming; stored in reserves, formed into bands, divided into hordes, or in packs.
accepted, tolerated and supported often ostracized ...
Roma, Gypsies, Gypsies, Travellers ... Some names with accents of exotic flamenco, rhythm which incidentally are those credited to the account of which, most of the time it is brought marauding, plundering , robberies, and murders recently.
Although European citizens in their own right, they are all undesirable. They are even in their own countries where they fish, however, by not integrating. Nomadic, the Roma have never been able or willing to take roots. Exonerate the territorial connection they feel at home everywhere. However they are all foreign!
Now therefore the main guidelines of the Lisbon Treaty (1) enshrines the movement of people ...
Travellers-illiterate, the majority have realized that they could now happily travel throughout Europe. And install their caravans where they wanted them well. That is to say nowhere! Gypsies are so hated by the people of the countries they defile that governments are trying, in defiance of the Treaty of Lisbon, to discard every way. Some adopt local rules specifically designed to control Roma stay home. The prize goes obviously to Italy's Silvio Berlusconi. His interior minister has designed a neo-fascist law that would envy him the "Duce" Mussolini himself. The Signor Roberto Maroni longer than we wanted to talk about a law that we prélevât fingerprints of Roma residing in Italy ... Criminals before the crime!
To which the European Parliament objected, pointing strongly to moderation Rome: Europe is and remains keen on a set of human rights.
France, she is subtle. Minister Brice Hortefeux (it has the of Immigration, social integration, and co-development) has thought of a stratagem everything Sarkozian more to counter the establishment of Gypsies on French soil. These are now considered as tourists ... or relegated to the rank of "undocumented". In the first case they are allowed, and for all tourists to remain in France for a period of three months less a day. After this period the law requires evidence of Supply
... A big joke when we know that unemployment among Roma reached the staggering 90%, where they are. And since French law denying them the right to work, they inevitably end up being rolled over the border, or "guests" at the start against a meager savings. Between these two alternatives Gypsies know more than their share of the expulsion manu militari land where they bivouacked. Especially since these lands, after a hocus-pocus of municipal authorities, diligently find a new vocation: they are intended for emergency starts! Shortly
also rare: cases of molestation by the people, otherwise than by the police!
Rroma are safe anywhere. They sometimes have the hello in the "relocation" one prefecture to another flight, refugee status, moreover, rarely granted. Except in cases of extreme violence. All these measures
Credence desire openly expressed by Prime Minister of Russian Federation, that a good Rroma Rroma is dead ...
"The Wild Wild West"
One of the attractions for tourists, Europe and Asia in particular, visiting Canada, and to a lesser extent the United States is able to see the Indians lolling lazily in front of their tepees and clouds of smoke by calling to intermediaries. Or so the huts skin have long since given way to prefabricated housing. Sioux, Apaches and other Cree n'enfourchent little more thoroughbred geldings, even if the Inuit (2), the polar winter comes, still moving sled dogs. Each other and usually use motorized machines like everyone else, the phone and laptop shoulder. But all stereotypes remain strong. They only have "evolved", as part of the zeitgeist. Technology has prevailed there too. However all is not lost for the tourist disillusioned. Now the "First Nations" or "Aboriginal" went from a wild to another. They are now relegated to the reserves; living on the margins of mainstream society. For reasons of cultural preservation and this threatened species ... . The apple of the eyes of the Canadian government, in fact. Or only the crown jewels. And like all of the gems it is locked. Hidden. Often shown ... but-still-finger. To hate or raptures, depending on whether you are Canadian or tourist. Because the resolutions of the caring public authorities do not always join the feelings of the people: Canadians white felt, in their majority, that First Nations have some kind of positive discrimination which is not to say his name. The real-Aboriginal but also all other ethnic minorities (people of color, in terms more politically correct) - are expected on the terms of employment in the public service, be preferred over whites. At equal competence. Question of representation for a proactive policy of achieving COTAS. Who, it must be emphasized, are do not. But that nobody knows.
Nothing else brings the other aboriginal minorities. The first live in the host population. While First Nations are explicitly encouraged to remain in their reserves. By dint of incentives some more pernicious than others: the public financial assistance for those who remain in the reserve or: all manufactured goods sold on Indian reservations are exempt from taxes. The rest of the Canadian population accepts evil, she is awash in one of the heavier taxation of the Western world. Needless to say, such a "privilege" undoubtedly produced perverse effects, including smuggling is not the slightest. Cigarettes-guns etc. but also pass .- border-porous-between Canada and the United States. Because a sense of the most irredentist-through-another Indian on both sides of the border consider themselves members of a single whole. Exit nationalities. And therefore loyalties to the homeland. And rules that govern it. In the first chapter, the law: the latter is, in some reserves, only customary and generally told by a "meeting of wise men" broken in one exercise habits and traditions. Inuit justice is downright quarterly
... A judge went there for one day, transported by plane! In Meanwhile the country remains a lawless area neglected in the hands of warlords (3); they are there rain or shine and once the wizard and the Grand Sachem.
The federal and provincial policies have virtually no place on Aboriginal reserves; no intervening in cases of extreme gravity. That is to say almost never. Of "peacekeepers", local security guards, struggling to keep the peace.
Another exception is acquired by Aboriginal people, alcohol. It flows freely at home. But not dry. Is that in these true islets of permissiveness that the reserves no regulations limiting access to alcohol. Even whites to leave their bars closed early, it will eventually watered evenings indefinitely from their "fellow indigenous" delighting the taste of grass nearby! About
grass-or toxicant there any appearance-it is there as abundant for the sake of all consumers. Whites such as Aboriginal. Rampant drug dramatically among First Nations, decimating populations, especially youth, far more effectively than before the muskets of the conquistadors. Even when the drug is cheap reserves, however it is there beyond the reach of all budgets. Young people were quick to find alternatives sucking fumes are highly toxic, tar! Even death. When they do not commit suicide before (4).
Some indigenous peoples live in sanitary conditions around the third world: without running water or electricity. In Canada, the twenty-first century ...
one American to another
At some controversy about the rights of First Nations in Canada and the United States are real and guaranteed. Coded texts law. Elsewhere in America the situation of indigenous peoples is poor, their rights openly flouted. Mexico-Chiapas-the magazine in Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, through Ecuador, all Indians are relegated to the status of second class citizens at best, in the worst case they are treated as "sub -men. " With a marked preference for the second category. Cultures
millennia now relegated to the rank of mere tradition, ingenuity and other mythical Aztec Inca civilizations no longer mobilized for survival: Claims territorial follow those of the enjoyment of natural resources, status politico-legal, sociocultural and educational. In short, recognition of citizenship as promulgated by the City ...
Governments of countries of Central America-Mexico-evoke with them, not give the slightest bit of autonomy in their "native", the fear fragmentation of the state! And to make a forced assimilation of Indian communities. In the barely concealed goal of harmonization that resembles nothing so much as a blind uniformity of culture. Making a two things: Preserving the unity of the country and eliminate any claim that could force the government to loosen purse compensatory damages to the securities of all wrongdoing, from generation to generation, on indigenous peoples. And that it benefited the Canadian First Nations. But then
in Central America it is to deny the Indians any aboriginal rights in the territories of their ancestors. Canada's policy is borrowed reserves. Here the "beneficiaries" the overwhelmingly reject. Because in Canada these enclaves, enjoying living in a large autonomy are necessarily built on the ancestral lands of indigenous people. Which is to restore culture. But the Indians of Mexico and elsewhere in Central America are systematically expropriated on behalf of a brutal industrialization seems to know no bounds. Conversely Canadian Indians demand and get as much as possible, as natural resources exploitation in their territories, by the government or the multinational-benefit their people. On behalf of aboriginal rights, exactly!
Destruction of socio-cultural fabric of a hand. Preservation of these values on the other. A whole world separates Natives of Canada and the United States, those of Central America. The former enjoy a "special" status maligned by their own white counterparts. However, that the indigenous Guatemalans live a quasi-apartheid. Worse in all cases that forced assimilation advocated by Mexico.
In such contexts, extreme, are conducive to the emergence of radical resistance. But, especially in these two countries, these movements for the emancipation of the indigenous cause are brutally repressed. The "dirty work" is often left in the hands of paramilitary networks of acquaintances who proved with the army, and receiving direct orders and technical resources to senior military hierarchy. The underlying ideology is openly declared racial or even racist. But racism exacerbated, reached the climax of the denial of another. The means: killing of indigenous people, rape, looting ... ethnic cleansing, perpetrated in other lands, or only on other people-would be recognized as genocide!
Revolution map cons
Despite overall refusal to pay a few skirmishes in the directory of litigation-after all light-pending, in Canada than elsewhere, whites and Aboriginals have finally smoked the peace pipe. Stored muskets, buried the hatchet. Support First Nations in Canada has had the effect of sleep warmongering that animated the "Elders" tempering the aggressiveness of many new generations. Now you go up to the plate for causes carefully targeted. We protested in each case. It claims the card after all.
Great Chefs of bands and some masterpieces and other democratically elected, are the only ones who take the language with public authorities. These "Great Sachems" of modern times are generally scholars versed in the practice of law or public administration.
While indigenous leaders from Latin America are in the majority, from the ranks of the resistance. And reached their height, because of the acuity of their struggle-the plight of their eventually sensitize the international community-a reputation beyond the local. Rigoberta Menchu's Guatemalan Nobel Peace was the defeated candidate in the presidential elections in his country. In Peru
Evo Morales had better fortune. Against all odds he was elected president. Against the will of whites. No wonder it just to preserve the unity of the country undermined by some of the richest provinces, the bastion of whites. These provinces have suddenly discovered the virtues of autonomy. It's just that the pill is still not digested by the caste of privileged people who conceived of as a supreme insult to be headed by a native: the Indian, this "thing" long relegated to the dustbin of history; and that it appears necessary for anthropological reasons, and that exhibits fossils. Or just to impress the tourists. Camped
force, and in turn the roles of objects / subjects of antiquity; or artists, the Aztec, Inca ... the Indian, can not exist otherwise. But
artists, as everyone knows, it is to entertain. But just for that.
(1) Treaty signed in Lisbon December 13, 2007 by 27 members comprising the European Union.
(2) Inuit: Aboriginal People-10.000-Quebec members in the far northern Canada on a vast hunting and fishing designated under the name of Nunavik.
(3) designation does nothing derogatory. The gang leaders are democratically elected indigenous leaders by their own, and whose legitimacy is duly recognized by the Canadian federal government.
(4) According to a report in 2007 on behalf of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, the suicide rate is three times higher among indigenous than non-Aboriginal population.
See also the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (February 1995)
In the twenty-first century, sometimes at the very heart of the "democracies" - In Europe, America and Australia, certain ethnic minorities living on the margins of society.
is seeking by every means to dismiss the distance like a bone stuck in the craw. In the old continent Gypsies bother. Proliferating and swarming like flies which one would be tempted to slow the progression, or spread. Australia, Canada and United States (unlike the rest of America where death squads often rife with impunity against indigenous), the feeling towards the "Indians" is fortunately less forbidding, far from it. Even if it's not for lack of trying: the attempts to exterminate the indigenous conquistadors from Europe remain vivid in the memories of descendants of victims!
Now therefore Europe: Soil of "international racism?
Even when the gypsies 'European' increase in number, also First Nations Canadian, U.S. and Australian Aborigines are actually threatened with extinction. Preceded into oblivion by the virtual disintegration of their cultures. Notwithstanding the fact that the laws dictated by concern for the preservation of relics, it's good for tourism, trying somehow to restore the foundation. So we are trying to put in her jar of spilled oil.
link between all its peculiarities: the one and the other moving at the periphery of social swarming; stored in reserves, formed into bands, divided into hordes, or in packs.
accepted, tolerated and supported often ostracized ...
Roma, Gypsies, Gypsies, Travellers ... Some names with accents of exotic flamenco, rhythm which incidentally are those credited to the account of which, most of the time it is brought marauding, plundering , robberies, and murders recently.
Although European citizens in their own right, they are all undesirable. They are even in their own countries where they fish, however, by not integrating. Nomadic, the Roma have never been able or willing to take roots. Exonerate the territorial connection they feel at home everywhere. However they are all foreign!
Now therefore the main guidelines of the Lisbon Treaty (1) enshrines the movement of people ...
Travellers-illiterate, the majority have realized that they could now happily travel throughout Europe. And install their caravans where they wanted them well. That is to say nowhere! Gypsies are so hated by the people of the countries they defile that governments are trying, in defiance of the Treaty of Lisbon, to discard every way. Some adopt local rules specifically designed to control Roma stay home. The prize goes obviously to Italy's Silvio Berlusconi. His interior minister has designed a neo-fascist law that would envy him the "Duce" Mussolini himself. The Signor Roberto Maroni longer than we wanted to talk about a law that we prélevât fingerprints of Roma residing in Italy ... Criminals before the crime!
To which the European Parliament objected, pointing strongly to moderation Rome: Europe is and remains keen on a set of human rights.
France, she is subtle. Minister Brice Hortefeux (it has the of Immigration, social integration, and co-development) has thought of a stratagem everything Sarkozian more to counter the establishment of Gypsies on French soil. These are now considered as tourists ... or relegated to the rank of "undocumented". In the first case they are allowed, and for all tourists to remain in France for a period of three months less a day. After this period the law requires evidence of Supply
... A big joke when we know that unemployment among Roma reached the staggering 90%, where they are. And since French law denying them the right to work, they inevitably end up being rolled over the border, or "guests" at the start against a meager savings. Between these two alternatives Gypsies know more than their share of the expulsion manu militari land where they bivouacked. Especially since these lands, after a hocus-pocus of municipal authorities, diligently find a new vocation: they are intended for emergency starts! Shortly
also rare: cases of molestation by the people, otherwise than by the police!
Rroma are safe anywhere. They sometimes have the hello in the "relocation" one prefecture to another flight, refugee status, moreover, rarely granted. Except in cases of extreme violence. All these measures
Credence desire openly expressed by Prime Minister of Russian Federation, that a good Rroma Rroma is dead ...
"The Wild Wild West"
One of the attractions for tourists, Europe and Asia in particular, visiting Canada, and to a lesser extent the United States is able to see the Indians lolling lazily in front of their tepees and clouds of smoke by calling to intermediaries. Or so the huts skin have long since given way to prefabricated housing. Sioux, Apaches and other Cree n'enfourchent little more thoroughbred geldings, even if the Inuit (2), the polar winter comes, still moving sled dogs. Each other and usually use motorized machines like everyone else, the phone and laptop shoulder. But all stereotypes remain strong. They only have "evolved", as part of the zeitgeist. Technology has prevailed there too. However all is not lost for the tourist disillusioned. Now the "First Nations" or "Aboriginal" went from a wild to another. They are now relegated to the reserves; living on the margins of mainstream society. For reasons of cultural preservation and this threatened species ... . The apple of the eyes of the Canadian government, in fact. Or only the crown jewels. And like all of the gems it is locked. Hidden. Often shown ... but-still-finger. To hate or raptures, depending on whether you are Canadian or tourist. Because the resolutions of the caring public authorities do not always join the feelings of the people: Canadians white felt, in their majority, that First Nations have some kind of positive discrimination which is not to say his name. The real-Aboriginal but also all other ethnic minorities (people of color, in terms more politically correct) - are expected on the terms of employment in the public service, be preferred over whites. At equal competence. Question of representation for a proactive policy of achieving COTAS. Who, it must be emphasized, are do not. But that nobody knows.
Nothing else brings the other aboriginal minorities. The first live in the host population. While First Nations are explicitly encouraged to remain in their reserves. By dint of incentives some more pernicious than others: the public financial assistance for those who remain in the reserve or: all manufactured goods sold on Indian reservations are exempt from taxes. The rest of the Canadian population accepts evil, she is awash in one of the heavier taxation of the Western world. Needless to say, such a "privilege" undoubtedly produced perverse effects, including smuggling is not the slightest. Cigarettes-guns etc. but also pass .- border-porous-between Canada and the United States. Because a sense of the most irredentist-through-another Indian on both sides of the border consider themselves members of a single whole. Exit nationalities. And therefore loyalties to the homeland. And rules that govern it. In the first chapter, the law: the latter is, in some reserves, only customary and generally told by a "meeting of wise men" broken in one exercise habits and traditions. Inuit justice is downright quarterly
... A judge went there for one day, transported by plane! In Meanwhile the country remains a lawless area neglected in the hands of warlords (3); they are there rain or shine and once the wizard and the Grand Sachem.
The federal and provincial policies have virtually no place on Aboriginal reserves; no intervening in cases of extreme gravity. That is to say almost never. Of "peacekeepers", local security guards, struggling to keep the peace.
Another exception is acquired by Aboriginal people, alcohol. It flows freely at home. But not dry. Is that in these true islets of permissiveness that the reserves no regulations limiting access to alcohol. Even whites to leave their bars closed early, it will eventually watered evenings indefinitely from their "fellow indigenous" delighting the taste of grass nearby! About
grass-or toxicant there any appearance-it is there as abundant for the sake of all consumers. Whites such as Aboriginal. Rampant drug dramatically among First Nations, decimating populations, especially youth, far more effectively than before the muskets of the conquistadors. Even when the drug is cheap reserves, however it is there beyond the reach of all budgets. Young people were quick to find alternatives sucking fumes are highly toxic, tar! Even death. When they do not commit suicide before (4).
Some indigenous peoples live in sanitary conditions around the third world: without running water or electricity. In Canada, the twenty-first century ...
one American to another
At some controversy about the rights of First Nations in Canada and the United States are real and guaranteed. Coded texts law. Elsewhere in America the situation of indigenous peoples is poor, their rights openly flouted. Mexico-Chiapas-the magazine in Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, through Ecuador, all Indians are relegated to the status of second class citizens at best, in the worst case they are treated as "sub -men. " With a marked preference for the second category. Cultures
millennia now relegated to the rank of mere tradition, ingenuity and other mythical Aztec Inca civilizations no longer mobilized for survival: Claims territorial follow those of the enjoyment of natural resources, status politico-legal, sociocultural and educational. In short, recognition of citizenship as promulgated by the City ...
Governments of countries of Central America-Mexico-evoke with them, not give the slightest bit of autonomy in their "native", the fear fragmentation of the state! And to make a forced assimilation of Indian communities. In the barely concealed goal of harmonization that resembles nothing so much as a blind uniformity of culture. Making a two things: Preserving the unity of the country and eliminate any claim that could force the government to loosen purse compensatory damages to the securities of all wrongdoing, from generation to generation, on indigenous peoples. And that it benefited the Canadian First Nations. But then
in Central America it is to deny the Indians any aboriginal rights in the territories of their ancestors. Canada's policy is borrowed reserves. Here the "beneficiaries" the overwhelmingly reject. Because in Canada these enclaves, enjoying living in a large autonomy are necessarily built on the ancestral lands of indigenous people. Which is to restore culture. But the Indians of Mexico and elsewhere in Central America are systematically expropriated on behalf of a brutal industrialization seems to know no bounds. Conversely Canadian Indians demand and get as much as possible, as natural resources exploitation in their territories, by the government or the multinational-benefit their people. On behalf of aboriginal rights, exactly!
Destruction of socio-cultural fabric of a hand. Preservation of these values on the other. A whole world separates Natives of Canada and the United States, those of Central America. The former enjoy a "special" status maligned by their own white counterparts. However, that the indigenous Guatemalans live a quasi-apartheid. Worse in all cases that forced assimilation advocated by Mexico.
In such contexts, extreme, are conducive to the emergence of radical resistance. But, especially in these two countries, these movements for the emancipation of the indigenous cause are brutally repressed. The "dirty work" is often left in the hands of paramilitary networks of acquaintances who proved with the army, and receiving direct orders and technical resources to senior military hierarchy. The underlying ideology is openly declared racial or even racist. But racism exacerbated, reached the climax of the denial of another. The means: killing of indigenous people, rape, looting ... ethnic cleansing, perpetrated in other lands, or only on other people-would be recognized as genocide!
Revolution map cons
Despite overall refusal to pay a few skirmishes in the directory of litigation-after all light-pending, in Canada than elsewhere, whites and Aboriginals have finally smoked the peace pipe. Stored muskets, buried the hatchet. Support First Nations in Canada has had the effect of sleep warmongering that animated the "Elders" tempering the aggressiveness of many new generations. Now you go up to the plate for causes carefully targeted. We protested in each case. It claims the card after all.
Great Chefs of bands and some masterpieces and other democratically elected, are the only ones who take the language with public authorities. These "Great Sachems" of modern times are generally scholars versed in the practice of law or public administration.
While indigenous leaders from Latin America are in the majority, from the ranks of the resistance. And reached their height, because of the acuity of their struggle-the plight of their eventually sensitize the international community-a reputation beyond the local. Rigoberta Menchu's Guatemalan Nobel Peace was the defeated candidate in the presidential elections in his country. In Peru
Evo Morales had better fortune. Against all odds he was elected president. Against the will of whites. No wonder it just to preserve the unity of the country undermined by some of the richest provinces, the bastion of whites. These provinces have suddenly discovered the virtues of autonomy. It's just that the pill is still not digested by the caste of privileged people who conceived of as a supreme insult to be headed by a native: the Indian, this "thing" long relegated to the dustbin of history; and that it appears necessary for anthropological reasons, and that exhibits fossils. Or just to impress the tourists. Camped
force, and in turn the roles of objects / subjects of antiquity; or artists, the Aztec, Inca ... the Indian, can not exist otherwise. But
artists, as everyone knows, it is to entertain. But just for that.
(1) Treaty signed in Lisbon December 13, 2007 by 27 members comprising the European Union.
(2) Inuit: Aboriginal People-10.000-Quebec members in the far northern Canada on a vast hunting and fishing designated under the name of Nunavik.
(3) designation does nothing derogatory. The gang leaders are democratically elected indigenous leaders by their own, and whose legitimacy is duly recognized by the Canadian federal government.
(4) According to a report in 2007 on behalf of the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, the suicide rate is three times higher among indigenous than non-Aboriginal population.
See also the report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (February 1995)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Free Fashiontv Midnight Hot Plus
William Samuel Schwartz
"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You will work six days, and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. "- Ex 20:8-11
The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, from Friday evening to Saturday evening.
is a fundamental tenet of Judaism. Like the D- God who created the universe and everything in it in six days and rested on the seventh of his work, the Jew ceases all of its work this week with the approach of night on Friday evening, to devote himself entirely to Gd, body and spirit, the holy day of Shabbat.
When Shabat, certain activities are prohibited (build, cook, carve, buy, write, ...), because they arise from the work involved in the main building of the Temple, itself a symbol of the creation of the world by God. But the essence of Shabbat is to leave aside the tasks of the week to make room for Gd in the day when he completed the world making up a human.
The Sabbath day should be an occasion to celebrate with family, clearing his mind of worries and material duties of the week, to delve into the study of Torah and welcome in his house and in his mind the Oneg Shabbat, the welfare of Shabbat, perpetual gift of God to the Jews so they always follow the path of the Creator to bring the reign of Good. Yehuda Halevi
wrote in Quzari (book 2, line 50): "Whoever believes in the Sabbath as a day that stopped the work of Creation, admits no doubt of Creation, Creation admitting he recognizes the existence of a Creator who made the world. But whoever does not believe in Shabbat falls into the difficulties of the doctrine of eternity and not a perfect faith in the Creator of the universe. The observance of the Sabbath law closer to God more than monasticism, asceticism and the hermit. "
Each Shabbat, synagogue, we read the parsha, portion of the weekly Torah scroll.
Lessons Shabbat
John Halperin
more than three thousand years, the institution of Shabbat, far from becoming archaic, still occupies a central place in Jewish thought and, more broadly, canned its meaning for today's world.
Everyone knows that the Sabbath is the first compulsory weekly rest day ever known in world history. It a title of nobility which moreover earned the Jews in ancient Greek and Roman, sarcasm great writers outraged seventh men wasting their time and even more
that of their slaves, doing nothing productive. This aspect does not exhaust, by far, the meaning of Shabbat.
Shabbat is a time when skilled renounce its power to transform the world. For the implementation of his thought, the man knows how to create, produce, process, and this activity is part of his vocation, almost an obligation. But the Torah to the man sets a limit to his power. Shabbat is defined as the time when it is required to relinquish power. It is first an ascetic: "You shall do no work." (...) The man changes the world below as it pleases and submits to his rule. The Torah assigns a time limit that sovereignty ...
There are two essential commandments concerning the Sabbath: a negative command, a prohibition of any work that reflected, and a positive commandment, an obligation, the constitution of the Sabbath into a day of quiet.
Creation and release
What appear to target these commandments, which produce their practice and study, what lessons can we learn today?
Let the phrase apparently enigmatic, which concludes the story of the Creation and the Sabbath: "God rested from all his work he had created, to act (Gen 2.3). As it was created, the world remained unfinished, leaving it to the man to perfect. From the eighth day, man (and woman) become partners with God in the work of continuous creation. As Prosper Weil said: "Thus was anchored in Jewish thought the idea of progress. However, experience shows that progress can be achieved at the cost of ongoing tensions and conflicts: against nature that surrounds us, we must dominate but we spoil; cons of human society in which to create relations of domination, but mostly within each of us. "
ambition of the Jews is not Judaizing the world, but to humanize it, make it better, fairer, more harmonious. Shabbat, as a model, can ontribution.
example, the Shabbat is placed both under the sign of remembrance of the Creation of the world and that of liberation (as also shown in the parallel reading almost identical versions of Deuteronomy cited above, and Exodus (20.15 to 18). Indeed, the Sabbath is an appeal to the highest standards of human dignity and social equality. There is a vision of harmony between men by the refusal of all dispositions and all of economic, social and political.
Added to absolute respect for life: as specified in the rabbinic texts,
"the Sabbath was given to men, not men in Shabbat (Mekhilta, 31.13). Nothing is more important, according to the Torah, to preserve human life. If there is any danger that human life could be at stake, we must break prohibitions prescribed by the laws of Shabbat (Genesis Rabbah,
By failing to create one day a week, the man asserts his freedom from nature, in power and things, while he says his fraternity against other men. So we can understand as a sociologist Georges Friedmann, who spent much of his work with labor problems, could see "a kind of prophetic genius in the institution of the Sabbath" he considered necessary to fight against the dehumanization of technological civilization of today.
Babylonian Talmud Shabbath 156 has processed and b
R. Judah said in the name of Rav: Where do we know that the stars have no influence on Israel? For it is written (Genesis 15: 5): "God took him (Abraham) out." Abraham said the Holy One, blessed be He: "He who is born in my house is my heir! - Not the one who is born in your house, but whoever comes out of your womb (ib. 4). Abraham said: "Master of the world, I saw that under my circumstances I will not astral child. - Get out of astral these considerations, because there is no such influence for Israel. Samuel also teaches" point astral influence on Israel "
William Samuel Schwartz
"Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You will work six days, and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. "- Ex 20:8-11
The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week, from Friday evening to Saturday evening.
is a fundamental tenet of Judaism. Like the D- God who created the universe and everything in it in six days and rested on the seventh of his work, the Jew ceases all of its work this week with the approach of night on Friday evening, to devote himself entirely to Gd, body and spirit, the holy day of Shabbat.
When Shabat, certain activities are prohibited (build, cook, carve, buy, write, ...), because they arise from the work involved in the main building of the Temple, itself a symbol of the creation of the world by God. But the essence of Shabbat is to leave aside the tasks of the week to make room for Gd in the day when he completed the world making up a human.
The Sabbath day should be an occasion to celebrate with family, clearing his mind of worries and material duties of the week, to delve into the study of Torah and welcome in his house and in his mind the Oneg Shabbat, the welfare of Shabbat, perpetual gift of God to the Jews so they always follow the path of the Creator to bring the reign of Good. Yehuda Halevi
wrote in Quzari (book 2, line 50): "Whoever believes in the Sabbath as a day that stopped the work of Creation, admits no doubt of Creation, Creation admitting he recognizes the existence of a Creator who made the world. But whoever does not believe in Shabbat falls into the difficulties of the doctrine of eternity and not a perfect faith in the Creator of the universe. The observance of the Sabbath law closer to God more than monasticism, asceticism and the hermit. "
Each Shabbat, synagogue, we read the parsha, portion of the weekly Torah scroll.
Lessons Shabbat
John Halperin
more than three thousand years, the institution of Shabbat, far from becoming archaic, still occupies a central place in Jewish thought and, more broadly, canned its meaning for today's world.
Everyone knows that the Sabbath is the first compulsory weekly rest day ever known in world history. It a title of nobility which moreover earned the Jews in ancient Greek and Roman, sarcasm great writers outraged seventh men wasting their time and even more
that of their slaves, doing nothing productive. This aspect does not exhaust, by far, the meaning of Shabbat.
Shabbat is a time when skilled renounce its power to transform the world. For the implementation of his thought, the man knows how to create, produce, process, and this activity is part of his vocation, almost an obligation. But the Torah to the man sets a limit to his power. Shabbat is defined as the time when it is required to relinquish power. It is first an ascetic: "You shall do no work." (...) The man changes the world below as it pleases and submits to his rule. The Torah assigns a time limit that sovereignty ...
There are two essential commandments concerning the Sabbath: a negative command, a prohibition of any work that reflected, and a positive commandment, an obligation, the constitution of the Sabbath into a day of quiet.
Creation and release
What appear to target these commandments, which produce their practice and study, what lessons can we learn today?
Let the phrase apparently enigmatic, which concludes the story of the Creation and the Sabbath: "God rested from all his work he had created, to act (Gen 2.3). As it was created, the world remained unfinished, leaving it to the man to perfect. From the eighth day, man (and woman) become partners with God in the work of continuous creation. As Prosper Weil said: "Thus was anchored in Jewish thought the idea of progress. However, experience shows that progress can be achieved at the cost of ongoing tensions and conflicts: against nature that surrounds us, we must dominate but we spoil; cons of human society in which to create relations of domination, but mostly within each of us. "
ambition of the Jews is not Judaizing the world, but to humanize it, make it better, fairer, more harmonious. Shabbat, as a model, can ontribution.
example, the Shabbat is placed both under the sign of remembrance of the Creation of the world and that of liberation (as also shown in the parallel reading almost identical versions of Deuteronomy cited above, and Exodus (20.15 to 18). Indeed, the Sabbath is an appeal to the highest standards of human dignity and social equality. There is a vision of harmony between men by the refusal of all dispositions and all of economic, social and political.
Added to absolute respect for life: as specified in the rabbinic texts,
"the Sabbath was given to men, not men in Shabbat (Mekhilta, 31.13). Nothing is more important, according to the Torah, to preserve human life. If there is any danger that human life could be at stake, we must break prohibitions prescribed by the laws of Shabbat (Genesis Rabbah,
By failing to create one day a week, the man asserts his freedom from nature, in power and things, while he says his fraternity against other men. So we can understand as a sociologist Georges Friedmann, who spent much of his work with labor problems, could see "a kind of prophetic genius in the institution of the Sabbath" he considered necessary to fight against the dehumanization of technological civilization of today.
Babylonian Talmud Shabbath 156 has processed and b
R. Judah said in the name of Rav: Where do we know that the stars have no influence on Israel? For it is written (Genesis 15: 5): "God took him (Abraham) out." Abraham said the Holy One, blessed be He: "He who is born in my house is my heir! - Not the one who is born in your house, but whoever comes out of your womb (ib. 4). Abraham said: "Master of the world, I saw that under my circumstances I will not astral child. - Get out of astral these considerations, because there is no such influence for Israel. Samuel also teaches" point astral influence on Israel "
Knot In Groin Area After Heart Cath
Jewish festivals, which dates back to antiquity, are intensely celebrated in Israel. Jewish holidays are the "benchmarks" by which Israelis mark the year. They are truly an integral part of daily life in the streets, schools, synagogues and homes across the country.
Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust
The people of Israel as a whole evokes the memory of the six million martyrs Jewish Holocaust victims. That day, a siren sounds at ten o'clock in the morning and the nation observed two minutes of silence, pledging "to remember and remind others the duty to never forget." On 27 Nissan
Day of Remembrance
Day of Remembrance of the fallen soldiers in defense of Israel is commemorated a week later, on 4 Iyar in memory of those who died in fighting for the establishment of the State of Israel and its defense. At 20 pm the day before and 11 hours, a siren will sound for two minutes in silence, the whole nation remembers its debt and expresses eternal gratitude to her son and daughters who gave their lives for the country to achieve independence and its continued existence.
Independence Day
This day is immediately followed by Independence Day (5 Iyar), the anniversary of the Proclamation of the establishment of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948. It does not sagit dune centennial celebration, but the day is of great significance for the many citizens who have personally and actively participated in the creation of new state and have witnessed considerable changes have occurred since 1948.
Yom Yerushalayim
Jerusalem Day is celebrated on 28 Iyar, about a week before Shavuot, and commemorates the 1967 reunification of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, having remained divided over nineteen years by concrete walls and barbed wire. I1 is recalled on this day that Jerusalem is "the focal point of Jewish history, the symbol of its ancient glory, spiritual fulfillment and modern renewal." The Hallel is recited in some synagogues.
Jewish festivals, which dates back to antiquity, are intensely celebrated in Israel. Jewish holidays are the "benchmarks" by which Israelis mark the year. They are truly an integral part of daily life in the streets, schools, synagogues and homes across the country.
The people of Israel as a whole evokes the memory of the six million martyrs Jewish Holocaust victims. That day, a siren sounds at ten o'clock in the morning and the nation observed two minutes of silence, pledging "to remember and remind others the duty to never forget." On 27 Nissan
Day of Remembrance of the fallen soldiers in defense of Israel is commemorated a week later, on 4 Iyar in memory of those who died in fighting for the establishment of the State of Israel and its defense. At 20 pm the day before and 11 hours, a siren will sound for two minutes in silence, the whole nation remembers its debt and expresses eternal gratitude to her son and daughters who gave their lives for the country to achieve independence and its continued existence.
This day is immediately followed by Independence Day (5 Iyar), the anniversary of the Proclamation of the establishment of the State of Israel, May 14, 1948. It does not sagit dune centennial celebration, but the day is of great significance for the many citizens who have personally and actively participated in the creation of new state and have witnessed considerable changes have occurred since 1948.
Jerusalem Day is celebrated on 28 Iyar, about a week before Shavuot, and commemorates the 1967 reunification of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, having remained divided over nineteen years by concrete walls and barbed wire. I1 is recalled on this day that Jerusalem is "the focal point of Jewish history, the symbol of its ancient glory, spiritual fulfillment and modern renewal." The Hallel is recited in some synagogues.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Kamehasutra En Vidéo
GuédaliaJeûne of Jeune du 10 TevetJeûne of EstherJeûne TamouzTisha of either Av
YOUNG of Gedaliah
Appearance History
The day after Rosh Hashanah, on 3 Tishrei, the Jewish community remembers the assassination of Gedaliah fasting.
Gedaliah son of Ahikam was the Judean governor, placed by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon had destroyed the first Temple - Gedalia 586.Le role was to maintain Jewish life in the desolate, but in which he still had several thousand Judéens.Mais a zealot fanatic - a man named Ishmael Netania Ben - who rejected any compromise with the enemy Gedalia assassination. The wrath of the king of Babylon came quickly, and the few thousand Jews who could be the starting point of a new Jewish Yishuv, were in turn massacred or exiled.
Rabbis, before such a disaster, settled on 3 Tishrei as a day of national fast. General meaning
Fasting Gedaliah is linked to the trauma of the destruction (hourban) of the two Temples in Jerusalem. The shock was terrible, not only because of the many victims (Flavius Josephus estimated that nearly one million, the number of Judeans massacred by the legions of Titus) but because this disaster, and exile that arose in this, sapped all the vision of biblical messianism that had been received from Abraham. Indeed, the spiritual message of Israel must necessarily emanate from the people who received the Torah from the land of promise.
Exile of 70 forced the Jews to reconstitute themselves as an ardent faith landless. The conquest of the Book replaced the conquest of space, and the Jew became "Builder of the time. "However, by focusing its synagogues to his ancestral country, fasting on 3 Tishrei, 10 Tevet, 17th Tammuz and the 9th of Av and the three other times, Israel argued in the drama of its diaspora, religious and national unity. One can understand why, paradoxically, the 9th of Av is called Moed, feast day, "rendezvous" ... with its own identity.
The siege of Jerusalem
The tenth day of Tevet of the year 3336 from Creation (-425 of the common era), the armies of the 'Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar established the siege of Jerusalem. Thirty months later, on 17 Tammuz 3338, a breach was opened in the walls of the city and the 9th of Av this year, the Holy Temple was destroyed. Following this, the Jewish people was exiled to Babylonia for 70 years.
On 10 Tevet is a day of fasting, mourning and repentance, in remembrance of the siege of Jerusalem. We refrain from eating and drinking from dawn until dusk, and add the Séli'hot and other passages in our prayers.
In many communities, this fast is also associated with the memory of Holocaust victims and Kaddish is recited for the credit of all those we know the exact date of disappearance.
Alter Rebbe of Liadi explains that one day of fasting is also a day of divine benevolence. As the obligation to fast on 10 Tevet is in some ways more strict than other fasts, one can understand the divine benevolence is stronger that day. So teshuvah, a return to God, that must lead the fast, will also be a higher level
At the time of Ahasuerus
"Go, brings together all the Jews and fast without food or drink for three days, neither night nor day. " Esther 4:16
At the time of Mordechai and Esther, the Jews were gathered on 13 Adar to confront their enemies. They needed a lot of Divine Mercy so that their enemies do not affect them. Jews have prayed and fasted that day, like Moshe Rabbeinu who had stood in prayer and fasting the day Israel had faced 'Amalek, until Hashem gives victory to Israel.
Again, Hashem D. our ancestors listened to their entreaties and accepted their repentance and fasting, and the day fixed by our enemies to destroy Israel was reversed, and the Jews are their enemies who fought that day.
On 13 Adar, the Jews killed 75,000 non-Jews who wanted to undermine their lives without counting those who were killed in the city of Chouchann (Susa), capital of the Persian Empire, and no Jew died in battle, "because it is not through the army, nor by force, but Only through my mind, thus saith Hashem D. armies ... "
That is why we have a tradition in all communities of Israel to fast that day every year in remembrance of the miracle which they benefited, and this fast is called" Fast of Esther .
The fast of 17 Tammuz
Tammuz is the fourth month of the Jewish year. The name of Tammuz is a pagan goddess. He is mentioned as such in the book of Ezekiel (8, 14).
Beginning of the period of penance that commemorates the destruction of Jerusalem.
On 17 Tammuz is one of four fasts mentioned in the Book of Prophets.
According to Jewish tradition, 5 major disasters occurred that day:
Moses breaks the Tablets of the Law down from Mount Sinai after the sin of the golden calf.
was stopped offering the daily sacrifices in the first Temple during the siege of Jerusalem, the Kohanim (priests) could no longer obtain animals.
A breach is made in the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Temple in the year 70 CE.
Before the great revolt, the Roman general Apostamos burned a Torah scroll setting a horrible precedent for the burning of Jewish books throughout the centuries.
A statue is brought into the sanctuary, and blasphemous act of desecration par excellence.
The 21 days between the fast of Tammuz and the 9th of Av is called by the Jewish tradition: "days between the narrow defiles, "according to verse 1, 3 of the Book of Lamentations:" Her persecutors have all reached in the narrow defiles. "These three weeks are a period of mourning in remembrance of the destruction of both temples in Jerusalem.
From destruction to hope
Tisha B'Av, literally the ninth day of Av, is the day of national mourning of the Jewish People.
According to tradition, on that date, the First and Second Temple were destroyed. The first destruction of the Temple took place -586 in the year, when Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, took Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple which was built 300 years before by King Solomon. This fact marked the loss of Jewish sovereignty and the beginning of the first exile, who is known as "Babylonian Exile".
It was during this exile, which lasted 50 years, the Jews began to commemorate Tisha B'Av as a day of mourning.
Second Temple's destruction occurred 600 years later, in the year 70 AD when the Roman Emperor Tito (I's) conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple that was rebuilt by the exiles in Babylon after his return to Zion. This second Destruction is the one that caused the exile and the Diaspora in which we are still part.
In the Talmud, our sages note other events that occurred on that date. They say it was precisely during Tisha B'Av when, in the desert, our ancestors rejected the possibility of entering the Promised Land. The fear of villages powerful then living on earth made them want to return to Egypt. God did not tolerate this lack of faith from the Hebrew and condemned to wander in the desert for 40 years.
The Midrash says that this time God told the Hebrews:
"You wept without tears question, I will make this day a day of tears for generations to come "
According to the Talmud, when Tisha B'Av, the fortress of Betar fell also, the last stronghold of the rebellion of Bar Kojba against the Romans in the In the year 135. Thus the last trace of Jewish sovereignty in Israel went out for almost two thousand years.
All these events are related to the exile of the people of his land and with the need to return to territorial sovereignty.
In addition, there was for Jewish history and universal other tragic situations which also occurred on the day of Tisha Be Av Maybe Most notable was that the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the outbreak of the First World War, the first deportations to the extermination camps and to the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima ...
Another Midrash says that when the Temple was burned down during Tisha B'Av, the High Priest of the time, threw the keys to heaven from the Temple. Then a hand came down from heaven and took the keys.
The Talmud says that every generation, the same hand comes down and offers men the keys of the Temple. Perhaps it is the duty of everyone to take these keys and accept the challenge of Reconstruction
YOUNG of Gedaliah
Appearance History
The day after Rosh Hashanah, on 3 Tishrei, the Jewish community remembers the assassination of Gedaliah fasting.
Gedaliah son of Ahikam was the Judean governor, placed by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon had destroyed the first Temple - Gedalia 586.Le role was to maintain Jewish life in the desolate, but in which he still had several thousand Judéens.Mais a zealot fanatic - a man named Ishmael Netania Ben - who rejected any compromise with the enemy Gedalia assassination. The wrath of the king of Babylon came quickly, and the few thousand Jews who could be the starting point of a new Jewish Yishuv, were in turn massacred or exiled.
Rabbis, before such a disaster, settled on 3 Tishrei as a day of national fast. General meaning
Fasting Gedaliah is linked to the trauma of the destruction (hourban) of the two Temples in Jerusalem. The shock was terrible, not only because of the many victims (Flavius Josephus estimated that nearly one million, the number of Judeans massacred by the legions of Titus) but because this disaster, and exile that arose in this, sapped all the vision of biblical messianism that had been received from Abraham. Indeed, the spiritual message of Israel must necessarily emanate from the people who received the Torah from the land of promise.
Exile of 70 forced the Jews to reconstitute themselves as an ardent faith landless. The conquest of the Book replaced the conquest of space, and the Jew became "Builder of the time. "However, by focusing its synagogues to his ancestral country, fasting on 3 Tishrei, 10 Tevet, 17th Tammuz and the 9th of Av and the three other times, Israel argued in the drama of its diaspora, religious and national unity. One can understand why, paradoxically, the 9th of Av is called Moed, feast day, "rendezvous" ... with its own identity.
The siege of Jerusalem
The tenth day of Tevet of the year 3336 from Creation (-425 of the common era), the armies of the 'Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar established the siege of Jerusalem. Thirty months later, on 17 Tammuz 3338, a breach was opened in the walls of the city and the 9th of Av this year, the Holy Temple was destroyed. Following this, the Jewish people was exiled to Babylonia for 70 years.
On 10 Tevet is a day of fasting, mourning and repentance, in remembrance of the siege of Jerusalem. We refrain from eating and drinking from dawn until dusk, and add the Séli'hot and other passages in our prayers.
In many communities, this fast is also associated with the memory of Holocaust victims and Kaddish is recited for the credit of all those we know the exact date of disappearance.
Alter Rebbe of Liadi explains that one day of fasting is also a day of divine benevolence. As the obligation to fast on 10 Tevet is in some ways more strict than other fasts, one can understand the divine benevolence is stronger that day. So teshuvah, a return to God, that must lead the fast, will also be a higher level
At the time of Ahasuerus
"Go, brings together all the Jews and fast without food or drink for three days, neither night nor day. " Esther 4:16
At the time of Mordechai and Esther, the Jews were gathered on 13 Adar to confront their enemies. They needed a lot of Divine Mercy so that their enemies do not affect them. Jews have prayed and fasted that day, like Moshe Rabbeinu who had stood in prayer and fasting the day Israel had faced 'Amalek, until Hashem gives victory to Israel.
Again, Hashem D. our ancestors listened to their entreaties and accepted their repentance and fasting, and the day fixed by our enemies to destroy Israel was reversed, and the Jews are their enemies who fought that day.
On 13 Adar, the Jews killed 75,000 non-Jews who wanted to undermine their lives without counting those who were killed in the city of Chouchann (Susa), capital of the Persian Empire, and no Jew died in battle, "because it is not through the army, nor by force, but Only through my mind, thus saith Hashem D. armies ... "
That is why we have a tradition in all communities of Israel to fast that day every year in remembrance of the miracle which they benefited, and this fast is called" Fast of Esther .
The fast of 17 Tammuz
Tammuz is the fourth month of the Jewish year. The name of Tammuz is a pagan goddess. He is mentioned as such in the book of Ezekiel (8, 14).
Beginning of the period of penance that commemorates the destruction of Jerusalem.
On 17 Tammuz is one of four fasts mentioned in the Book of Prophets.
According to Jewish tradition, 5 major disasters occurred that day:
Moses breaks the Tablets of the Law down from Mount Sinai after the sin of the golden calf.
was stopped offering the daily sacrifices in the first Temple during the siege of Jerusalem, the Kohanim (priests) could no longer obtain animals.
A breach is made in the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Temple in the year 70 CE.
Before the great revolt, the Roman general Apostamos burned a Torah scroll setting a horrible precedent for the burning of Jewish books throughout the centuries.
A statue is brought into the sanctuary, and blasphemous act of desecration par excellence.
The 21 days between the fast of Tammuz and the 9th of Av is called by the Jewish tradition: "days between the narrow defiles, "according to verse 1, 3 of the Book of Lamentations:" Her persecutors have all reached in the narrow defiles. "These three weeks are a period of mourning in remembrance of the destruction of both temples in Jerusalem.
From destruction to hope
Tisha B'Av, literally the ninth day of Av, is the day of national mourning of the Jewish People.
According to tradition, on that date, the First and Second Temple were destroyed. The first destruction of the Temple took place -586 in the year, when Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, took Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple which was built 300 years before by King Solomon. This fact marked the loss of Jewish sovereignty and the beginning of the first exile, who is known as "Babylonian Exile".
It was during this exile, which lasted 50 years, the Jews began to commemorate Tisha B'Av as a day of mourning.
Second Temple's destruction occurred 600 years later, in the year 70 AD when the Roman Emperor Tito (I's) conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple that was rebuilt by the exiles in Babylon after his return to Zion. This second Destruction is the one that caused the exile and the Diaspora in which we are still part.
In the Talmud, our sages note other events that occurred on that date. They say it was precisely during Tisha B'Av when, in the desert, our ancestors rejected the possibility of entering the Promised Land. The fear of villages powerful then living on earth made them want to return to Egypt. God did not tolerate this lack of faith from the Hebrew and condemned to wander in the desert for 40 years.
The Midrash says that this time God told the Hebrews:
"You wept without tears question, I will make this day a day of tears for generations to come "
According to the Talmud, when Tisha B'Av, the fortress of Betar fell also, the last stronghold of the rebellion of Bar Kojba against the Romans in the In the year 135. Thus the last trace of Jewish sovereignty in Israel went out for almost two thousand years.
All these events are related to the exile of the people of his land and with the need to return to territorial sovereignty.
In addition, there was for Jewish history and universal other tragic situations which also occurred on the day of Tisha Be Av Maybe Most notable was that the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the outbreak of the First World War, the first deportations to the extermination camps and to the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima ...
Another Midrash says that when the Temple was burned down during Tisha B'Av, the High Priest of the time, threw the keys to heaven from the Temple. Then a hand came down from heaven and took the keys.
The Talmud says that every generation, the same hand comes down and offers men the keys of the Temple. Perhaps it is the duty of everyone to take these keys and accept the challenge of Reconstruction
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- Rosh Hashanah - Tishri 1, and 2
Fast of Gedaliah
- 3 Tishri Yom Kippur
- On 10 Tishri Sukkot
- From 15 to 21 Tishri
Hochaana Rabba - 21 Tishri
Shemini Atzeret - On 22 and 23 Tishrei
Simcha Torah - 23 Tishri
Hanukkah - From 25 to 2 Kislev Tevet
Fast of Tevet - 10 Tevet Tu Bi Shevat
- 15 Shevat
Fast of Esther - 13 Adar
Purim - 14 Adar
Shoshana Purim - 15 Adar
Fasting first born - 14 Nissan
Pesach - From 15 to 22 Nissan
Yom HaShoa - On 27 Nissan ....... April 21, 2009
Day of Remembrance - Iyar 4, ........ April 28
Yom Ha'atzmaut - 5th Iyar ....... April 29
Pesach Cheni - 14 Iyar ....... May 8 Lag ba Omer
- 18 Iyar May 12 ......
Yom Yérouchalaïm - 28 Iyar ....... May 22
Shavuot - Sivan 6, and 7 ...... 29 and May 30
Fast of Tammuz
- 17 Tammuz ....... July 9
Tisha B'Av - 9 Av ....... July 30
Tu Beav - 15 Av
- Rosh Hashanah - Tishri 1, and 2
Fast of Gedaliah
- 3 Tishri Yom Kippur
- On 10 Tishri Sukkot
- From 15 to 21 Tishri
Hochaana Rabba - 21 Tishri
Shemini Atzeret - On 22 and 23 Tishrei
Simcha Torah - 23 Tishri
Hanukkah - From 25 to 2 Kislev Tevet
Fast of Tevet - 10 Tevet Tu Bi Shevat
- 15 Shevat
Fast of Esther - 13 Adar
Purim - 14 Adar
Shoshana Purim - 15 Adar
Fasting first born - 14 Nissan
Pesach - From 15 to 22 Nissan
Pesach Cheni - 14 Iyar ....... May 8 Lag ba Omer
- 18 Iyar May 12 ......
Shavuot - Sivan 6, and 7 ...... 29 and May 30
Fast of Tammuz
- 17 Tammuz ....... July 9
Tisha B'Av - 9 Av ....... July 30
Tu Beav - 15 Av
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Reuven Rubin
On 15 Shevat is the New Year of Trees
We honor this day by eating more fruits (which has not tasted for a year) on which the blessing will Chééhéyanou.
Tu B'Shvat is a time of prayer and trial, even for the tree under
The D.. Creator, is to sketch each new year, all the moments until the end of the existence of his creatures is also a time to pray for the success of this tree.
Torah likened to the human tree of the field, and therefore, the Day of Judgement of the tree, somewhere is also a Judgement Day for Man, despite the austerity of judgments, we are still gays and Merry.
This new year of trees inaugurated the revival of the nature of the land of Israel where the sap rises in the trunks of the trees come into flower and beautify the landscape.
Tu B'Shevat, contains no prohibition on working, or feast, or extra prayer. Today, we mark it by the consumption of seven fruits which was blessed by the Land of Israel, and are:
Wheat, Barley, Grapes, Figs, Pomegranates, Olives, Dates
There are four "New Year": Sarah
The Nissan is the first New Year the account of the years of kings and the pilgrimage festivals; 1 Elul is the new year for tithing cattle; 1 Tishrei, on behalf of years, sabbaticals, jubilees, plantations and vegetables, the Shevat is the first New Year's tree, according to the School of Shammai, and the 15th of the month, according to the School of Hillel. "(Talmud Rosh Hashanah 1.1)
Tu B'Shevat (Tu is composed of the letters Teth and Vav, the sum of numerical values is 15) is a holiday that falls on the 15th of Shevat. It's the New Year Trees: every fruit that grows from that date count for the coming year for collection the tithe of the fruits of the tree. This date is subject to discussion between the two Talmudic sages Hillel and Shammai. Chamai for the New Year of Trees must be fixed the 1st of the month, like other New Year Hillel believes that the renewal of nature is started around the 15th of the month, which is why he attaches to this date, and it was his opinion that the Act will retain, as in most cases. Date has been set for the account of the tithes of the fruits of the tree. And this is no accident: it considers that in the climate of the Land of Israel, the rainy season draws to a close, the sap is rising in the trees that are beginning to bud (this is what explains Rashi, the medieval commentator on the text we have quoted above). This very technical aspect of this New Year's Day was evaporated from the sixteenth century by the Kabbalist from Safed. New Year's trees now dons a suit and symbolically reiterates the commitment of the carnal Jewish exiles to their land.
The Kabbalists of 15 Shevat have a real holiday. They introduced a ritual known as "The Tu B'Shvat Seder." This is described for the first time in the mystical book "Hemdat Yamim" which was published in 1763, and it is in the consumption of red wine, white wine, "fruit of Israel" (these are the fruits of which the Land of Israel was blessed, namely wheat, barley, dates, figs, pomegranates , grapes and olives). All this is done in a specific order and accompanied by the reading of texts from the Bible or the Zohar (the main work of the Kabbalah). This custom soon spread throughout the Jewish diaspora, and it became a major moment in the expression of nostalgia for the Jewish people from their land, through the centuries and countries.
Efforts to consume seven fruits of Israel and at least one new fruit. Several
customs were adopted Tu B'Shvat, the day of celebration not idle. We are used to make a family meal in which one tastes the most fruit possible, at least 15 for some. Efforts to consume seven fruits of Israel (which does not necessarily come from Israel) and at least one new fruit (which is pronounced the blessing Chéhé'héyanou). Since the return of the Jewish people on Earth and its creation of the State of Israel, it was decided to mark the day by planting trees. Schoolchildren take to the forests and their plant each tree, and a pedagogy is implemented around the themes of attachment to the Land of Israel and ecological values.
If the New Year is celebrated trees so any material amount by eating fruit, it is nevertheless a party with a strong spiritual. Far from being a pure green celebration (in the modern sense) and devoid of any hint of pantheism, he wants to think about the interrelationships between man, God, nature, the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.
"For man is a tree of the field." (Deuteronomy 20, 19) Through this verse, the Torah introduces a reflection Past, present and future of the individual. Three essential components are a tree is tree: roots, trunk and products: leaves, flowers and fruits. The roots are essential to the growth of a tree: the more they are strong and located in a rich soil, the stronger the tree. The roots, ancestry, family, children, the basics of education, morality and faith, is taken up in a family story "have roots" rooted in a tradition, it draws its energy from a ground feeder. Cut themselves off from their roots, it is somewhat cut off: you might die. The roots give the trunk: it represents education, childhood and adolescence, the age at which one is "done". Yet must it be strong enough and developed to withstand wind and storm, education must be based on moral principles and religious sufficiently coherent for the future adult can resist all the temptations negative. And as the trunk continues to thicken, the study and knowledge are essential to the growth of human beings.
Man must produce fruit and radiate around him perform God's commandments, do good deeds.
However, the only development not enough staff at the individual, it would be fruitless. Like the tree justifies its existence by his duties as a producer of oxygen and wood, of nutrient for men and the animal world or simply by the fact that it provides shade in summer and enjoy sight, man must produce fruit and radiate around him perform God's commandments, do good deeds, communicate, exchange and share. This is what makes a complete human being, this is the future of mankind, which evolves in relation to others. And all this for the tree to grow, it is an indispensable element: water. For a Jew the vital element is the Torah repeatedly in the Bible, the Torah is compared to water, wells water invigorating (including Deut. 32:2), she is accompanying her life, she who guides and strengthens it. The celebration of Tu B'Shevat, is an occasion to celebrate nature and thank God for His creation and enjoyment that he gives us. It's also time for an expression of love for the Land of Israel. But it is the time to take stock of our personal growth for our tree, the lungs of the earth, to bear fruit and that everyone benefits.
It is written in Avot of Rabbi Nathan Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakai had a habit of saying "if you have a seed in your hand and someone warn you that the Messiah has come, stay where you are, plant the seed and then you can go running to welcome him. " It seems that he has agreed with Franz Kafka when he wrote almost 2000 years later in his "parables" that "the messiah will come only when necessary and it will come the day after his arrival. "
Tu B'Shevat, a prelude to the messianic era plethora of seeds and crops, we brought back for a few moments in this Garden of Eden from which we come and towards which, since we left, we try to return.
Reuven Rubin
On 15 Shevat is the New Year of Trees
We honor this day by eating more fruits (which has not tasted for a year) on which the blessing will Chééhéyanou.
Tu B'Shvat is a time of prayer and trial, even for the tree under
The D.. Creator, is to sketch each new year, all the moments until the end of the existence of his creatures is also a time to pray for the success of this tree.
Torah likened to the human tree of the field, and therefore, the Day of Judgement of the tree, somewhere is also a Judgement Day for Man, despite the austerity of judgments, we are still gays and Merry.
This new year of trees inaugurated the revival of the nature of the land of Israel where the sap rises in the trunks of the trees come into flower and beautify the landscape.
Tu B'Shevat, contains no prohibition on working, or feast, or extra prayer. Today, we mark it by the consumption of seven fruits which was blessed by the Land of Israel, and are:
Wheat, Barley, Grapes, Figs, Pomegranates, Olives, Dates
There are four "New Year": Sarah
The Nissan is the first New Year the account of the years of kings and the pilgrimage festivals; 1 Elul is the new year for tithing cattle; 1 Tishrei, on behalf of years, sabbaticals, jubilees, plantations and vegetables, the Shevat is the first New Year's tree, according to the School of Shammai, and the 15th of the month, according to the School of Hillel. "(Talmud Rosh Hashanah 1.1)
Tu B'Shevat (Tu is composed of the letters Teth and Vav, the sum of numerical values is 15) is a holiday that falls on the 15th of Shevat. It's the New Year Trees: every fruit that grows from that date count for the coming year for collection the tithe of the fruits of the tree. This date is subject to discussion between the two Talmudic sages Hillel and Shammai. Chamai for the New Year of Trees must be fixed the 1st of the month, like other New Year Hillel believes that the renewal of nature is started around the 15th of the month, which is why he attaches to this date, and it was his opinion that the Act will retain, as in most cases. Date has been set for the account of the tithes of the fruits of the tree. And this is no accident: it considers that in the climate of the Land of Israel, the rainy season draws to a close, the sap is rising in the trees that are beginning to bud (this is what explains Rashi, the medieval commentator on the text we have quoted above). This very technical aspect of this New Year's Day was evaporated from the sixteenth century by the Kabbalist from Safed. New Year's trees now dons a suit and symbolically reiterates the commitment of the carnal Jewish exiles to their land.
The Kabbalists of 15 Shevat have a real holiday. They introduced a ritual known as "The Tu B'Shvat Seder." This is described for the first time in the mystical book "Hemdat Yamim" which was published in 1763, and it is in the consumption of red wine, white wine, "fruit of Israel" (these are the fruits of which the Land of Israel was blessed, namely wheat, barley, dates, figs, pomegranates , grapes and olives). All this is done in a specific order and accompanied by the reading of texts from the Bible or the Zohar (the main work of the Kabbalah). This custom soon spread throughout the Jewish diaspora, and it became a major moment in the expression of nostalgia for the Jewish people from their land, through the centuries and countries.
Efforts to consume seven fruits of Israel and at least one new fruit. Several
customs were adopted Tu B'Shvat, the day of celebration not idle. We are used to make a family meal in which one tastes the most fruit possible, at least 15 for some. Efforts to consume seven fruits of Israel (which does not necessarily come from Israel) and at least one new fruit (which is pronounced the blessing Chéhé'héyanou). Since the return of the Jewish people on Earth and its creation of the State of Israel, it was decided to mark the day by planting trees. Schoolchildren take to the forests and their plant each tree, and a pedagogy is implemented around the themes of attachment to the Land of Israel and ecological values.
If the New Year is celebrated trees so any material amount by eating fruit, it is nevertheless a party with a strong spiritual. Far from being a pure green celebration (in the modern sense) and devoid of any hint of pantheism, he wants to think about the interrelationships between man, God, nature, the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.
"For man is a tree of the field." (Deuteronomy 20, 19) Through this verse, the Torah introduces a reflection Past, present and future of the individual. Three essential components are a tree is tree: roots, trunk and products: leaves, flowers and fruits. The roots are essential to the growth of a tree: the more they are strong and located in a rich soil, the stronger the tree. The roots, ancestry, family, children, the basics of education, morality and faith, is taken up in a family story "have roots" rooted in a tradition, it draws its energy from a ground feeder. Cut themselves off from their roots, it is somewhat cut off: you might die. The roots give the trunk: it represents education, childhood and adolescence, the age at which one is "done". Yet must it be strong enough and developed to withstand wind and storm, education must be based on moral principles and religious sufficiently coherent for the future adult can resist all the temptations negative. And as the trunk continues to thicken, the study and knowledge are essential to the growth of human beings.
Man must produce fruit and radiate around him perform God's commandments, do good deeds.
However, the only development not enough staff at the individual, it would be fruitless. Like the tree justifies its existence by his duties as a producer of oxygen and wood, of nutrient for men and the animal world or simply by the fact that it provides shade in summer and enjoy sight, man must produce fruit and radiate around him perform God's commandments, do good deeds, communicate, exchange and share. This is what makes a complete human being, this is the future of mankind, which evolves in relation to others. And all this for the tree to grow, it is an indispensable element: water. For a Jew the vital element is the Torah repeatedly in the Bible, the Torah is compared to water, wells water invigorating (including Deut. 32:2), she is accompanying her life, she who guides and strengthens it. The celebration of Tu B'Shevat, is an occasion to celebrate nature and thank God for His creation and enjoyment that he gives us. It's also time for an expression of love for the Land of Israel. But it is the time to take stock of our personal growth for our tree, the lungs of the earth, to bear fruit and that everyone benefits.
It is written in Avot of Rabbi Nathan Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakai had a habit of saying "if you have a seed in your hand and someone warn you that the Messiah has come, stay where you are, plant the seed and then you can go running to welcome him. " It seems that he has agreed with Franz Kafka when he wrote almost 2000 years later in his "parables" that "the messiah will come only when necessary and it will come the day after his arrival. "
Tu B'Shevat, a prelude to the messianic era plethora of seeds and crops, we brought back for a few moments in this Garden of Eden from which we come and towards which, since we left, we try to return.
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