Thursday, July 15, 2010

Density On Chest X-ray

Monserrate, ICBF and varia ...

We made a first shipment this Wednesday, July 14. Coincidentally, this is the first release in 2007 even with Laura. Except this time it was a little more complicated. It turns out that this place is not very suitable for strollers, there to some place that marches to access a site. So for two parents with two strollers and two children ... without comment. In addition, when the rain started the game, it's become a little slippery donations less attractive as an output ... But it's still an amazing place to have a view of the city of Bogota, and our beautiful Laura marveled to see the cars mini mini mini! Our taxi ride went very well with pout pout and driving fast and ultra sharp drivers from here!
Above, me and Laura in 2007, down, me and Laura in the same place in 2010!

A view of part of Bogota.

ICBF: Our meeting took place today at 15h. We left the board on our 36, Dad jacket and tie, Mom in nylons and skirted''masked''and the two girls dressed like princesses. It is an important meeting using as it is an interview with the defendant (who represents the state, so our daughter) and our lawyer. We therefore questioned to ensure that we will be good parents. The charm and English Dad helped a lot during the interview. The defendant then signed the paper (which represents step 1 of what is going on here) and gave a copy to our lawyer (who will present our current folder tomorrow morning). Thank you to my two girls who did this very seriously and a special thank you to Laura, who has charmed my team at the beginning of the interview with a few phrases in English and learned smile that he knows ... we are proud of you my treasure! So you leave the room with the appropriate gracias a lighter heart ... it is a good step done!

Varia :

I present to you Lili, the doll-Sofia Karen mentioned in the previous message.

Our beautiful poupounette stands everywhere! It owes much to the monitor to prevent accidents. Our consolation is that it will work surely early!

When Dad leaves the room, Karen-Sofia went to the door and knock back to Dad. (And every time) And when Mom leaves the room ... without comments !!!;-))

Our beautiful Laura discovers with pleasure all the fruits here. For now, the pitahaya is his favorite. True, it is very good (and is an excellent laxative - notice to interested parties).

The playroom


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