on 15 Tishri
In the third book of the Bible, The Leviticus, we read in the twenty-third chapter, verses 42 and 43: "Ye shall dwell in booths seven days, all natives in Israel live in booths so your descendants will know that I did live in tents children of Israel after I brought them out of Egypt. "
This festival lasts for 7 days, called Sukkot, or Feast of Tabernacles sometimes or Booths and it takes place after the most solemn holy festivals of the Jewish year, Rosh Hashana (the day of the Hashanah) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). This festival is a way to remember that Jews on their way across the desert to the promised land, had no permanent homes. So tents or "sukka" are used to symbolize the insecurity of life of the Jewish people.
"Sukkot" is also a celebration of autumn and the harvest that makes us appreciate the goodness and faithfulness of God. It was the custom in ancient times in Palestine, move everyone to the fields and live in tents to complete the harvest before the rains fall and to protect and ripe fruit from thieves. According
law found in Leviticus, the festival of Sukkot is celebrated each year by building tents that resemble small huts or shacks. In this time of celebration, these small huts called "Sukka" are built in the backyard to accommodate all family members. Those who live in flats transformed their sukkah balcony by decorating with branches and fruit for the head.
"You take the first day the fruit of the tree Hadar (Ethrog), palm branches (lulav), myrtle twigs and willow branches of the river, and you shall rejoice in the presence of Lord your God for seven days "(Leviticus 23.40)
The etrog, lemon grown in Israel, has both the taste and smell. It is like the son of Israel who have both knowledge - Smell - and the fruits of good deeds - taste - the teaching of life - the Torah.
The palm fruit but no smell. He represents those who benefit from the teachings of the Torah, but do not know in spreading knowledge. In the bouquet there is therefore a branch.
The myrtle has a pleasant smell, but no fruit. She represents those who have knowledge of the Torah, but do not know grow in their actions. In the bouquet there are three branches.
The two willow branches are tasteless and odorless. They represent those who have neither knowledge nor share the fruits of the Torah, but they are still part of the People of Israel.
And it is through a mix of all four species of plants, which represent the entire People of Israel, we cheered the Lord who saved his people into his servant.
Preserve, O Lord, the earth, of all evil ... ..
Save us for your eternity, of your mysterious
attributes of your power and your dignity, your
of kindness, your Holiness,
and your infinite mercy.
Prayer of Sukkot
Hoshana RABBA
Simchat THORA
The weight of the festival of Shemini Atzeret
The holiday Shemini Atzeret Simh'at Torah and follow that of Sukkot. After offering to D. in the Beth Hamikdash own sacrifices for the feast of sukkot, the Lord keeps us one last day to Yerushalayim that we were presenting him one last gift. Unlike
sacrifices offered in the first seven days of Sukkot for the well-being the seventy nations, this made this day of Shemini Atzeret is defending the interests of the Jewish people. So far what is the underlying reason that justifies this gift to the Lord?
D. can not stand to see her children leave. It also asks us to stay one more day to Him. Give me not even a bullock and a ram on this day of Shemini Atzeret He asks. The main thing is that you live another day with me.
This offering underlines the special love that D. leads us. Provided this does not explain how the separation will be easier tomorrow?
During the seven days of Sukkot, the Jewish people has united around the mitzvah of "lulav." This gesture has met four species representing four classes of the Jewish people.
The tzaddik (etrog) filled with Torah study and mitzvot as achievements of the simple man (Arava) has no merit to his credit, the whole world has united around the mitzvah the "lulav" during the seven days of Sukkot.
With the conclusion of these festivities blurred the connection kept us united together in the Lord. We then asked him to offer a sacrifice on the day of Shemini Atzeret. Through this offering we will draw the strength to remain sealed throughout the year. In the image of this sacrifice A unique symbol of unity par excellence.
Unlike the four species that remained physically separable throughout Sukkot, the unique gift we present to the Lord on the day of Shemini Atzeret gives us the strength to stay together in all circumstances. The Lord is so happy. He who rejoices to see us together and we suffer when we divide. It can leave us return to our homes in peace. This mutual understanding will be gained potentially suitable receptacle to receive His blessings. What
D. done before the coming of Christmas and Simh'at Shemini Atzeret Torah, we rejoice in the merit dancing and listening to the "new Torah" of our fair Moshiach today.
Coming from a speech of the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Likoutei Sih'ots Vol II.
Simchat Torah (Joy of Torah)
The real meaning of the Torah is not only intelligence and understanding, but above all his holiness. Thus, even ignorant people recite the blessings over the Torah, because at this level, all Jews are connected with it. However, since the Torah must penetrate and permeate the individual completely and not remain foreign to him, the study and understanding are also needed. For the Jew it establishes a more intimate relationship between the essence of the Torah and the essence of his soul and unites them.
We dance, therefore, on Simchat Torah with the Torah hidden in her cloak, hidden from our eyes, which symbolizes the degree to which it is beyond our comprehension. Our joy on this day is not based on our understanding of the Torah, but rather on the fact that through it we we connect with God in His Essence. We therefore express our joy by dancing with our feet because the feet symbolize submission, faith, as they do obeying the will of the intellect that guides them.
This joy with the Torah hidden under his cloak is held at the beginning of the year, after repentance during the month of Elul, after Rosh Hashanah, the Ten Days of Atonement, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret. At the beginning of a new year of "work" in the service of God, all Jews are like the little child whose education is begun, and they too must begin with the awareness expressed in the verse "Torah tsiva Lanou Moshe "," The Torah that Moses has commanded us ... ', That is to say, with submission to Divine Yoke. With this basis, the logic design and rationale of the Torah throughout the year will be imbued with faith and total devotion to God.
Now we can understand the words of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson: "A Simchat Torah, the Torah wants to dance around the bimah (medium where the Torah is read). But since it has no feet, the Jews held him in place, while carrying around the bimah in the same way that the feet walk and support the head of a person to a destination of his choice. "
What is a Jew represents the feet of the Torah?
This means that when a Jew dancing on Simchat Torah, he submits himself totally to the Will of God so that he no longer conceived as an independent being. It becomes what the feet are at the head, subordinates and responding instantly to the desire of the mind. If the legs feel as an individual existence, if they "think" before following guidelines in mind, then it is a sign of illness. A Jew is like "feet of Sefer Torah," he accepts and firmly decided that during the next year he will be fully subject to the Torah, so firmly that whatever she asks him becomes inherent and natural. And in the same way the feet leading the head to the place she could reach by itself, Jews, accepting the yoke of the Torah with joy, bring a spiritual exaltation to the Torah.
Here the profound significance of the plural expression designating the festival: "The time of our joy." Jews rejoice with the Torah and the Torah rejoices with the Jewish people, because their actions allow an even greater spiritual ascension. Therefore we should rejoice with all our strength during Hakafot (time of rejoicing with the Torah) of Simchat Torah.
That D. done before the holiday Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, we have the deserves to celebrate, dancing and listening to the "new Torah" of our fair Moshiach in the large sukkah that will gather with the assistance of D. today the Jewish people.
Deriving Speech from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Festival of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
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