Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Night Calls And Women's


PLON / EXECUTOR # 56, 1985

In 1982 (the year I was born like) , Gerard de Villiers ended the importation of French first 38 original Executors.
For the reader, whether French or American, the cut is important. That was now over the mafia. Don Pendelton sold his shop and taught at Hunter, the male these broads subsidiary of Harlequin. After 8360 pages of brutal extermination, massive destruction and rampant shootings, Mack Bolan structure changed.
finish in the blitzkrieg freelance job site and commando for Uncle Sam's mustachioed gangsters spaghetti eaters, our hero had just annihilate them over 15 generations and dust. The place was clean, there was renewal.
Hunter did so. The Avenging Executioner became global, with a preference for underdeveloped countries.
Leaving Mafia-City, thank you for your visit.
Next stop: International Terrorism.
population: it should decline sharply next month.
But at the side of Gerard de Villiers, we did not hear really like that. This shift, it messed severe form home. And so it went on, His Serene Highness Prince Malko would soon be maliciously stepping on flower beds.
competition, contrary to what one can say is bad for business. The Executioner International, with its cargo of guns and ammunition, he landed like a dog in a game of bowling in the case. His shoot-em-up literary ravaging the Middle Eastern countries, it smelled salingue for bizness GoV. Besides the franchouillard player who, although accustomed to his monthly desoldering Rital half-dozen per crate, then found himself assigned without being consulted Arabic claimant in its publication favorite way of extras approved.
yeah, visualizing his face:


For de Villiers, there was therefore only one solution. Hire a French author. And above all: to make him as Executor of the machine before. Executor of the mafia who zigouille. Executor of the grandpa.
This author, it was Gérard Cambri.
Like some others, he stalked the vein for over a decade but it had some advantages for him. He liked to photocopy it had just been fired by the Black River and was ready to re-enlist to knock out the rotted through his typewriter.
The Opinel between the teeth, the contract in pogne, he attacked and its mission.
In the manner of a comic What If the Marvel Executor French was born.
First case: the Guardian, always bald, dressed in his Roman toga, but only to look very dignified, and asking this burning question: MACK BOLAN AND IF DID NOT ORDER THE IMMIGRANT Buter ITALIAN?
I have a fifty examples in my portfolio but I'll make it simple. I do takes one. Others will be. The latter, for example, is the # 56. Operation Texan.
A beautiful song.
Gerard Cambi, then already signed six Executors very shabby, us out the big game

I said I was simple, I'm simple You know Ikea? OK.
So imagine that in literary version in a store discount.
" Say goodbye to your balls and get ready for the big jump ."
Sentences are kits and follows the plot pace. Its Operation Texan, Gerard Cambri, it's two-in-one - a mixture of panic in Philadelphia (The Executioner # 15) and Mask of Battle (The Executioner # 3). For good measure, our handyman novel station Sunday there some bits of the Deputy Head of San Diego (# 14: an apparition of Death Squad) and a few pinches of sensual Violence to Vegas (# 9) in the presence of Toby Ranger The FBI chick who loves to dress country.
Cambri, we can not withdraw it, lovingly grind his mimeograph. And he never forgets the grub. The son of capo in the # 15 Jack is called the Kid? Never mind. In Operation Texan, Frank is the Kid. Same behavior, even death. Ditto for best angel, little mafia coquebin. Benny Peaceful Charley becomes Max.
Cambri pump everything goes. Entire scenes without finesse and without hiding. One comes to wonder why he wrote his book.
For Thune, OK.
But at this level, it is not plagiarism, it editing to the copy machine .

Cambri-monkey therefore Pendleton Pendleton-Pendleton. It monkey up melt softly in his shadow. Longer need to scrub the keys Japy, it is now than to regurgitate the mouth of the reader the same patterns over and over again.
Unfortunately, as if all this were not enough, mimetic art of Gérard Cambri accuses many breaks in his quest for original fluidity. There are very few " swarms of angry hornets " and other "short spurts warheads furious" to thrill the people but the details, most important on the long, full of errors. Details like
, for example, struggles to appoint "amici" members of the mafia, or could not write properly Striker, codenamed para-militaristic Executor.
As for style, yet terribly well studied brutal coarseness question (cf. the quote above, basically), it lacks any efficiency specific to the author imitated .

Where are the sound bites that hit? Side from SCUM, certainly.
Not Don Pendleton wants. We already knew. But all this evidence gives us additional Cambi sacrament remain challenging. Operation Texas is 220 pages in total pain in the ass , as already experienced elsewhere. The reader does not yawn of boredom, he simply wanted to exterminate the head of the slump he just s'enquiller two hours long.
then finish on a happy note.
In 2004, after having prevailed on nearly 100 volumes of the collection, Gérard Cambri found himself landed his job by Gerard de Villiers. The unfortunate author then lays on his website under a pseudonym and a vindictive diatribe entitled Sting and Harlequinade .
Yet the scam and Harlequinade, it was all well him guilty, torch similar books.
I had not dared before, but I'll allow me today:
Gerard Cambrise balls.


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