on 15 Tishri
In the third book of the Bible, The Leviticus, we read in the twenty-third chapter, verses 42 and 43: "Ye shall dwell in booths seven days, all natives in Israel live in booths so your descendants will know that I did live in tents children of Israel after I brought them out of Egypt. "
This festival lasts for 7 days, called Sukkot, or Feast of Tabernacles sometimes or Booths and it takes place after the most solemn holy festivals of the Jewish year, Rosh Hashana (the day of the Hashanah) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). This festival is a way to remember that Jews on their way across the desert to the promised land, had no permanent homes. So tents or "sukka" are used to symbolize the insecurity of life of the Jewish people.
"Sukkot" is also a celebration of autumn and the harvest that makes us appreciate the goodness and faithfulness of God. It was the custom in ancient times in Palestine, move everyone to the fields and live in tents to complete the harvest before the rains fall and to protect and ripe fruit from thieves. According
law found in Leviticus, the festival of Sukkot is celebrated each year by building tents that resemble small huts or shacks. In this time of celebration, these small huts called "Sukka" are built in the backyard to accommodate all family members. Those who live in flats transformed their sukkah balcony by decorating with branches and fruit for the head.
"You take the first day the fruit of the tree Hadar (Ethrog), palm branches (lulav), myrtle twigs and willow branches of the river, and you shall rejoice in the presence of Lord your God for seven days "(Leviticus 23.40)
The etrog, lemon grown in Israel, has both the taste and smell. It is like the son of Israel who have both knowledge - Smell - and the fruits of good deeds - taste - the teaching of life - the Torah.
The palm fruit but no smell. He represents those who benefit from the teachings of the Torah, but do not know in spreading knowledge. In the bouquet there is therefore a branch.
The myrtle has a pleasant smell, but no fruit. She represents those who have knowledge of the Torah, but do not know grow in their actions. In the bouquet there are three branches.
The two willow branches are tasteless and odorless. They represent those who have neither knowledge nor share the fruits of the Torah, but they are still part of the People of Israel.
And it is through a mix of all four species of plants, which represent the entire People of Israel, we cheered the Lord who saved his people into his servant.
Preserve, O Lord, the earth, of all evil ... ..
Save us for your eternity, of your mysterious
attributes of your power and your dignity, your
of kindness, your Holiness,
and your infinite mercy.
Prayer of Sukkot
Hoshana RABBA
Simchat THORA
The weight of the festival of Shemini Atzeret
The holiday Shemini Atzeret Simh'at Torah and follow that of Sukkot. After offering to D. in the Beth Hamikdash own sacrifices for the feast of sukkot, the Lord keeps us one last day to Yerushalayim that we were presenting him one last gift. Unlike
sacrifices offered in the first seven days of Sukkot for the well-being the seventy nations, this made this day of Shemini Atzeret is defending the interests of the Jewish people. So far what is the underlying reason that justifies this gift to the Lord?
D. can not stand to see her children leave. It also asks us to stay one more day to Him. Give me not even a bullock and a ram on this day of Shemini Atzeret He asks. The main thing is that you live another day with me.
This offering underlines the special love that D. leads us. Provided this does not explain how the separation will be easier tomorrow?
During the seven days of Sukkot, the Jewish people has united around the mitzvah of "lulav." This gesture has met four species representing four classes of the Jewish people.
The tzaddik (etrog) filled with Torah study and mitzvot as achievements of the simple man (Arava) has no merit to his credit, the whole world has united around the mitzvah the "lulav" during the seven days of Sukkot.
With the conclusion of these festivities blurred the connection kept us united together in the Lord. We then asked him to offer a sacrifice on the day of Shemini Atzeret. Through this offering we will draw the strength to remain sealed throughout the year. In the image of this sacrifice A unique symbol of unity par excellence.
Unlike the four species that remained physically separable throughout Sukkot, the unique gift we present to the Lord on the day of Shemini Atzeret gives us the strength to stay together in all circumstances. The Lord is so happy. He who rejoices to see us together and we suffer when we divide. It can leave us return to our homes in peace. This mutual understanding will be gained potentially suitable receptacle to receive His blessings. What
D. done before the coming of Christmas and Simh'at Shemini Atzeret Torah, we rejoice in the merit dancing and listening to the "new Torah" of our fair Moshiach today.
Coming from a speech of the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Likoutei Sih'ots Vol II.
Simchat Torah (Joy of Torah)
The real meaning of the Torah is not only intelligence and understanding, but above all his holiness. Thus, even ignorant people recite the blessings over the Torah, because at this level, all Jews are connected with it. However, since the Torah must penetrate and permeate the individual completely and not remain foreign to him, the study and understanding are also needed. For the Jew it establishes a more intimate relationship between the essence of the Torah and the essence of his soul and unites them.
We dance, therefore, on Simchat Torah with the Torah hidden in her cloak, hidden from our eyes, which symbolizes the degree to which it is beyond our comprehension. Our joy on this day is not based on our understanding of the Torah, but rather on the fact that through it we we connect with God in His Essence. We therefore express our joy by dancing with our feet because the feet symbolize submission, faith, as they do obeying the will of the intellect that guides them.
This joy with the Torah hidden under his cloak is held at the beginning of the year, after repentance during the month of Elul, after Rosh Hashanah, the Ten Days of Atonement, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret. At the beginning of a new year of "work" in the service of God, all Jews are like the little child whose education is begun, and they too must begin with the awareness expressed in the verse "Torah tsiva Lanou Moshe "," The Torah that Moses has commanded us ... ', That is to say, with submission to Divine Yoke. With this basis, the logic design and rationale of the Torah throughout the year will be imbued with faith and total devotion to God.
Now we can understand the words of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson: "A Simchat Torah, the Torah wants to dance around the bimah (medium where the Torah is read). But since it has no feet, the Jews held him in place, while carrying around the bimah in the same way that the feet walk and support the head of a person to a destination of his choice. "
What is a Jew represents the feet of the Torah?
This means that when a Jew dancing on Simchat Torah, he submits himself totally to the Will of God so that he no longer conceived as an independent being. It becomes what the feet are at the head, subordinates and responding instantly to the desire of the mind. If the legs feel as an individual existence, if they "think" before following guidelines in mind, then it is a sign of illness. A Jew is like "feet of Sefer Torah," he accepts and firmly decided that during the next year he will be fully subject to the Torah, so firmly that whatever she asks him becomes inherent and natural. And in the same way the feet leading the head to the place she could reach by itself, Jews, accepting the yoke of the Torah with joy, bring a spiritual exaltation to the Torah.
Here the profound significance of the plural expression designating the festival: "The time of our joy." Jews rejoice with the Torah and the Torah rejoices with the Jewish people, because their actions allow an even greater spiritual ascension. Therefore we should rejoice with all our strength during Hakafot (time of rejoicing with the Torah) of Simchat Torah.
That D. done before the holiday Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, we have the deserves to celebrate, dancing and listening to the "new Torah" of our fair Moshiach in the large sukkah that will gather with the assistance of D. today the Jewish people.
Deriving Speech from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Festival of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Significance Colors Of Hijab
10 Tishrei
Kol Nidre
By Maurycy Gotlieb
"And the Lord spoke to Moses in these terms: However, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement, call for holiness and you shall afflict your souls, and you approach sacrifices in the name of the Lord. And you shall do no work that day because it is the day of atonement for make atonement for you before the LORD your God. But anyone who does not humbled by this day will be cut off from his people. And any person who shall carry a job that day, and I'll remove this person from among his people. You shall do no work, this is the perpetual decree for your generations in all your dwellings. This will be your absolute cessation of work, and you shall afflict your people since the ninth month in the evening, one night to another, you shall cease all work. " vayikra Leviticus XXIII, 26 to 32
Most of our brethren falsely believe that simply spending the day at the synagogue to pray with passion to be forgiven by D. all of our sins. But the truth is that the only sins are forgiven Kippur has the offenses committed against D. Offenses committed cons others should they, be corrected individually. That is why our sages encourage us starts the process of repentance before Yom Kippur and try to rectify the wrongs that we've all committed to other people. Also feel free to contact the company of those to whom you have fishing throughout the year and ask them to forgive you SINCERELY. Show that you really regret what you did and you do not referrer. And besides all that the victim is approached too long can not refuse a pardon application (if the first application failed, two other requests must be made).
Five prohibitions are respected during Yom Kippur:
- it is prohibited eating and drinking
- it is forbidden to wash
- it is forbidden to anoint (to rub) the body
- it is forbidden to wear leather shoes
- it is illegal to have intimate relationships
At the time of the Temple on Yom Kippur was preceded and followed by ceremonies marking the importance of the High Priest.
Leading the group were members of the royal family followed the descendants of the house of David. A herald preceded them and exhorted the crowd to cheer the king.
36,000 Levites followed, also preceded by a herald who proclaimed: "Respect and veneration for the tribe Levi! . The heads of the Levites were attired in blue silk and priests in robes of white silk.
Then came the singers, players of harps, trumpets, all the artisans and artists employed in the work of the Temple, followed by 70 members comprising the Senate and 100 ushers
.. Only then paraded the high priest accompanied by two by two the oldest among the priests, while school leaders formed the hedge various crossroads and hosted by cheers and wishes.
"In His infinite goodness to his creatures, the Lord has appointed a day this year to clear the faults of those who repent. Because if you added up all the sins committed in two or three years, the cut would be full, and the world would be destroyed. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, in His wisdom decided in order to maintain the world to fix a day in the year for the expiation of sins of those who repent. And today, in principle, was established from the beginning of the world, then he was sanctified as a day of atonement, and that is what our sages have said: "The day of Yom Kippur is atonement" is to say that the day itself deletes small mistakes. "Sefer Hahinoukh
For the prophet Isaiah (LVIII) Yom Kippur is only meaningful if everyone understands that he lives for 25 hours the condition of the needy, then get involved to help the poor.
History scapegoat
By Philippe Haddad
The Gaon of Vilna (eighteenth century) has proposed a bold and surprising reading linking two holidays that seem diametrically opposed: Yom Kippur and Purim. As is often the rabbis, the master of Vilna uses a play on words: Yom Hakipourim (day of atonement) must be decomposed into Yom Ke-Purim (Purim day).
What report? Yom Kippur is marked by fasting, 5 prohibitions, 5 prayers, asking for forgiveness and so on. Purim is the joy, the carnival, the banquet.
Probably the track is bad. We must seek the solution elsewhere in the common elements in these two feasts. This common element is in the draw spells: goraloth Purim in Hebrew and in Persian.
Indeed, the Kohen Gadol Kippur, the High Priest, was during the ceremony to proceed with a drawing spells: "Aaron will draw lots upon the two goats, one lot for the LORD and the other lot for Azazel ( name of a desert near Jerusalem). Aaron shall bring the goat on which the lot fell for Jehovah, and offer it as a sacrifice of atonement. And the goat on which the lot fell for Azazel shall be presented alive before the LORD, that he used to make atonement and be sent into the wilderness to Azazel. "(Vayikra / Leviticus 16, 8 to 10).
What he said about Haman? "In the first month, which is the month of Nisan, the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, they drew the pros, that is to say the lot, before Haman, for each day and each month until the twelfth months, which is the month of Adar. "(Esther III, 7).
In his work, the anthropologist René Girard (These things hidden since the foundation of the world, the scapegoat, etc..) Highlights one of the major features of human society: violence. The violence of war that is finished when the war will find other ways of expression, such as during a football match. But also in economics: the yuppie recalled silly string lacks does not include the effects of the warriors of yesterday, a laptop and an officer in place of the sword and shield? Should it not "win" market share? The economy, the continuation of war by other means? Wars exist between companies, are reviewing the beautiful movie "the firm" Sidney Polak. Raphael Drai warns us, the economy, yes, but "the economy Shabbat."
This violence may subside to find another stopgap: a scapegoat, that is to say something, an object, an animal, a man who founded the violence, sometimes symbolically, sometimes by actually a sacrifice.
Here Kippur and Purim join and they highlight the differences. Judaism, from its origins has worked through this issue of sacrifice, human sacrifice, that is to say its "neighbor as yourself." The transition, sublimation, transfer will be played at Mount Moriah, between Abraham and Isaac, between father and son (Genesis / Bereshith XXII). This passage we celebrate Rosh Hashanah, ringing in the shoffar, the ram's horn, the animal substitutes. By this movement, Israel is a story ahead of other peoples, a civilization of morality before humanism.
Haman he remained the primary, his scapegoat must be a people. His argument is twofold: the Jews are everywhere, Jews are among them. This is the anti-Semitic discourse built for generations. Sacrificing Israel, and its ethical message, because Haman is proud. There is no other causes of anti-Semitism: the pride, spirit hegemonic, a disproportionate me. The rest is commentary!
For Judaism, the scapegoat may be a goat. The day the lesson will become universal, the world will celebrate his bar mitzvah.
10 Tishrei
Kol Nidre
By Maurycy Gotlieb
"And the Lord spoke to Moses in these terms: However, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement, call for holiness and you shall afflict your souls, and you approach sacrifices in the name of the Lord. And you shall do no work that day because it is the day of atonement for make atonement for you before the LORD your God. But anyone who does not humbled by this day will be cut off from his people. And any person who shall carry a job that day, and I'll remove this person from among his people. You shall do no work, this is the perpetual decree for your generations in all your dwellings. This will be your absolute cessation of work, and you shall afflict your people since the ninth month in the evening, one night to another, you shall cease all work. " vayikra Leviticus XXIII, 26 to 32
Most of our brethren falsely believe that simply spending the day at the synagogue to pray with passion to be forgiven by D. all of our sins. But the truth is that the only sins are forgiven Kippur has the offenses committed against D. Offenses committed cons others should they, be corrected individually. That is why our sages encourage us starts the process of repentance before Yom Kippur and try to rectify the wrongs that we've all committed to other people. Also feel free to contact the company of those to whom you have fishing throughout the year and ask them to forgive you SINCERELY. Show that you really regret what you did and you do not referrer. And besides all that the victim is approached too long can not refuse a pardon application (if the first application failed, two other requests must be made).
Five prohibitions are respected during Yom Kippur:
- it is prohibited eating and drinking
- it is forbidden to wash
- it is forbidden to anoint (to rub) the body
- it is forbidden to wear leather shoes
- it is illegal to have intimate relationships
At the time of the Temple on Yom Kippur was preceded and followed by ceremonies marking the importance of the High Priest.
Leading the group were members of the royal family followed the descendants of the house of David. A herald preceded them and exhorted the crowd to cheer the king.
36,000 Levites followed, also preceded by a herald who proclaimed: "Respect and veneration for the tribe Levi! . The heads of the Levites were attired in blue silk and priests in robes of white silk.
Then came the singers, players of harps, trumpets, all the artisans and artists employed in the work of the Temple, followed by 70 members comprising the Senate and 100 ushers
.. Only then paraded the high priest accompanied by two by two the oldest among the priests, while school leaders formed the hedge various crossroads and hosted by cheers and wishes.
"In His infinite goodness to his creatures, the Lord has appointed a day this year to clear the faults of those who repent. Because if you added up all the sins committed in two or three years, the cut would be full, and the world would be destroyed. Therefore, the Holy One, blessed be He, in His wisdom decided in order to maintain the world to fix a day in the year for the expiation of sins of those who repent. And today, in principle, was established from the beginning of the world, then he was sanctified as a day of atonement, and that is what our sages have said: "The day of Yom Kippur is atonement" is to say that the day itself deletes small mistakes. "Sefer Hahinoukh
For the prophet Isaiah (LVIII) Yom Kippur is only meaningful if everyone understands that he lives for 25 hours the condition of the needy, then get involved to help the poor.
History scapegoat
By Philippe Haddad
The Gaon of Vilna (eighteenth century) has proposed a bold and surprising reading linking two holidays that seem diametrically opposed: Yom Kippur and Purim. As is often the rabbis, the master of Vilna uses a play on words: Yom Hakipourim (day of atonement) must be decomposed into Yom Ke-Purim (Purim day).
What report? Yom Kippur is marked by fasting, 5 prohibitions, 5 prayers, asking for forgiveness and so on. Purim is the joy, the carnival, the banquet.
Probably the track is bad. We must seek the solution elsewhere in the common elements in these two feasts. This common element is in the draw spells: goraloth Purim in Hebrew and in Persian.
Indeed, the Kohen Gadol Kippur, the High Priest, was during the ceremony to proceed with a drawing spells: "Aaron will draw lots upon the two goats, one lot for the LORD and the other lot for Azazel ( name of a desert near Jerusalem). Aaron shall bring the goat on which the lot fell for Jehovah, and offer it as a sacrifice of atonement. And the goat on which the lot fell for Azazel shall be presented alive before the LORD, that he used to make atonement and be sent into the wilderness to Azazel. "(Vayikra / Leviticus 16, 8 to 10).
What he said about Haman? "In the first month, which is the month of Nisan, the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus, they drew the pros, that is to say the lot, before Haman, for each day and each month until the twelfth months, which is the month of Adar. "(Esther III, 7).
In his work, the anthropologist René Girard (These things hidden since the foundation of the world, the scapegoat, etc..) Highlights one of the major features of human society: violence. The violence of war that is finished when the war will find other ways of expression, such as during a football match. But also in economics: the yuppie recalled silly string lacks does not include the effects of the warriors of yesterday, a laptop and an officer in place of the sword and shield? Should it not "win" market share? The economy, the continuation of war by other means? Wars exist between companies, are reviewing the beautiful movie "the firm" Sidney Polak. Raphael Drai warns us, the economy, yes, but "the economy Shabbat."
This violence may subside to find another stopgap: a scapegoat, that is to say something, an object, an animal, a man who founded the violence, sometimes symbolically, sometimes by actually a sacrifice.
Here Kippur and Purim join and they highlight the differences. Judaism, from its origins has worked through this issue of sacrifice, human sacrifice, that is to say its "neighbor as yourself." The transition, sublimation, transfer will be played at Mount Moriah, between Abraham and Isaac, between father and son (Genesis / Bereshith XXII). This passage we celebrate Rosh Hashanah, ringing in the shoffar, the ram's horn, the animal substitutes. By this movement, Israel is a story ahead of other peoples, a civilization of morality before humanism.
Haman he remained the primary, his scapegoat must be a people. His argument is twofold: the Jews are everywhere, Jews are among them. This is the anti-Semitic discourse built for generations. Sacrificing Israel, and its ethical message, because Haman is proud. There is no other causes of anti-Semitism: the pride, spirit hegemonic, a disproportionate me. The rest is commentary!
For Judaism, the scapegoat may be a goat. The day the lesson will become universal, the world will celebrate his bar mitzvah.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Paty Diaz Fotos Gratis
The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments
6 and 7 Sivan
The Midrash teaches that the children of Israel went to sleep the night before the giving of the Ten Words, and Hachem awoke to the sound of the shofar and thunder. And staying awake all night of Shavuot, everyone in every generation, is repairing the fault of fathers. That's why tonight we read the Tikkun Leil Shavuot, literally "Repairing the night of Shavuot"
Vigil Shavuot
"Why did the Torah called for providing the offering of the Omer Pesach? Passover is the time of grain, and Hashem said: 'Bring Me to the offering of the Omer Pesach in order that you be blessed for the grain harvest in the fields'. Why does the Torah she asked that we bring the offering of two loaves of bread on Shavuot? Because Shavuot is the time of fruit the tree, and Hashem said: 'Bring Me to the offering of two loaves so that you are blessed fruit of the tree. "
New Year for the fruits of the tree
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
How To Attach Christmas Swags To Staircase
Oil on canvas 1992
The greatness of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
The great day of Lag B'Omer. During those twenty four hours, we will ask D. receive great blessings. This day is also marked by Rabbi Shimon Hilloula Bar Yochai. To better understand the magnitude of the Tana, rediscover what we are taught Talmud, Shabbat 33b:
Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yossi and Rabbi Shimon was sitting not far from Judah, a son of proselytes. Rabbi Yehuda began the discussion by observing: "What a refinement in the works of this people (the Romans)! They built roads, bridges. They have erected baths. Rabbi Yossi
remained silent. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai said: "Everything they did, they did so for their own benefit. They built markets and have placed prostitutes, baths, rejuvenate them, the bridges raise tolls for them. " Yehuda, the son of proselytes went to report their conversation and the remarks came to the ears of government. They decreed: "Yehuda, who has leased property to be leased. Yossi who remained silent will be exiled to Sepphoris. Shimon who criticized us will be executed. " Rabbi Shimon
, accompanied by his son, went into hiding in the schoolroom. His wife brought them bread and a jug of water and they dined. When the threats became more severe, they went into hiding in a cave. A miracle occurred and a carob tree and a source of living water were created for them. They took their clothes and sat down, buried in sand up to his neck. They studied all day. When it came time to pray, they wore, prayed and took off their clothes again so they do not wear out. They stayed twelve years in the cave.
And then came the Prophet Elijah. He stood at the entrance of the cave and exclaimed: "Who will inform the son of Yochai that the emperor is dead and that the order is canceled?". Thus they could emerge from the cave. They saw a man plowing and sowing. They cried: "They have abandoned the eternal life and engaged in life time!". And everything upon which they cast their eyes immediately took fire.
An echo came down from heaven, who announced: "Are you out to destroy my world? Return to your cave! "They returned and lived another twelve months, saying:" The punishment for the wicked to Guéhinom (hell) is limited to twelve months. "
A heavenly echo was heard saying: "Get out of your basement! And now, everything that Rabbi Eleazar destroyed (with his eyes), Rabbi Shimon the repaired. Rabbi Shimon said to his son: "My son! You and I are sufficient for the world. "
the eve of Sabbath before sunset they saw an old man holding his hands two bunches of myrtle and running. "What is that?" They asked? "This serves to honor the Shabbat," replied the old man. "But one bouquet you enough?" They asked? "One is for" Remember the Sabbath Day "and the other to" keep Shabbat "replied the old man. Rabbi Shimon said to his son, "Look how precious are the mitzvot of the people of Israel." And thus regained their minds calm.
That D. grant that our love of mitzvot gives us deserves to live today the Messianic time with the revelation of Moshiach our fair, like it so it will be already with us on Lag B'Omer. Deriving
duTalmud, Shabbat 33b
Oil on canvas 1992
Lag Ba'omer is a holiday celebrated on 33 days (hence the name ל"ג - Lag) the counting of the Omer, the Hebrew date of 18 Iyar
Just as three weeks, the Omer was originally a joyful period between the feast Passover and that of Shavuot.
However, the Talmud teaches that at the time of Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students died of a mysterious plague of divine origin, "because they do not respect each other." Jews celebrate Lag Ba'omer as the day when the plague ceased.
Some believe that this wound was the Roman army, and that the first generation of students of Rabbi Akiva died during the Bar Kokhba revolt, in which Rabbi Akiva was a major figure. Perhaps he considered that the defeat of Bar Kokhba is rooted in misunderstanding of his students, "because they do not respect each other."
This day is also the anniversary of the death (Hiloula) of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, the great Sage which is assigned the Zohar, or at least its core.
Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai part of the second generation of students of Rabbi Akiva, and as he had rebelled against the Roman power to the point of having to live in hiding.
This interpretation would also account for the custom of lighting bonfires on the night of Lag Ba'omer, because these lights were used at the time of the events described, as signals in wartime.
Origin Fete
'Rabbi Akiva had twelve thousand pairs of disciples, and this in Guivath to Antifras (read: "north and south of Eretz Yisrael "), and they all died in the same period, the reason being that they themselves honored not one another. This is why the world has been devastated (Rashi: "The Torah was entirely forgotten), and until that Rabbi Akiva goes to the" masters of the South "and teaches [the Torah] to Rabbi Meir , to Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yossi to, to Rabbi Shimon [bar Yochai] and Rabbi ben El'azar Chamou'a. And it is they who restored the Torah [to Israel] at that time. And they taught in a barayethaqu'ils all died of askari ("diphtheria") ... "(Yevamoth62b).
The greatness of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
The great day of Lag B'Omer. During those twenty four hours, we will ask D. receive great blessings. This day is also marked by Rabbi Shimon Hilloula Bar Yochai. To better understand the magnitude of the Tana, rediscover what we are taught Talmud, Shabbat 33b:
Rabbi Yehuda, Rabbi Yossi and Rabbi Shimon was sitting not far from Judah, a son of proselytes. Rabbi Yehuda began the discussion by observing: "What a refinement in the works of this people (the Romans)! They built roads, bridges. They have erected baths. Rabbi Yossi
remained silent. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai said: "Everything they did, they did so for their own benefit. They built markets and have placed prostitutes, baths, rejuvenate them, the bridges raise tolls for them. " Yehuda, the son of proselytes went to report their conversation and the remarks came to the ears of government. They decreed: "Yehuda, who has leased property to be leased. Yossi who remained silent will be exiled to Sepphoris. Shimon who criticized us will be executed. " Rabbi Shimon
, accompanied by his son, went into hiding in the schoolroom. His wife brought them bread and a jug of water and they dined. When the threats became more severe, they went into hiding in a cave. A miracle occurred and a carob tree and a source of living water were created for them. They took their clothes and sat down, buried in sand up to his neck. They studied all day. When it came time to pray, they wore, prayed and took off their clothes again so they do not wear out. They stayed twelve years in the cave.
And then came the Prophet Elijah. He stood at the entrance of the cave and exclaimed: "Who will inform the son of Yochai that the emperor is dead and that the order is canceled?". Thus they could emerge from the cave. They saw a man plowing and sowing. They cried: "They have abandoned the eternal life and engaged in life time!". And everything upon which they cast their eyes immediately took fire.
An echo came down from heaven, who announced: "Are you out to destroy my world? Return to your cave! "They returned and lived another twelve months, saying:" The punishment for the wicked to Guéhinom (hell) is limited to twelve months. "
A heavenly echo was heard saying: "Get out of your basement! And now, everything that Rabbi Eleazar destroyed (with his eyes), Rabbi Shimon the repaired. Rabbi Shimon said to his son: "My son! You and I are sufficient for the world. "
the eve of Sabbath before sunset they saw an old man holding his hands two bunches of myrtle and running. "What is that?" They asked? "This serves to honor the Shabbat," replied the old man. "But one bouquet you enough?" They asked? "One is for" Remember the Sabbath Day "and the other to" keep Shabbat "replied the old man. Rabbi Shimon said to his son, "Look how precious are the mitzvot of the people of Israel." And thus regained their minds calm.
That D. grant that our love of mitzvot gives us deserves to live today the Messianic time with the revelation of Moshiach our fair, like it so it will be already with us on Lag B'Omer. Deriving
duTalmud, Shabbat 33b
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Remove Email In Facebook In Mac
Martin Weyl
15 Nissan
Jerusalem Talmud Pesachim Treaty Chapter 10, Act 1
Where do we need to drink four cups of wine at Passover?
R. Yohanan replied they correspond the four reissues: I'll go out, I will save you, I will deliver you, and I will take you.
The four sections also allude to four cups of punishment that nations will have to drink during the messianic redemption. They evoke the fall of four great empires which the Jewish people were in turn subject, since the destruction of the First Temple (Babylon - Persian-Greek and Roman). The defeat of the kingdoms of Israel's enemies will be the final condition of the issue.
variances 1 - GAP 2
Haggadah von Chajim Asher ben aus Anschel Kittsee, 1770.
Seder Plate
Course to listen
Hallel of Pesach
Had Gadia on Morim
Bibilo on Dafina
Had Gadia on Dafina
Had Gadia on Hibba
Had Gadia in Alsace
Martin Weyl
15 Nissan
Jerusalem Talmud Pesachim Treaty Chapter 10, Act 1
Where do we need to drink four cups of wine at Passover?
R. Yohanan replied they correspond the four reissues: I'll go out, I will save you, I will deliver you, and I will take you.
The four sections also allude to four cups of punishment that nations will have to drink during the messianic redemption. They evoke the fall of four great empires which the Jewish people were in turn subject, since the destruction of the First Temple (Babylon - Persian-Greek and Roman). The defeat of the kingdoms of Israel's enemies will be the final condition of the issue.
variances 1 - GAP 2
The 15 steps of liberation, on the evening of the Passover Seder:
1 - Kiddush
2 - handwashing
3 - consumption of celery
4 - the breaking of the matzah
5 - the story of the Haggadah
6 - washing hands before meals
7 - the blessing on bread
8 - the blessing over the matzah precise
9 - consumption of lettuce bitter
10 - consumption maror and 'charoset
11 - lunch
12 - uncovering the hidden part of matzah
13 - the blessing after the meal
14 - the recitation of Hallel
15 - the story of the completion
Haggadah von Chajim Asher ben aus Anschel Kittsee, 1770.
Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarfon were sitting in Bnei Brak and talked of leaving Egypt during the night of Passover until where their disciples came their say: "Master, it is time to recite the Shema in the morning." (Pesach Haggadah)
Seder Plate
Course to listen
Hallel of Pesach
Our sages have prescribed to drink four cups of Seder wine recall the four expressions used by God to announce our liberation from Egypt :
wehotséti, wehitsalti, wegaalti, welaqa'hti.
Wehotséti - We were taken out of Egypt.
Wehitsalti - We have been freed from slavery.
Wegaalti - God has "acquired" as His servants.
Welaqa'hti - God Was engaged to the Jewish people
Had Gadia on Morim
Bibilo on Dafina
Had Gadia on Dafina
Had Gadia on Hibba
Had Gadia in Alsace
Allaah came, blessed be He,
And killed the angel of death
Who killed the slaughterer who slaughtered the ox
Who drank the water that extinguished the fire
Who burned the stick that beat the dog
Who bit the cat that ate the kid for two pieces
That my father bought.
One little goat, one little goat. Had Gadia
Friday, March 2, 2007
Marijuana Cataracts After Surgery
Walter Spitzer
14 Adar, Adar
15 in Jerusalem and all ancient cities provided fora
by Aert de Gelder
Queen Esther interceded A'hachevéroch to the king that he agrees to cancel the order made by his minister Haman. Through this plan maccabre Haman planned to destroy all the Jewish people to come on 13 Adar. Queen Esther battled with all his forces to defeat the dangerous plans of Haman. To have invested heavily in this battle to save his people from this threat, it had the merit to see the Megillah bear his name: Megillah Esther.
However, why fasting that precedes Purim 13 Adar is called there, too: The Fast of Esther? Indeed
where at the request of Mordechai, Queen Esther had to appear before the king to overturn the decree, she decided to fast for three days and asked all the Jews to follow Suze his example. This spiritual preparation before his appearance in the throne room of 14 to 16 Nissan. Therefore three days before 14 Nissan does not bring us back to 13 to 11 nissan but adar!
So why his name is associated with fasting, 13 Adar? On 13 Adar
correpond to another date. This was the day of battle. In fact, this date was originally set by Haman to undermine the existence of the Jewish people. Finally it was the day when our people fought battle anyone who tried to attack us at that time. That day, every child of Israel should have both fast and fight. Fasting to bring upon him divine help increase and fight to eradicate the enemies of Israel physically. However, the only one that could fast that day was Queen Esther. Only she was staying at the palace was threatened by any enemy. She did not need to keep his forces for battle. She could not fast. By
against the rest of the people could not follow his example, to devote all his energy to fight. They had to postpone the fasting at a later date.
is why Esther was the only fast on 13 Adar. For this reason this event also bears his name.
What do
D ... Purim as well as our people have had the upper hand over all his enemies, thus D ... still gives us the strength to finally have the upper hand on the exile and make us live D ... great marriage with his people through the revelation of Moshiach our fair.
after a speech the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Walter Spitzer
14 Adar, Adar
15 in Jerusalem and all ancient cities provided fora
Esther Ahasuerus :
"O God, confound the audacity and deceit.
These Jews, you want to deliver the kind
Whether you believe Lord, the refuse of human
In a rich country formerly sovereign
While they worshiped the God of their fathers, bless
Saw the course of their destinies prosperous.
This God, the absolute master of earth and heaven Is
point where the error appears in your eyes.
The LORD is his name. The world is his work;
He hears the sighs of the humble that contempt, Judge
all mortals with equal laws,
And from his high throne queries kings. "
" Yes! I will rise against them, saith the Lord of Hosts, and I will destroy Babylon, the name and trace the descendants and the descendants. "Esther and Mordecai
Babylon had been a powerful empire. At its head, the emperor Nebuchadnezzar thought he was a god. In his pride he had lowered the Temple Israel and reduced to ashes.
The Prophet Isaiah had anticipated the rise and fall of the tyrant fall in the size of the greatness of Babylon.
The Talmud on Purim is the definitive end of empire:
"Rabbi Yochanan explained in the following verse:
name is writing
track is language
son, c '
is the offspring of royalty, the queen Vashti .
S. Botschko
by Aert de Gelder
Aman arrived and then the king asked him: "What should be done to the man whom the king wishes to honor?" Aman and say to himself: "What other than the king would take me to honor it?" Aman replied to the king: "For a man the king wishes to honor, take a garment worn the king's royal, and a horse that the king came up and on whose head it will put a crown" . And the king said to Haman: "Go quickly and take the apparel and the horse which you spoke, and act like you have said to Mordecai the Jew who sits at the gate of the palace, especially omits no detail of everything you mentioned!
Aman then took the clothing and the horse was dressed Mordecai and ride the horse the main street of the city before him, exclaiming: "This is how we act towards the man whom the king wishes to honor."
Book of Esther
Queen Esther interceded A'hachevéroch to the king that he agrees to cancel the order made by his minister Haman. Through this plan maccabre Haman planned to destroy all the Jewish people to come on 13 Adar. Queen Esther battled with all his forces to defeat the dangerous plans of Haman. To have invested heavily in this battle to save his people from this threat, it had the merit to see the Megillah bear his name: Megillah Esther.
However, why fasting that precedes Purim 13 Adar is called there, too: The Fast of Esther? Indeed
where at the request of Mordechai, Queen Esther had to appear before the king to overturn the decree, she decided to fast for three days and asked all the Jews to follow Suze his example. This spiritual preparation before his appearance in the throne room of 14 to 16 Nissan. Therefore three days before 14 Nissan does not bring us back to 13 to 11 nissan but adar!
So why his name is associated with fasting, 13 Adar? On 13 Adar
correpond to another date. This was the day of battle. In fact, this date was originally set by Haman to undermine the existence of the Jewish people. Finally it was the day when our people fought battle anyone who tried to attack us at that time. That day, every child of Israel should have both fast and fight. Fasting to bring upon him divine help increase and fight to eradicate the enemies of Israel physically. However, the only one that could fast that day was Queen Esther. Only she was staying at the palace was threatened by any enemy. She did not need to keep his forces for battle. She could not fast. By
against the rest of the people could not follow his example, to devote all his energy to fight. They had to postpone the fasting at a later date.
is why Esther was the only fast on 13 Adar. For this reason this event also bears his name.
What do
D ... Purim as well as our people have had the upper hand over all his enemies, thus D ... still gives us the strength to finally have the upper hand on the exile and make us live D ... great marriage with his people through the revelation of Moshiach our fair.
after a speech the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Saturday, February 10, 2007
How To Sew Clothes In Pakistan
first Tishrei
Map Greeting
Alphonse Levy
first Tishrei
Map Greeting
Alphonse Levy
Rosh Hashanah is the Day of Judgement for all the world's deadliest. That day determined for each of the events next year
"Remember us for life, O King who wishes
and join us in the book of life because of
Thee, O God of Life "
Three books are opened before the Creator on the feast of Rosh Hashanah, the first is the Book of Villains, the second one of the Righteous, and the third that of "Bénoniim", "beings of the middle" nor too tight nor too wicked in the eyes of the Lord.
Rabbi Yohanan
What, are you asleep yet?
Arise, pray to the Lord.
"I am who I am." God acts according to His will,
Life and death are in His power alone.
Put your hope in Him because you can not predict anything. When and where
, tops, bottoms do not seek to know and fear God Loves
-L, as is your duty.
What, are you asleep yet?
Arise, pray to the Lord. Yehuda Halevi
Ahoti Ketana of Rosh Hashanah
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