Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Tablets Can You Take For Chest Infection


is the smallest political entity in the world after Vatican City. The two portions are congruent enclave, located within a country. It includes power brokers for one ... and the other black. The papal Masses in the Vatican are run while in "Gulf" a guru of international finance, a fact which may illuminate many shadows whispering-office where only the initiates are admitted. Verses and Te Deum on one side, chanted the other suras. Cults to avert the same fate: the narrowness of place of their wanderings. Also say that the paths to the "fraternity of faiths" borrow sometimes confusing detours for ordinary mortals ! But soon

Republic Gulf, top of this ivory tower became "the apple of the eyes of the world", we should easily see (without the hackneyed pun on "see nothing there") and depravity the world around it. Yet nobody here seems to not be touched or splashed. It is protected and served by air. Is that the gods of the West, that often it relies on high strength praise, cater to the daily. At these heights is tilted beneficial to the indifference and insensitivity. So what happens in Tunisia is that a "detail of history". Since history, the true, the only one that deserves some attention, which should be date, stories we should bequeath to posterity Africa, this story is written under the very eyes of world from the Republic of Gulf! Inshallah!

Shortly before his death, Franklin Boukaka young chansonier hired Congo - Brazzaville, posed this has been forgotten with its memories "... Everyone must die one day. But all the dead have the same meaning ! . Mourn the dead Tunisians n'égalent still not "value" we deplore those neighborhoods pro-Ouattara "Abidjan! For each one cries to the ICTY, and it is silent about others. A policy of "two weights, two measures" which borders on indecency. The conceptual confusion is such that no longer knows whether to laugh or cry. Or that the two protagonists-Gbagbo and Ouattara, should rejoice.

This ambivalence of the international community is simply disturbing to many respects. She already introduced in international law a principle of preference based on a dangerous subjectivity. It is similar in some ways, the "right of humanitarian intervention " Dear Dr. Bernard Kouchner. If the intent is virtuous, its implementation raises many practical questions for which there is still no answer. Who is entitled to see the crime and then decide on the saving intervention? And on what objective criteria? What is the quorum to be achieved, and the majority that should hold this "meeting of the Righteous": a simple or qualified? Directory, we see, can almost limitless as long as you are inventive.

Another concern: does this mean that the principle of national sovereignty, consecrated by ... the UN is now obsolete, or only that the case of Côte d'Ivoire is only a parenthesis. And once it will shut things back to normal.

Assuming that this same history, which is not without irony as we know, the international community had a situation in all respects similar to that prevailing in Côte d'Ivoire. Or or worse, history of increasing the degree of complexity. Not elsewhere in the world but in Africa as the same or worse is currently underway in Belarus (Eastern Europe!) Without anyone disturb it unduly. In Africa, therefore the place of all dictatorships to Western preference: Another Gbagbo, a CIS, a Constitutional Court to openly stock the outgoing president of Ouattara and Soro whining we went to confiscate them from Gbagbo. Should such an eventuality that would make the international community and its sidekick of ECOWAS? Would be to rise, although Coutat in two joint expeditionary forces to go the other top Ouattara also ? Does it call to rescue the Foreign Legion (French army) to dislodge, or "smuggle" the new terminology which we now use extensively in the Republic of Gulf Gbagbo this one? Since the ridiculous, unfortunately, do not kill the spirits are now well prepared to attend yet another zaniness of the international community, such as: "No, no, no, this is what it Gbagbo, not the other! .

Tunisians and Belarussians who are tragically spirit of experimentation, now know that this is a scenario more likely. It is not the only ones besides. All the international observers are amazed not just that such bias can be expressed openly. While few have the courage to confess publicly their disapproval. For in these times of moralizing the Ivorian customs it is fashionable to oppose in silence. Exits to be an accomplice and a serious perversion (the spirit and the letter) of international law, which is used to map such a trivial restaurant menu. A fast food to eat during it's still warm, with a lingering bitterness at the end of the quarry. Because that is the bread that everyone is invited to share: Laurent Gbagbo offered as a sacrifice to an example from scratch . Political correctness combined, at the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century, at its worst ...

Two chairmen for both countries ...
is because the French in Ivory Coast have stubbornly refused to obey the instructions repeated their president, who asked them to leave precipitously Abidjan, that of Nicolas Sarkozy, death at heart, to observe his recent silence. And even to distance themselves from the military option. Also because the countries were forced warmongers to bow to the will of the Nigerian Goodluck Jonathan of the crusade to submit the consent of the Security Council of UN. So that the coup might find a legal basis. In this sense means the Nigerian president refuses to assume the historical responsibility of the firefighter-arsonist. He knows, everyone knows that China and Russia are annoyed that the West s'octroyât almost divine right to decide the destiny of peoples. Especially since the same zeal is rarely demonstrated in it's fight against the scourges more virulent than Gbagbo: famine, illiteracy, HIV, especially malaria, which is the biggest killer in Africa. Much more than the wars that sometimes the hand of the West is no stranger. In truth, amid the hubbub surrounding it on the fire power of Nigeria all have so blithely to engulf the entire sub-region. It's a safe bet that the Nigerian Army will not engage in this adventurous whim.

Another thing: Laurent Gbagbo enjoys support from some personalities French public has resonated within the presidential majority. One of the chiefs of the UMP, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Prime Minister Jacques Chirac, on TV5 professed bluntly that " France must remain in the background ... it must express its values by example ; and not by lessons . Clearly, this is not what we witnessed in the post-election crisis in Côte d'Ivoire: France has ingested without shades in the internal politics of a sovereign country. But it was silent on the Tunisian case. And serves today as cautious prudes and advice to the Egyptian authorities who believe in truth, does not mean anything. Should we conclude that in current events, and for others who preceded them, Paris "expressed its values by example and not by the lessons? Now therefore there is little, is not France who cried indignantly to the interference when the Council of Europe his government suspected of engaging in racism in the treatment of the thorny issue of the Roma ? Today it affects its estrangement of the Ivory Coast to lull the suspicions, even though everyone knows that it slides actively strives to resolve the conflict in the sense of his own wishes. Who, it must be feared, do not necessarily align with their interests in the longer term. The egos of Sarkozy is not an asset to the international politics of his country. Never mind, over time the strategy of the French government, facing the intransigence of Laurent Gbagbo, has emerged. The Republic of Gulf now calling to spread northward in a logical partition that will soon give his name. Since there are two presidents, it takes two countries!

Fate Côte d'Ivoire seems sealed his fate tragically similar to those in Bosnia and Kosovo, the Balkan republics trumped by the international community. It tells the story she stutters. At Liberation Army of Kosovo (KLA) now she blames the abuses committed against Serbs during the "liberation war" of the Bosnian people. New Forces, binoculars in the insurgency, history will not fail to redistribute the share of crimes that are emerging. The "civilized world" then closed his eyes and mouth on the first-barbarism "that Silence gives consent "- he will do the same for others. Meanwhile the Republic of Gulf takes shape. Born with forceps by the "sovereign will of the international community." With the help of a handful of mercenary African potentates evil respectability and legitimacy that rewards for their allegiance to those promises once he is only fifty-years across Africa challenged the trusteeship. And contempt. Decidedly history endlessly stuttering ... but to speak ill of Africans. That their current political leaders would sell father and mother, much less people they have only made-for some that the West should secure their power!

places of the Republic of Gulf now teeming with people. To ask how they are accessed, they are subject to "strict blockade. At last Henry Konan Bedie, weighted with women, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, also have successfully solicited asylum. While Guillaume Soro came out easily go to ensure the loyalty of an audience of brigands. A real grinder, whatever ...

fact remains that the West, with its sad and ... recent experience of Kosovo, recidivism. Although it is not lucky in this regard, it is a peaceful drive to "create" a new African state. Like the good old days of foccardisme. Perhaps it is the fierce competition on the Chinese mainland who commands that we put back on the craft the old methods of yesteryear. Which showed in their time, their effectiveness. Begue, history? Or rather the collective memorial transcription hit by intermittent episodes of amnesia. Like a Swiss cheese, this cheese with holes! To be honest, but not without a hint of admiration, Africans like to say that "God is great , but White is not small ! . Inshallah! EMERY-UHINDU
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