Monday, January 3, 2011

How Should A Cervix Look Just Before A Period?

Langelaan, WRITER-SPY

Robert Laffont / SECRET AGENT # 13 & 34, 1964-65

a sacred character, this George Langelann! Secret Agent English and French man of letters, the lover of popular culture knows it without knowing for its new post-SF Kafkaesque The Fly, adapted for film several times. Near
of Aleister Crowley and passion of these facts damned expensive to Planet team, he tried many things but his original training caught up with him constantly.

Top 50, he wrote his memoirs with a secret agent (Langdon Appointed A) and in 1964, following the trend of the moment, launches collection of espionage Editions Robert Laffont .
On its label, back cover, he smokes a pipe, like Peter North, but enlisted a parrot on his shoulder - the emblem of the collection and personal fantasy.
Man is an original. It tracks the ghost in mansions and type in French novels in the English action, giving the kind eight books, all published in his collection Parakeet, all featuring his famous couple spies: Sandy Grant Garnet and Foncine , muscles and head, the English mad dog and the French gentleman.
Duo conventional but competent. The charm works, even when Langelaan botches his stories in dietary habits.

example, in Club Mediterranee, the pair is sent to Sicily . This is their last published adventure and suspense novel based on the cover text reveals straightforward. " A space capsule goes astray and secret agents of the five parts of the world .. plunge."
That is unfortunate. The mystery of the first 120 pages is stale long before the opening of the book. And needless to rely on the action to catch this blunder. Without
brawl or shooting, Club Med is aptly named. It's spy camp Vacation. Note still a torture session ridiculous inspired by the pottery of Sunday and a love story with hints of marshmallow slow languorous.
However, if it gives (as many French authors) in the sobriety of petty ambitions, Langelaan is doing really quite well. It is neither amazed nor esbaudi but it remains pleasantly distracted , in every sense of the term, applied by the strong narrative. A book
resorts, somehow, perfectly combined with a lounge chair under the buttocks and a Panama hat on his head.

The suspense works by cons almost perfectly The Dolphin Talk Too, third adventure of the duo. The text of the summary of coverage and fourth in saying just enough to entice the reader and the novel starts off like a wheel.

A secret agent is discovered lifeless mutilated in the desert Sahara. Sandy Garnet and then investigate to Gibraltar to Tangier. They do not know and then they run and have only one subscript, code-named Dolphin.
not spread from their natural phlegm, our heroes then decode a series of secret messages improbable, shackle chess movements equivocal uncover double agents who turn out to be triple . This is the dance of espionage in English, with its little rules and codes hidden.

The highlight of the show is reached chapter 10, when Sandy discovers to his cost, in a secret laboratory, the real meaning of the word dolphin.
We suspected a bit but passage, as nervous qu'horrifiant, subjugates . Langelaan there found his great passion for the fantastic slightly tinged science fiction.
Unfortunately, after this cold bang, the author plunges helplessly in his meal plot. The sprint the last 60 pages becomes chaotic. The novel itself is struggling to conclude - the fault of an evil little convincing, with intentions and nebulae along with an assistant as a book of blue flowers in Delly. The latter is also treated all the time fields " bitch! " by our heroes (!!!) before I knew, in their hands, a wrongful death.
Too bad. Leaded by a speedy end, Le Dauphin Talk Too collapses. The balance was already unstable and acts more quaint.
But whatever. For if Langelaan work too often in the half-tone, his spy novels deserve to be (re) discovered, if only for their unique aspect: it sometimes seems to read Frank Gruber of rewrittant John le Carré from a scientific idea of Jacques Bergier.
Originality, even defective, must be underlined . And


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