Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Why Oovoo Not Working In Usa


Ouattara might well be safe home, barricaded under vigilant guard of the UN armada . Since the mission jiffy redesigned peacekeepers in Ivory Coast protecting the civilian population is a grotesque "coverage" that abused person does not resolve more than this: watch over the elect of the international community. To the extent that this nebula has never "called" a chair where it was in the world. In taking refuge at the Hotel du Golfe, Ouattara, who was sued by the real person, wanted to mark a strong sign, symbol of the new status quo. He wanted to appear Laurent Gbagbo as a dangerous dictator capable of endangering the life of his adversary to retain power. For victimhood it was, even caricature, the idea that a "winner" of the elections or forced into exile in his own country, made fly. Especially since the world's media have relayed, with obvious delight, the burlesque of the situation: a tragi-comedy that Africa alone holds the secret. Now and then wanting to "trap" the international public to call its sympathy to his cause, Ouattara is now found himself trapped. He had never imagined that his voluntary receivership last as long, because he was easily persuaded by the eminence grise-Guillaume Soro, probably as powerful of this world, he would crown the favor soon Caliph in place of the Caliph. " biter" or trapped trapper, morality remains the same: not tensioner traps wants. Ouattara has not Soro, far from it! Another find-as and when you have to play fantasy-was to hit to the wallet. The freezing of assets abroad. Usually it is raised a little money on the backs of the people, ill-gotten treasure, a sort of dime that we recompense "for loyal service to ... yourself." However, between the Western expert hands the sword of Damocles has always been a formidable deterrent. Its mere mention terrified many offenders to power in Africa. Unpleasant surprises as regards Laurent Gbagbo. All are stunned to discover that the man has neither lavish properties in France, or huge bank accounts in Switzerland, not even a luxury sedan, nothing that could have the pleasure of capturing. Gbagbo would not Bongo (father and son) or Sassou Nguesso? "And yet Dramane and Guillaume had assured us ...." But the two friends also assured that he had "hit" on the side of States Central Bank of West African (BCEAO). Only was there also "forgot" was in Abidjan, Lagos, the largest contributor ... And that revenue from exports Ivorian remained to this day still controlled by Gbagbo. Should an economic embargo, Chinese, Russians and even Brazilians or Indians do not feel obliged. Although emerging countries would not be sorry to occupy the land so vacated. It's the same for arms agreements. Who could actually stop Iran from trading in this area with the Ivory Coast? None of this would be done in the true, to significantly affect U.S. the United Kingdom, or Canada ... But France, definitely.

The war of words
Meanwhile misinformation, "brainwashing" in diplomatic language, is in full swing. It never ceases to speak of mass graves that nobody can identify location. Ouattara himself appeared on television, the mine afflicted, to prevent the planning of a genocide by the opposing camp. The eye and discomfited by a hoarse sob selected, the "president of the Gulf" says he can not stand the sight of blood poured from a single Ivorian. As to forget that Ouattara took even in his time, and without scruples that manifest themselves appropriately today, the head of the rebel New Forces. And that this arm of his political movement left Côte d'Ivoire bloodless. This spectacular volte-face reflects the new stature of president, which controls certain changes in posture. Seem to bring people together, the discourse must now sweat appeasement. The man has certainly changed! But that's the side garden. Or so the courtyard, and immediately in the wake of "good Ouattara" - suggests they were inspired by thrillers American-comes a feeling of realism Guillaume Soro in his role of villain. The air stirred angry he always the specter of a war that everyone knows he can not only trigger. The bulk of its troops, the New Forces, has already been dismantled and disarmed, demobilized or integrated into the Ivorian army. But it affects the location of anyone who will listen, that is to say the international community, he still enough firepower to put the country with fire and blood as before! A bluff which use plenty; since obviously his soaring going into the war-and also the intimidation of foreigners, are not meant to terrify Laurent Gbagbo. The message is also well received by Ouattara. He indicated that the limits should exceed his temperance. Because right now for Soro, a compromise, any, would be to jeopardize its interests remain high off track.

Who can make war in Côte d'Ivoire ? Although
each other Gbagbo claimed to place under pressure, each day that passes away pitifully "Military option" which Ouattara and Soro waited much. The first defection was French, it was proof that even for Sarkozy, France's interests are not necessarily those of Ivorians! By repeating since the urge, that Paris would not intervene militarily in Côte d'Ivoire, the French president seems to have recovered his spirits. In truth he had no choice but to subordinate his personal feelings with incalculable consequences for his country in a war in Africa. Realpolitik requires. No one in Paris as the European Union would have accepted. There was George W. Bush for what now should not be . But not only French residents in the Ivory Coast do not want to repeat the traumatic experience of the past: give up everything in this African paradise without any real counterpart in France. They are neutral, they want their government is too. That is to protect, rather than urging them to vacate as evil own. Especially since everyone knows that Gbagbo has never harmed the interests of France in Côte d'Ivoire. Quite the contrary: large French companies were guaranteed of OTC contracts without bidding. Neither Bouygues, Bolloré nor does it really complain ...
In Africa itself the candidates for punitive not queuing at the gate, contrary to what people want to believe some of the most intractable dictators. Those who rightly deserve a thousand times more than Gbagbo, in view of their misdeeds on their populations, the force being applied to them so they liberated power brutally usurped! Ghana had officially withdrawn, the Nigerian-Goodluck Jonathan all the hopes of "international coup" no longer based as he will first have to extricate himself from his own inner turmoil before thinking of flying to the rescue of Alassane Ouattara. Legion dwindling to a trickle in the absence of Nigeria we will no longer count on the life president of Burkina neighbor. This "mediator causes more noble than his own" in the past has fueled the rebel New Forces. His contacts with Ouattara proved. Blaise Compaore has been working since he did not break a silence which would confirm the suspicion that all have a place in his office, should logically be tempted to "go there". And despite the fact that Côte d'Ivoire is home to thousands of Burkinabe nationals. Their safety is unlikely to weigh on the scale if this potentate, who is decidedly less integrity than his people, was his personal interest to do battle once again with Gbagbo. Senegalese and Malians are housed in the same boat. More than France, the massive presence of their fellow citizens in Côte d'Ivoire is a given non-negligible in their decision to march on Abidjan. Between the risk of retaliation on their citizens, and the capacity of their respective countries in case of a massive reflux of refugees, it must choose. It's a real poker game liar face the leaders of these countries. Especially that in the event of a war in which they have imprudently incurred their armies, it is feared that perhaps millions of Ivorians will necessarily lose life. Alassane Ouattara could not prevent foreigners, or those considered as such, are taken to task by the population remained loyal to Gbagbo. To pretend otherwise is a hoax. Less than resign himself to them as collateral damage. " You can not make an omelette without breaking eggs ", perhaps? Except here it is people! Picturesque
are stupid ... and repeated release of the Kenyan Raila Odinga. Firmness shown by fierce everyday he strives against Gbagbo, as the looser that is, to pass subliminal messages to the president with whom he was forced to share power. Kenyan Prime Minister thinks he has found to vent his frustration in a game of mirrors convex and upset. Behold the vigilante in Côte d'Ivoire, hands still dripping with the blood of civilians of his country, while his real battle is elsewhere. Decidedly African politicians, when they can not afford their policy, do not know display the courage of their ambitions. Or vice versa. Except maybe some Gbagbo ... He is now paying dearly. EMERY-UHINDU GINGALA GINGANJ


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